Chapter 1: A New Life With New Little Sisters! (5)

"I guess I am looking good enough," Haru remarked as he inspected his appearance in the mirror.

At this moment, Haru had adapted to his new appearance. Well, somewhat.

Perhaps, the assimilation helped Haru with this matter. After all, it wouldn't be easy for you to see someone else's face instead of your own face in a mirror.

That aside, Haru was wearing a black jacket over his blue T-shirt and a pair of jeans. He had pocketed his wallet and flip-phone.

Haru was finally ready to escort Suzuka to Hakuo Academy.

After a short time passed, Haru exited his bedroom. He was about to move to the living room to meet Suzuka, but he stopped in front of Sora's bedroom. He had a contemplative expression as he watched the door of Sora's bedroom. A moment later, he made his decision.


Haru knocked on the door of Sora's bedroom and waited for a short time.


Haru heard Sora's muffled voice from inside and responded.

"This is I. Haru. Anyway, I'm going to escort Suzuka to her school."

There were a few seconds of silence before Haru received the answer.

"I don't care! Just go away!"

This time, Sora's voice was clear. Even the anger lacing her voice was discernible.

Haru had a helpless expression after hearing Sora's angry tone.

Haru needed to have a talk with Sora a bit. Although the assimilation had helped him to deal with Sora, even if only a tiny bit, Haru felt like his patience was running thin. He would lose his patience soon if he didn't address this problem.

Additionally, Haru had no patience in dealing with a troublesome kid. Blame his bad experience when he lived in the orphanage in his past life for his lack of patience.

Haru preferred to have a peaceful, stress-free life, thank you very much.

Then, Haru went to the living room and found Suzuka already there, waiting for him.

Suzuka, sitting on the sofa while reading her schoolbook, was already in the Hakuo Academy's uniform. Which consisted of a long-sleeved white top with a red butterfly ribbon under the light blue colored pinafore. Her exotic purple hair was tied in a high ponytail with a red-and-black ribbon. Lastly, her dark blue bag was resting on the table in front of her.

"Oh? Onii-chan, you are ready. Are we going out now?" Suzuka, who had sensed his entrance, turned her head around and remarked after giving Haru a once-over. Then, she closed her book, stored it into her bag, and stood up. After hanging her school bag on her right shoulder, she was ready to leave.

"Shall we?" Haru asked.

"Yes," Suzuka responded with a calm, assured smile.

Then, Haru and Suzuka left their apartment.


Right after Haru moved away from the door of Sora's room, inside the room, Sora was punching her pillow. She had an angry expression.

Sora felt like the world was picking a fight with her today. Not only she saw Haru and Suzuka acting so close with each other that made her jealous. Now, she got frustrated and angry again right after relieving herself.

It was so unfair!

"Haru, you idiot! Stupid! Moron!" Sora grumbled as she pushed her face into her pillow. At the same time, she slipped her right hand into her nightgown and began fingering herself furiously.

"Suzuka, you harlot! Skank! Bitch!" She cursed her rival in love while stimulating her erogenous spot. Simultaneously, she moved her other hand to her chest and began twisting her nipples.

"Uuuuuh~ Haru, you idiot! Moron! Pervert! Stupid! Degenerate! Asshole! Idiot! Ah!" Sora stopped insulting her twin brother as a toe-curling pleasant jolt of electricity spread from her head to toe. "Uuu~ Haru! Yes. There! Lick me there~."

And just like that, the pleasure was slowly taking over her mind, eroding her anger and frustration.

Sora had no experience in make-up sex. However, if someone asked her to honestly answer whether pleasuring oneself could calm anger and frustration, she would reply with 'Yes' without hesitation.

After all, Sora was quite skilled and well experienced in this matter.


After leaving their apartment complex, Haru escorted Suzuka to the nearby bus stop. Because of the distance between their apartment complex and Hakuo Academy, they must commute via bus. The travel time was around 20 minutes.

Haru and Suzuka left at seven-eleven in the morning. Calculating the walking time and the travel time via bus, they would arrive at their destination in the 30s, in minutes. Since Suzuka's first homeroom started at eight in the morning, Suzuka could come with some extra time.

Unfortunately, the bus was quite packed with passengers. Haru and Suzuka must stand until they arrived at the bus stop near Hakuo Academy.

Haru made Suzuka stand in the corner while he protected her with his body. It was what usually happened when they got a packed bus, a means to defend Suzuka from some perverts who shamelessly took advantage of the situation.

Haru's predecessor was a bit overprotective of his sisters. More so after the death of their parents. However, Haru must agree with his predecessor's protectiveness.

