So the start of freshman year i was real nerves because i was starting high achool and i didnt wanna be shoved into a locker or something. i was like it happens on TV so it gonna happen to me right? It didnt. I was also glad to start freshman year because i could see my friends and my boyfriend. i had started dating him about the end of 8th and we would call and talk all day over the break. Even before we started dating we wpuld call all the time because he was my best friend and we would just talk about alot of stuff together.
He eventually broke up with me because he was going throught some stuff and said he wasnt in the right headspace and didnt wanna drag me down. Th5wn about a aeek later had a girlfriend but promised me and him qould be friends. Well one day i was crying and was relly not in a good space and wanted to talk to my friends but no
answer and now we really have talked since then which sucks but it happens.
Also after he broke up we i sat with my friends and he sat with his and it just so happened we sat right next to each other. Someone started talking about love and as i do i spoke without thinking and said "Everyone who tells me they love me leave" and i forgot he was their. He then looked at me all hurt and was like "what about me" so i sat up straight looked hi. in the eues and said "You broke up with me then didnt talk to me" he looked away and stayed silent so um that also happened.