First football game.

The bell rang, startling me awake and ended up falling in my chair.

"Ouch." I looked up to see a laughing Jacob but after giving him a glare he quickly offered his hand for help. I grabbed it and lifted myself up.

Rubbing my butt in pain I could see Jacob trying to hold on a laugh.

Seeing is ridiculous face and realizing what just happened cracked a laugh out of my mouth as well and we both just started cracking up.

"That was so embarrassing." I said shaking my head still chuckling a little.

"It was. Even for me." Jacob jokes.

"Oh whatever." I laugh. "Did I fall asleep through the whole class!?"

"You did." He chuckles.

"Omg! Did I miss anything!?"

"No not really. She was just talking about how the class is going to go and how we might have a project soon."

"Aw dang."

"Ya. It's with partners too."

"Oh that's cool."

"Ya but she's picking them."

"Oh frick."

"Mhm. I wanna be with a nerd so I can get a good grade."

"Omg." I shake my head in disbelief. "So you can just make them do all the work for you."

"You bet." He jokes."

"Omg. Your insane. Let's just go." I roll my eyes at him playfully and grab my back. Saying bye to him before going our separate ways to our next class. Which is 6th and I honestly like that class, it's science and I thing it's fun. Plus I have Tessa to keep me companied and we just jack around the whole time.

"Hey babe!" I yelled to my brown haired only girl friend.

"Hey Cece! How was class with j."

"Good actually. I slept the whole time." I chuckled.

"Aah. Was he mad or anything?"

"I mean we didn't really talk much but I ended up falling asleep on his shoulder and he seemed to not mind or be mad. And then I fell out of my chair and he laughed at me so I think we're good." I explained with a playful thumbs up.

"Haha wow. Sounds like you."

"Hey what's that mean!?"

"Your clumsy as heck Cerara." She says seriously.

"That I am I cant lie." With both head to our seats in science right next to each other. Being one of the first people in the class I decided to lay on the marbled desk sense the teacher couldn't tell me not too.

"Girl get your ass off the desk! I have to put my papers there." Tessa complains.

"Hunny I'm pretty sure my clothed butt is the least of your problems. I saw mr. And Mrs. Lovey davy come in here during passing period yesterday and I'm pretty sure it got pretty heated in here."

"Gross Cerara." She complained. I just laughed a little and started to get disgusted myself so decided to hop off.

Everyone is not all I'm the class and the teacher is a little late as always.

I was kinda just on my own thoughts for a little while chewing on my pencil. My legs we cross on top of the desk comfortably before I felt a hand tap my shoulder.

"Cece." Tessa whispered.

"Yes?" I questioned. Turning my attention to her.

"Look." She pointed over a a boy was was smirking at me and Tessa and when we looked over he winked at us. Honestly I was kinda cringy to me. The boy looked like a ducking man whore who just wanted to get in our pants. Clearly Tessa thought otherwise.

"He's soo hot!"

"Not really. Your best friends are hotter."

"Ew. I do not think that way about that." She chuckled and I just shrugged.

"He's totally into you."

"Um he's clearly looking at both of us and we are both super hot so he's prob into you too. Plus he's probably just wanting to get in our pants."

Tessa smacked my shoulder.

"Stop being so judge! He's like one of the most popular boys in the school! He's also a jock."


"Okay fine. If you don't want that hot hunk of meet I'll take him." She said honestly starting to drool a little.

"Your disgusting." I chuckled. "Have ya it girl."

"I will. Speaking of!" She said suddenly like she just remembered something. "Ethan was talking about how there is a football fame today after school! We should def go!" She squealed.

"Alright that sounds nice. I love football games!"

I honestly did. It was super cool. I loved tackling people and if they would let a girl on the football team I would take that anyway. I'm kinda a you only live once kinda gal so whatever I can do I will do. And sports are one of thoughs things. I've done almost every single sport my whole life but yet couldn't do football. And I wasn't going to let thoughs boys saying girls couldn't play get in my way. If I wanted something I got it. So I'm going to show them how good I am and they will be begging me to join.

Probably not actually. I'm just joking. But it would be pretty awesome! I've always loved football.

"So you in?" Tessa asked.

"Definitely." She got excited at my answer. "So we going straight there after school?" I asked.

"Yes. The boys play so I normally just go with them so we can both go."

"Alright cool."

"Yup! And I can see Mr hottie. Maybe get his number."

"Oml Tessa your crazy." I chuckled.

On that note the teacher finally arrived and started the lesson.


