New girl

Jumping up to my morning alarm clock I look at the time.

'6:30am' Monday morning.

It's my first day of a new highschool. Low key kinda nervous but no one else needs to know that of course.

I get my clothes that I picked out last night and put them on. It's a white cropped shirt, with some black ripped jeans, and my white converse. Also putting on my few rings I have and a diamond necklace I got from my grandma.

Finishing with brushing out my straight black hair and running down stairs with my little bag and phone.

"Morning hunny." My mom says from the kitchen. "I made you some breakfast for your first day.

"Aw thanks mom. Your the best." I give her a kiss on the cheek before grabbing a plate of food and scarfing it down.

'7:25am' now and I'm off to school. I left a little early so that I can walk to school and still not be late. It's not a very long walk tho because my neighborhood is right down the street, but I enjoy taking my time looking at the beautiful sunrise reflecting of the water and trees near the houses.

Once I start to get close to the school my heart begins racing. I'm so nervous I won't meet many people and will have to eat lunch in the bathroom like a loser.

I get all the courage in my body to walk up the big highschool stairs and start to see groups of people all outside the door.

I wonder why they are all outside and not inside? I walk up to the door to see that it's locked. Ah I see now. Greattt.

"Hey! You most be new." I girls voice appeared from behind me as I flip around to see her.

"That obvious." I say kinda embarrassed.

"Ya a little." She laughs. "But it's ok cause I'm here to help."

"Oh. How do?"

"I'm an principled assistant here which means I'm here to help all the new freshman."

"Oh cool. So your like one of thoughs nerdy teachers pet." I joke.

"Um I'm not really nerdy like you see in moves but ya I guess. People don't really dislike me like a teachers pet though I'm just here to help!"

"Alright fair enough."

"So first off let me introduce you to the groups. And yes there are groups here. It's like the most stereotypical highschool you will get."

"Oh wow ok."

"Alright so first off over there I'd the jocks. They think they can get every single girl they want and are the most popular."


"Ya I know. Then over there is the popular know it all girls who think they can just walk all over anyone who isn't as 'pretty as them'." She says in quotations.

"Great." I say sarcastically.

"Then we have the goths. Nerds. Hippies. Teacher aids. And lastly the chill fun group, kinda don't have a label they are just a friend group that always hang out together and love each other's company. Would do anything for each other kinda thing. You get the gist."

"Wow okay so this is like a school in the movies." I joke.

"Ya it's insane actually."

"Well thanks for the little info on who I need to look out for."

"You bet. Now when the doors open you need to go straight to the office to get your things then from there you just do you. You went to the opening thing last Friday right?"

"The what?"

"Oh great. So you haven't gotten a tour around the place?"

"No I just moved here last week so didn't have time to go."

"Okay well I can send someone to give you a quick tour if you'd like."

"It's ok I think I'll be ok."

"Alright." And with that the bell rings and everyone flows inside. I go straight to the office like I'm told and get my schedule, locker number, lunch pin, and a little nap to help me get around.

This school is Huge! Way bigger then my old school. I quickly go around the whole school to find my locker. 'Locker 152' finally.

Opening is up a set I few things in so I don't have to carry it and then head to my first class. Home room.

Opening the door everyone is already here and the teacher is giving assigned seats. Great.

"Cerara cela." The teacher calls out my name.

"Present sir." The second I speak the whole class is looking at me. Half in there seats already and half standing waiting.

"You will be sitting in the middle row to the second to left far right. Next to Sarah, and Jace. Don't know who thoughs people are but hopefully they aren't bratty.

And of course with my luck Sarah is Bratty. I'm guessing one of the 'popular girls' because she's acting like she can control me. Jace hasn't said a word yet though. Most be shy.

"Hey. I'm cerara." I say to a quite Jace.

"Oh uh hi. I'm Jace." He gives me a sweet smile.

"You new too?" I ask

"Ya. That noticeable."

"A little." I joke. "It's alright so am I."

"Oh. Well wanna be friends so we aren't alone."

"Duh!" I say jokingly.

"Haha cool!"


My few first classes have gone by fast and now it's time for lunch. Oh fun.

Walking into the big cafeteria everyone is all I'm there groups and I start to get nervous. But luckily for me someone comes up to me first. Thank god.

"Hey you most be new." I girl with brown hair in a loose bun says to me with a warm smile.

"Ya kinda."

"Well I'm Tessa. But you can call me tes." She offers her hand an I accept.

"I'm cerara cela."

"Oh unique name I like it. Mind if I call you Cece."

"No not at all that's cute."

"Awesome! Come on I'll show you my friend group."

"Okay" I follow her to a table with three boys. Please don't be popular snobby people.

"Hey boys this is cerara. She's new so be nice!" Tessa commands.

All the boys move there attention to me and look me up and down. Getting in all my features and curves.

"Well hello there." A blonde says with a little smirk.

"K y'all done checking me out." I joke with a grin.

And all three boys turn away in embarrassment.

"Haha I like you already."Tessa jokes.

I just laugh a little.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to." I dark skinned boy says with a genuine sorry look.

"It's okay." I smile.

"I'm Benjamin but just call me Ben." He says offering my hand again.

"Cerara." I smile accepting.

"Sense these other two losers are to big of wimps to talk. This is Ethan." Tessa says pointing to a shaggy light brown haired boy. "And that's Jacob but we just call him JJ for short." Pointing to the blondie. Man are these boys hot. Surprisingly. Tessa most be real lucky to have theee hot best friends. Dang.

Blondie turns to face me again and nods his head flashing me a peace sign. And Brunette gives me a wave. Weirdos.

"Well come sit." Tessa says to me.

She then sits next to Ben and I sit next to her and blondie who is sitting on the table instead of the chair.

"JJ get your ass off where we eat!" Tessa commands. He quickly listens and hops down sitting his butt on the chair next to me and sending me a wink. I just giggle a little.

"Well this is our group. As you can tell we aren't the popular snobby or the geeks. Well Ben is a nerd but he hangs out with us for some reason." Tessa explains.

"I am not a nerd! I'm just not dump like these boys." He says referring to blondie and brunette.

"Hey bruh rude!" Ethan says

"Anyways." Tessa interrupts. "We are just the troubled group I guess you could say. Ethan and Jacob are always doing stupid crap that get us in trouble. But we look out for each other and when someone messes with one of us they get all of us." Tessa explains.

"Aw that's cute."

"Hey. It's badass not cute." Jacob says.

"Oh. Does cute make you feel little." I joke.

"Ya I does!"

"So cute!" I torment. And he shoves my shoulder playfully.

"Man isn't is nice to have another girl to help me keep these boys on check."

"Oh I mean I can try to help but I'm kinda a trouble maker myself."

"Ayee now I'm excited!" Blondie says.

"Oh no." Tessa says jokingly.

"You'll fit right in." Ethan says giving me a high five.

Wow I'm so lucky I actually met a fun group that's not bitchy. Thank youu!