
From 7.30 AM to 3.30 PM, Haru attended his school, which began at 8.00 AM and ended at 3.00 PM; 30 minutes was for commuting between his apartment and his school. He was a member of 'Go Home!' Club. Therefore, he could return home immediately.

From 3.31 PM to 4.00 PM, Haru spent his time to take a bath and have dinner early.

From 4.01 PM to 10.00 PM, Haru slept. He woke up around nine and went to his workplace before ten.

From 10.01 PM to 6.00 AM, Haru had a part-time job; he had a late-night shift in an internet cafe nearby. He also did his homework and satisfied his hobby at the same time.

From 6.01 AM to 7.30 AM, Haru spent his time eating breakfast and preparing his lunchbox before he went to school.

Such was Haru's daily routine. By the way, his full name was Haru Sakurai. He was a sophomore senior high school student, 17 years old, and an orphan.

There were other things such as this and that in-between of his routine. However, that was not important.

At this time, Haru was in the middle of his part-time job. When he looked at the bottom-right corner of the monitor in front of him, he found that the time was 1.21 AM. He then turned his attention to the e-book reader application that occupied the monitor of the internet cafe administrator computer.

Haru was taking a break from reading a digital copy of one of his favorite light novels.

Regarding his taste, Haru had awakened interest for the 'Cute Little Sister' trope lately.

'My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute!' 'My Sister, My Writer!' and 'A Sister's All You Need!' were some titles that he'd finished. Presently, he was reading through 'Eromanga Sensei.'

There were more 'Cute Little Sister' themed titles in his backlog, but as the saying went, "One at a time!"

Because of his newly awakened interest, Haru had also developed a fetish for 'little sisters' as well as 'hair with abnormal color.' He could only blame himself because he got influenced by Japan's popular subculture.

Despite his newly awakened interest and fetish, Haru had no interest in 'real little sisters.' He had overheard his classmates' talk about the vile creatures called 'IRL Little Sisters.'

Haru didn't want them. They could hang themselves in Aokigahara Suicide Forest, and he wouldn't even miss his sleep. He was content and happy with fictional little sisters.

After all, "Fictional little sisters are the true angels! They are cute! They are perfect! They are justice!" was Haru's belief.

"Man, if only I have a little sister like Sora Kasugano, Suzuka Nagami, or Sagiri Izumi—no! If I have all of them as my little sisters, my life will be perfect~. I'm going to lewd them every day~. Huehehehe~."

While stretching his stiff body, Haru released a wretched chuckle.

Thankfully, no customer was arriving. However, if a customer saw Haru at this moment, it would surely create a great misunderstanding.

The customer would call Police or JSDF to arrest him without hesitation. Haru looked extremely dangerous at this moment, after all.

"Putting that joke aside, people rarely visit this internet cafe lately. I suppose they prefer a hotspot area where they can use Wi-Fi as they please. The regular customers of this place are those game addicts. If this trend goes on, I feel rather concerned about my future. Can I keep working here until I graduate from high school, at least? It's bad if this place gets shut down before I graduate."

Haru surrendered his body to the backrest of the swivel and released a deep sigh.

"Just one year more before my graduation, and I won't care even if this place gets burned down!"

Feeling a little tired, Haru decided to take a break. He then turned his head to the side to see the parking area through the wall of thick glass.



Something absurd entered his field of vision. Haru became speechless when he saw a golden portal popped up above the parking lot, from which a familiar-looking front of an infamous vehicle came out.


Sounds of a revving engine and a loud horn echoed. Strangely enough, it didn't create an uproar as if Haru was the only one who saw and heard it. Then, there was a bright flash, robbing Haru's sight.

Everything happened so fast. Haru was unable to catch up on rapid development.

'Wait, what am I thinking?! I must get into safety first!'

But alas, such a thing was unrealistic!

Going to the left meant he would hit a wall.

Jumping to the right was impossible because of the tall and wide wooden desk.

Throwing his body backward was also useless. There was a wooden board that would stop him.

The front? What about going forward? Other than the thick glass wall, going forward would send him to his maker faster because it was where the mysterious vehicle came from!

There was no escape! He was going to die!

Finally, realization and resignation dawned upon Haru.

'Oh, shit!' was Haru's last thought before the Steel Reaper sent Haru to his next great adventure.


—Endless Darkness.

—A Bottomless Abyss.

Haru was sinking without a sign of stopping.

In spite of his situation, Haru was at peace. He never felt at peace like this.

Well, Haru had died. He remembered how he died oh so vividly.

Holy Mother-fucking Truck-kun had done it again! He was its latest victim!

How could this be?! Wasn't Truck-kun only active in fictional stories?

Regardless of the cause of his death, Haru was dead. End of discussion.

Concerning the calmness, no, the emptiness that he felt, Haru assumed that the phenomenon was caused by his nonexistent physical body. After all, the chemical reactions within one's body were the source of emotions that they felt. At the very least, it was the scientific theory behind emotions, or so the article that Haru had read said.

Haru also had noticed that the concept of time in this place—wherever it was—was a mess. He had given up to understand or keep track of time. In fact, he didn't care about how long he stayed here.

When Haru wondered if he would stay in this abyss forever, something appeared in his field of vision, breaking the monotony of his boring afterlife.

The thing that appeared in Haru's field of vision was a green-colored rectangular holographic screen with a message written in white color and tidy font, which read as follows:



Rejoice, puny mortal! This Godly Me has graciously compensated you because you have become a tester for the latest divine artifact crafted by yours truly!

You shall wake up in a parallel world with no supernatural elements where you will surely enjoy your new life and realize your dream! This Godly Me also added a system as a bonus!

Be grateful, little mortal, for the benevolence and mercy of this Godly Me knows no bound!

That's all!

For the mortal whose existence is meaningless in the grand scheme of things, may you be graced by my Lovely Truck-kun in your next life!


'There is no way that I will allow that goddamned truck gets close to me in my next life!'

Haru instinctively retorted, though his mind was still in a peaceful state as always.

'Anyway, I guess this is better than staying there forever, I prefer a more lively place, thank you very much!' Haru mused, focusing more on the positive aspect of his absurd situation.

After that, Haru felt like he was getting sucked somewhere else. It was rather sudden, to be honest.

The next moment, Haru woke up in an unfamiliar room.