
I find myself looking through my elevated bedroom window staring at Sophia. Right into her green eyes. My love and what I've wanted for forever now, is kneeling in front of my window. She's wearing a long, white T-shirt and pink pajama pants. Her eyes are red around the edges and looks desperate. She mouths some words that I don't understand because of the window, which prompts me to slide in open.

With heavy and timid breaths she talks to me.

"Oliver. Can, Can I come in?"

"O-Oh of course!"

I didn't think before I said it. I want her to come into my house more than anything, but I still have a situation.

I take off the window mesh blocking me from her. I make a silent plea to god to relieve me of my erection so I don't have to scramble for my blankets to cover it up when she comes down. She begins climbing in as I prepare to assist her. Sophia steps in through the window, looking for a place to position her shoeless feet.

I turn on a lamp for Sophia. I stay close to the wall to prevent her from seeing my ever-throbbing erection. She takes another step in.

Suddenly her foot slips.


I attempt to catch her fall and I sort of do. Sophia falls forward and lands on top of me in a massive thud. Her head lays next to mine.

It hurts... A lot.

*Groans in pain*

It was a big fall for her to land on me. I'm just glad that we're on my soft bed. However, her breasts are pressing into my chest and I can feel her nipples through her shirt. Our faces are only a few inches apart. Surprisingly, Sophia gives me a look of entrancement.

Maybe this isn't so bad.

"Oh! I'm sorry!"

Sophia scrambles to get off of me and my bed. I sit up.

"I'm really sorry."

"It's fine, just ignore it."

I'm just glad she didn't land on my dick. Now that I think of it, Sophia could have just come in through the front door. That was poor thinking on my part. I place back the window mesh and sit Sophia down beside me on my bed.

"So... Why are you here? I do appreciate one of your surprises, but I'd like to know."

Doing something along these lines isn't exactly foreign to her, but she's never gone this far.

"I... Uh..."

Her embarrassed tone instantly drops and she hangs her head down, unsure of how to continue.

"...It's... It's hard to say."

Her soft voice begins to quiver, she takes a gulp in and anxiously picks at her picks at her pajama pants. I let her say what she needs to.

"My... My parents got really drunk again and were about to beat me."



"I got out of there before they could. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."

Sophia looks at me with the biggest look of destitution that I've ever seen in. This is a side of her that I haven't seen before. I'm unsure of how to handle this. This is an extremely sensitive topic. Regardless of my inexperience with this phenomenon, I have to support her. She can't go through this alone. I'm unimpressed with my inability to see this sooner. This is why she comes to school with bruises. I frantically attempt to understand her situation more.

"Who does it? Your dad? Or, or your mom?"

"Both of them. I couldn't stay there. And I don't think I can go back."

She breaks her speech for a moment to take a very shallow breath.

"It happens all the time! I'm scared!"

Her words become heavy. I can hear the despair in her voice. Tears start flowing off of her chin, leaving trails of sorrow. She has nothing good waiting for her at her home. Like she has no family at all. I wrap my right arm around her. She moves closer to lay against me and cries into my shoulder.

After she calms down a tad I ask her a question.

"Are you sure you can't go back? They're your family."

Sophia mutters while still having her face planted in my shoulder.

"They aren't my family. I don't consider them family and they don't consider me family. I've given them more than enough chances."

I conclude that there's not much that I can say in this situation. So I grab a hold of her and hug her tightly. She makes a small noise of surprisal, but soon hugs me back. We embrace. I couldn't be happier right now, but that seems very selfish considering the situation.

I ask her a question.

"Why did you come to me? There are other people that you know."

"You're the first person I thought to come to Oliver. I-I wanted to come to you."

Not gonna lie, that statement sent a warm shiver throughout my body, especially in one place. However, now isn't the time for that. I need to act seriously. Now isn't the time to be thinking about me. This is about her.

We hug for a surprisingly long time, Sophia's breaths become longer and more fluid the longer we hold one another. I thought she would have pulled away a long time ago, but she remains ardent about staying like this. She seeks solace in my company. I couldn't be more honored.


She says my name so sensually. More than I think she meant to.


"Can I stay the night?"

I approve of this situation. Massively.

"Yes! But there's problems. My parents will be getting back in a few hours. I don't want to surprise them. You shouldn't be seen."

Sophia doesn't even take a second to think anything over.

"I can sleep in your bed then leave through the window before they check on you."

"Where will I sleep?"


Sophia nervously plays with her fingers.

"In your bed as well."


After I finish mentally calming myself, we both climb into my bed. It's big enough for the two of us to have adequate room. I turn off the lamp and pull the blanket over myself.



We face away from each other so my newly rejuvenated erection calms down. Even though I can't currently see her, the fact that Sophia's in my bed a couple feet away from me is mesmerizing. She's not even wearing a bra. Not even socks either. She really was in a rush to escape her house.

I'm in a 17 year old's fucking dream! Still, it's not like I'm going to do anything to her. Without her permission that is. I roll around in my sleep so I hope that I don't end up in a weird position with her.

Even though calming down in this situation is a herculean feat at this point, I manage. And I drift away in slumber...



Is this a dream?

The subtle smack of lips fills my ears. They shift around restlessly, as if communication without words. "Give me more." I feel a tongue sneak a taste of my lips while kissing. Light, sensual breathing fills the gaps between each smack. The kissing stops for brief moments of audible moans and sharp exhales.

I increasingly don't believe this to be a dream. It simply isn't. My eyes flicker open and the kissing suddenly stops. All I see is Sophia's face in front of me. By the sight of me awake she becomes incredibly flustered. Shyly, she explains herself.

"Uh... Surprise?"