Although the city they lived in had a low crime rate, 'low' didn't mean 'zero.' Petty crimes like pick-pocketing and sexual harassment often happened. There was a snowball chance in hell Haru would let his cute stepsister become a victim of sexual harassment.

To be honest, thinking such a scenario was almost making his rage come out. After all, Haru was a control freak and overprotective of what he considered as his. This facet of his complicated personality was because of his harsh childhood as an orphan in his past life. He had little personal belongings, and he was very protective of them.

Putting Haru's past aside, let's return to Haru and Suzuka. While waiting until their bus arrived at their destination, Haru entertained Suzuka with small talk.

However, Haru lost his self-control when he heard Suzuka's next words.

"Ne, Onii-chan. You seem very different today. How should I put it? Well, you have changed somewhat."

"…really?" Haru was nervous even though he showed an unperturbed expression.

"Yes. I always look at you, so I know when something changed about Onii-chan."

"What do you think of this change? Is it good? Or is it bad?"

"I wonder…" Suzuka smiled mysteriously and never gave Haru a clear answer. In return, Haru made a wry smile.

Inwardly, Haru was thinking about something important.

Haru contemplated telling his sisters about his reincarnation and power or not. After a while passed, he made up his mind; he was going to give them a white lie.

Haru wouldn't tell them that he was actually a body poacher who indirectly killed their beloved brother. That's just stupid! A direct route to Bad End!

Haru's decision was backed up by his knowledge from reading self-insert, wish-fulfillment fanfiction. More often than most, the protagonist who stole the body of a character hid the truth from the family of the guy whose body got taken over. Those authors often forgot that those background characters were also sentience, intelligent lifeforms, and they could perceive the change.

Just like Suzuka a moment ago!

Haru didn't care if his present life got written as a crappy fanfiction in an alternate world. However, he didn't want to disregard that pitfall and got bitten on the ass later. He believed that he should tell Sora and Suzuka some bullshits while omitting the truth to cut off all chances of future misunderstanding.

Haru didn't feel confident in keeping the secret of his reincarnation and system forever. He was still a human, after all. He would involuntarily slip off. It could create a disastrous misunderstanding if he didn't prepare a countermeasure beforehand.

Another reason behind Haru's decision was Haruka's feelings for Sora and Suzuka that he had assimilated. It had affected Haru, deeply. In other words, Haru was in love with both Sora and Suzuka.

Furthermore, it was Haru's first time falling in love!

Haru didn't want them to hate him. He swore to carry the grim truth behind his reincarnation into his grave. If only he never got affected like this, he wouldn't think twice to leave them be and choose to live his second life freely. It isn't like Sora and Suzuka were the only interesting girls in this alternate world.

In truth, according to his assimilated memories, some of Haruka's female friends were female characters from some famous series Haru had watched and read. He could chase them if he wanted.

Suddenly, Haru snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the bus' announcement. He and Suzuka were almost reaching their destination. Soon, they exited the bus together after they arrived. Haru immediately inspected the tall wall with barbed wires on top of it behind the bus stop. That wall stretched out far because it surrounded the whole junior high school division of Hakuo Academy.

Haru felt amazed by the grandness of this prestigious all-girls academy. He had never closely seen such a prestigious academy in his past life.

"All right. We are almost here," Haru offered his open left palm to Suzuka and said.

Suzuka looked at Haru's hand for a moment before putting her right fist on it. Then, her cheeks reddened.

"W-Well, it's not like I'm happy with holding Onii-chan's hand, okay? Onii-chan was offering your hand, and it would be rude if I didn't accept it." Suzuka felt like she needed to point out to maintain her dignity.

Haru was at a loss for words for a short while before he recovered. "What's with that Tsundere reply?"

Suzuka puffed her cheeks and cutely glared at Haru as if offended. "Who's Tsundere! I'm not a Tsundere! Humph!"

Haru shook his head in exasperation after witnessing another typical Tsundere reaction coming from Suzuka so naturally. He was aware that Suzuka couldn't be honest with herself regarding a specific thing. Yet, he couldn't deny that she was adorable when she acted like that.

At the very least, Suzuka was more of Dere than Tsun. He wouldn't have the patience if Suzuka was a total Tsun like Kirino from Oreimo. Heck, he would likely throw Kirino into Mount Fuji's crater if that irritating girl became his little sister instead.

Haru then led Suzuka to the entrance gate of Hakuo Academy while holding on her small and soft hand. He missed a blissful smile on Suzuka's face as he led her there.