An Attempt at Evil

Lila sat in shame as her mother paced around the room.

"Expelled? You've been skipping school and pulling stunts, and now you've been expelled? I can't believe this!" she shouted.

"Mom, I told you! It's Marinette's fault! She must have put the mirror in my bag!" Lila panicked.

"What about the other item you stole?" her mom crossed her arms.

"I- I found it! It must have fallen out-"

"No more lies!"

Lila crossed her arms, "Of course you don't believe me. You're not my real mom."

Lila's mom sighed and walked out of Lila's room.

She partially closed the door before Lila said, "Are you going to enroll me in another school soon?"

"No. I'm homeschooling you."

"What? No! That's so dumb!"

"Hopefully, you'll become more focused on your work."

Lila's mom walked away leaving Lila to hate Marinette more and more. Her plan could still work. If Lila could akumatize Marinette for being angry at someone, she could force Marinette to run around and lose the trust if all her friends by being rude and mean to them.

Lila grabbed the Butterfly Miraculous and pinned it under her jacket and out of sight. Nooroo appeared in a purple blur.

"How may I be of service?"

Lila closed her eyes, "I'm trying to find a negative emotion. Nooroo, dark wings rise!"

Lila transformed into a Hawkmoth with a similar outfit. She looked at herself with amazement. Lila was a supervillain, and that made her feel powerful. She concentrated hard. Either Marinette or someone else would be angry. It was time for the new Hawkmoth to strike.


Mira scrolled through her phone and looked at some posts on social media. A video of Lila caught stealing had been posted. Mira thought it was a bit extreme to post something like this, but Lila had it coming. Since Marinette had done something for her, Mira promised she would do something for Marinette.

Mira tucked her phone away in her purse to notice Marinette and Adrien walking over the bridge. They were holding hands and laughing. Adrien held some ice cream that he and Marinette were sharing. The two of them reminded Mira of the past. Some of it was bad, some of it was good.

Mira's smile faded when she saw what happened next. Marinette spilled ice cream on her shirt. She back up and dropped her purse. Mira watched as a couple of folded papers in Marinette's bag fell off the bridge and into the water below. Marinette looked crushed, and Mira watched helplessly. Adrien ran across the bridge, leaving Marinette alone.

Lila opened her eyes, "Yes! Now I can get revenge on Marinette. She released an akuma and waited for it to reach Marinette.

Mira began to walk towards Marinette. Maybe she could help in some way? Something caught Mira's eye. It was a dark purple butterfly.

"Akuma...?" Mira thought. She had read about the Butterfly Miraculous being used the wrong way. It broke her heart. The butterfly flew right towards Marinette. Mira gasped. She had read about the akumatized victims and all the trouble they caused. She knew this was the perfect time to do something for Marinette.

Mira rushes towards the butterfly without Marinette noticing. She reached out grabbed the akuma. It fought to get free, but Mira's grasp was too strong. She was so focused on catching the akuma that she didn't realize how close she got to the edge. Mira tipped over the edge, but caught the rail at the last second.

She focused on the akuma and her locket began to glow. After a a few seconds, she released a white butterfly and watched it fly away.

Lila gasped when she lost connection with the akuma. What had happened?

"Nooroo, dark wings fall," she gritted her teeth.

Nooroo floated nervously beside Lila.

"What happened?" she asked him.

"I'm not sure. Something must have interfered with the akuma," Nooroo replied.

"I guess being Hawkmoth isn't as easy as it looks. I'll just have to try again and see what happens." Lila looked out her window and looked at the city. She promised to be a supervillain the city would never forget.