Sophomore Year: Start of Therapy

ao my sophomore year i thinknis when i really started writing seriously and when i downloaded wattpad ro write and not only read my friends stories. Well i would also text my friend on wattpad and one day i had just wached a video about how a girl OD'ed in class and no body noticed her and i was reading a book about a girl who talked all these different ways to commit suicide. Well i told my friend if you had to die by suicide i told herbhow i qould want ro go and the school saw the messages. They then called my mom, i was sitting right next to gerbqhen she got the call ao that was akward, and they told herbi couldn't return to school until i had a professional evaluation done. So the next day me and my mom drove up to Wellstone and i was evaluated and theu saod that i was okay to got to school said i wasnt a danger to myselfnor others but i do need to consider seeing a therapist. I then qent to my school counselor asking about therapy and she told me that the school just started something with Life Springs where a therapist comes to the school and kids can get free therapy while at school and i needed was my mom to sign a form saying i could do it and shebwould set me up qith the therapist and honestly therapy really helped me alot. At first i was nervous and scared and felt like it qpuld do much but it really helped me alot.