The bell to last class finally rang and I quickly got my things and walked over to Jacob. We was sitting a bit behind me. This class had assigned seats because it's ELA. You know them ELA teachers. Anyways.

"Hey j?"

"What's up?"

"Are you okay? Earlier at lunch you got a little heated. I just wanted to make sure you weren't mad at me."

"Oh. No I'm not. I'm sorry about that."

"It's okay. Tessa told me you get like that sometimes and it's totally fine." I gave him a reassuring smile and he flashed one right back.

"So your in football right?"

"Ya I am? Tessa tell you?"

"She did."

"So your going!?" He asked a little excited. It was low key cute the way he got excited.

"I am." I said incessantly.

"Alright cool. You can come with me then I'll show you were we normally go sense we're walking."

He explained.

"Cool. Let's go."


Me and Jacob met up with the group. They were all waiting for us outside by the stairs.

"Let's go boys." Tessa says. Jumping off the railing.

I just followed them. Not exactly knowing where the field was or anything. We started walking on a path, there were lots of trees covering us and it was really pretty. The sun shining through them causing everything to glow.

"Ugh I love nature." Tessa says breaking the silence. She was jumping all around and gliding her hands across all the trees and flowers that she passed.

"Ya it's so pretty here." I explained.

"It is!" Tessa said excitingly.

"Shouldn't y'all be getting to the game early sense your playing?" I asked the boys. Turning around to face them and now walking backwards.

"We will be early. This is actually a short cut." Ethan explained.

"Oh lit!" I said before twisting around smoothly and waking forwards.

"Why am I even coming with y'all. I could be at home studying." Ben whined.

"Aw poor baby." I said giving him a sarcastic pout. The others chuckled and Ben just rolled his eyes.

"You can't miss out on all the fun!" Jacob said.

"Football games are not fun." Ben retaliated.

"Football games are awesome!" I enthusiastically explained.

"You liem football?" Blondie asked.

"Love it! If boys weren't to sexist I would be signing up to play right now!"

"Damn really! That's hot." Jacob mumbled.

I rolled my eyes and Ethan chuckled.

"Damn right! I would best all y'all asses! But everyone's always so 'omg girls can't play football' type shit." I mocked rolling my eyes annoyed.

"Nah. We could totally get you in." Ethan said.

"Wait for real!?" I asked excited.

"Ya for sure! If you can amaze the couch you can get in. We just have to convenes him to let you try out." Ethan explained.

"Omggg!" I said starting to get riled up with energy. Imagine me actually getting to play!!

Everyone laughed at my hyper and happiness.

Shortly after we made it to the field. Barely anyone was there. The boys took us to sit down but decided I should go with them to talk to the couch to see if I could try out.

I can't believe this is actually happening!!!

"Hey couch!" Jacob said.

"Hey boys! Girl?"

"This is Cerara cela." Jacob said before pushing me gently in front of them.

"Afternoon sir." I said offering my hand for him to shake.

"Hella Cerara. I've heard things about you."

"Good things I hope??"

"Well. I've heard things about your past I'm your old school." He said frowning.


"Oh right. I'd like to forget about that sir. It's mistakes in the past and I have learned and grown from them. I am doing much better now sir. Making good grades and everyone."

"That's good cela." He gave me a sweet smile before turning back to the boys.

Looking at the questionably. Wondering why I'm here.

"Coach. We were wondering if maybe you could let Cerara try out. For football." Ethan coughed up nervously.

"Cerara!? I don't know. She could get really hurt. And the boys might not like that idea." He explained.

"Because I'm a girl!?" I asked low key shocked he would be so sexist.

"Well. Ya. I just think you would get tackled and injured badly. They play rough."

"And I play rougher." I said starting to get mad. "And it's not like boys don't get hurt too. So what. If I get hurt I can get right back up. Just cause I'm a girl doesn't mean I'm a wimp. I can handle it."

He cleared his throat. I could tell I was making him nervous.

"Just let her show you what she's got. And if she's good let her in. So what if she's a girl." Jacob defended. I smiled at him before turning back to the coach.

"Alright fine." I started to jump up and down. Omgg I can't believe he's letting me try outtt!!

"Tomorrow after school we'll meet here and you'll show me what you got. Deal." He said lending out his hand.

"Deal." I said shaking it roughly.

"Alright. Now you boys get in there and get ready for the game!!" He yelled darkening his voice.

"Yessir!" The boys said before smiling at me and heading in the dressing room to get ready.

I walked back to the seats happy as heck and started telling Tessa and Ben about everything.

The game shortly started and the crowd was boiling. After a while the game ended with our school getting a victory! 27-22