
"CeCe catch!" Jacob throws the ball right towards us unexpectedly and I swiftly catch it fast.

"Damn girl nice reflex." Ethan applause. I just smile and roll my eyes playfully before little tossing it back to Jacob.

"Maybe you should play football with us." Jacob laughs before sitting down in front of me, on the picnic table.

Sense I needed to help Ethan with his grades, the whole group decided to tag along.

Ben and Tessa are sitting on the grass by a tree listening to music, Jacob was playing with his football and me and Ethan were going over some things he didn't understand.

"Whatcha working on." Jacob Interrupts.

"Do you really need that much attention." I joke.

"Only from you, baby." He winks at me playfully, and I just scuff and shake my head at his terrible flirting.

"Well, we are working on science. Not that it's any of your business. Well unless you actually care to do the work for once."

"Oh nope. I'm good." He then gets up and chuckles a little at himself.

I raise an eye grow up in confusion wondering why he was laughing.

"Unless. Tutoring from you gets us Alone time. In that case meet me at my house tomorrow evening." He bites his lip playfully and I shove his face back causing him to stumble a little bit catch himself.

"Your such a man whore."

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Okay, guys can you stop bickering so I can actually get this done." Ethan chuckles.

"Right." I mumble.

"Sorry." Jacob surrenders, before spinning around swiftly and throwing the ball towards Ben and Tessa. The ball hits right between them causing them to flinch.

"Oops sorry."

"I swear to god JJ I will kill you!" Tessa yells before getting up and running after Jacob who sprints away like his life depended on it.

"They're retarded." I giggle.

"Indeed." Ethan laughs.

"Alright. At least now we have quite sense Jacobs gone."

"Thank god."

"So. You have a test on Friday as well right?"

"I do."

"Have you studied."



"what!? I was hoping you could help me!"

"I told you I would tutor you on things you didn't understand! Not plan out give you answers to 'study' plus your going to forget everything by then."

"You told me you were a good teacher!"

"I am.."

"Then.. you should be perfectly fine at helping me study." He says cockingly.

"Oml. You give me headaches."

"Oh pleaseee!"

We both laugh. But I end up helping anyways. It's the least I can do anyways. I mean he's gonna help me get on the team. And he was so nice on the first day I came.

After the park Ethan dropped all of us home with his cute little van that has stickers and matches his sweet outdoorsy beachy personality.

Ok I promise it would make sense if you saw it..

Anyways. I'm in my room now currently cleaning up actually. It was a little messy from the move and I hate when my rooms messy.

I really love my room tho. It's much better then the room in my old house. The old one was super small and everything was squished and there were ugly colored walls.

But this room was a good size and has pretty white walls. My decor is pretty modern and white, a few plants and shelf's with some candles, my dresser, and a string of lights with some pictures of my old friends and a little that I took of my new ones, but I really need to take more.

I also have a pretty big bed with a light baby pink comforter and pillows topped with a teddy bear my dad gave me. Before he passed.

I'm honestly really happy with how it turned out.

After finishing it up a bit I went to my computer desk and began to study for the test on Friday, which is in two days and I like to make sure I'm good on it. I honestly don't care to much about school and grades. But I want to make sure I am doing good so I can go to a good college and get a good job.

Speaking of. I need to actually find a job soon so I can help mom pay for the bills. The last thing I need is to end up homeless because my moms to busy drinking at the bar or sleeping around with a random guy.

I sigh at the thought before going down stairs to see if my was home.

"Mom!?" I yelled.

"Yes hunny?" She says once I reach the kitchen.

"Oh your home?"

"Why do you sound so surprised?"

"Don't you have work?"

"Oh. Well. I actually don't have a job yet. But I'm working on it."

"Mom? How do you not have a job? How are you paying for the house?"

"You don't need to worry about that sweetie."

"Mom. How are you paying for the house if you don't have a job!?" I repeat but more sternly.

"I'm just helping out with some things at my friends house. It's just making enough money for the house and some food. But I will get a better job soon."

"And what if they 'friend' stops paying you and you have nothing left?"

"They won't hunny."

"Dont bet on it."

"You need to watch your tone."

I sigh before continuing.

"I'm sorry mom. I just want to make sure we will be ok and won't have to leave this place."

"I know. But I'm trying my best ok."

"I think I'm going to get a small job too. So I can help."

"Your just a kid, you shouldn't have so much responsibility."

"Trust me. It's alright mom. I would do anything to help. Plus if I find a job I will like then it will be fun!"

"Your such a good kid cerera. I'm so proud of you." She pulls me in a tight bear hug and I smile and hug back.

"Thank you mom. Now I'm going to go and see if there are any jobs for me."

"Okay sweaty. Be safe."

"I will mom. I can fight a bitch any day." I chuckle.

"Hey! Language!"

"Sorry sorry." I then blow her a kiss and shut the front door. I grab my skate board and skate down the road into town. Off to get some monayyy.