Chapter 2: Developments of This and That! (4)

The time was 3.32 PM. Haru just finished cleaning the living room from a mess that Sora had created. He had carried Sora to her bedroom because she'd turned boneless from cumming several times consecutively. Hare hadn't given her any mercy. He'd been assaulting her clit and reachable G-spot with his finger.

After locking his apartment, Haru went to the bus stop. At the same time, he was inspecting his Status Board with bemused eyes. He'd found that pleasuring Sora rewarded him with 0.1 EXP per her orgasm. Additionally, he netted 0.1 EXP from writing around fifteen thousand characters. In total, he received 0.9 EXP. That was 1.1 EXP that he'd accumulated so far. There were 48.9 EXP left.

Haru was stunned when he discovered that fingering Sora could give him EXP. It made him wonder if the system is actually perverted.

All that aside, Haru's bus arrived, and it took him to his destination. After arriving at Hakuo Academy, he didn't wait for a long time. Suzuka soon appeared.

"Onii-chan, have you been waiting long?"


"I see." Suzuka seemed relieved when she heard Haru's casual answer. "Then, shall we return home now?"

"All right. Let's go."

After that, Haru and Suzuka returned home together. ±30 minutes later, they arrived at their apartment.

"*Sniff*—*Sniff* Hm?"

"What's it?" Haru gave Suzuka a confused stare, though he was inwardly nervous after seeing her sniffing the air. He was afraid that Suzuka caught Sora's lingering scent.

"I smell the perfume from the living room."

"Ah. Sora has created a mess previously. It stinks, so I covered the smell with perfume."

"What kind of mess she made?" Suzuka narrowed her eyes suspiciously. In return, Haru shrugged his shoulders in a "Who knows?" manner.

"I've been writing my novel. Don't ask me," Haru finally answered while omitting the full truth.

Haru also added a bait that he hoped that Suzuka took it. Thankfully, Suzuka caught the bait.

"Novel?" She asked while putting her outdoor shoes on the shoebox.

"Yup." Haru was relived at the change of topic. He continued after replacing his outdoor shoes with indoor sleepers. "I want to be a novelist to support our livings."

"That's a valid point." Suzuka nodded in understanding as she used her indoor sleepers.

Haru and Suzuka then entered the living room together. It was when they smelled a tasty scent from the kitchen. They also heard a sound of water from the bathroom.

"Onii-chan, were you cooking diner already?" Suzuka turned her head to Haru and asked.

Haru was stunned when he saw the diner already prepared on the table. "No," he finally answered. "Looks like Sora cooked diner for us."

Suzuka was stunned after hearing Haru's answer. She couldn't believe it. An inconsiderate lazy girl like Sora cooked diner for them? Was Apocalypse going to happen soon?

Haru was unaware of Suzuka's shock and approached the kitchen. His movement snapped Suzuka out of her shock-induced daze. She followed Haru to the kitchen. Then, they saw the menu for diner. It was rather simple, consisting of Rice and Curry as the main dish. There was also salad and tofu as side dishes.

All of a sudden, Sora came from the bathroom's direction. Haru and Suzuka were stunned by her appearance.

At first glance, she looked like only wearing an apron while tying her hair into a french braid style. However, they discovered that Sora wore a sleeveless undershirt and hot-pants that hug her slender figure tightly when she moved.

From the wet splotches on her apron and her wet limbs, it seemed like Sora had done something wet before meeting them.

"Ah, your time isn't good!" Sora complained out the blue, surprising Haru and Suzuka further. Then, she continued without caring for their state. "Anyway, welcome home."

Then, Sora slightly bent her body forward to display her cleavage behind the apron and put her hands on her knees. She had a seductive smile as she focused her attention on Haru.

"So, what do you want to do first? Bath? Diner? Or—"

"Wait! Time up! TIME UP!" Suzuka suddenly raised her voice, cutting Sora's clichéd greeting for Haru.

Both Haru and Sora were stunned by Suzuka's loud voice. They turned their heads to her and saw her outraged, red face.

"Y-You! W-What in the world, are you trying to do?!" Suzuka pointed her shaky finger at Sora and asked.

Sora recovered from her shock-induced daze and scowled at Suzuka. She was actually pissed because Suzuka had ruined her plan.

Sora crossed her arms under her breasts and responded, "You can see, right? I am going to offer Haru a treat."

"B-But, using that line to Onii-chan is unfai—um, i-improper! Yes! It is improper! Do you have no shame?!"

Sora gave Suzuka a deadpan. She had caught Suzuka's slip and was unamused by that. "Why should I feel shame? I want to reward Haru for doing a good job today. There is nothing to be ashamed of," Sora said in a smug tone.

"*Hiss!* Grrr…" Suzuka growled and hissed like a corned cat at Sora. Her body was strongly trembling from restraining her rage, which made her ponytail tremble too. "B-But, that's improper and indecent! Doing indecent things is forbidden!"

"What indecency." Sora sneered, taunting Suzuka.

"You are going to say offering yourself for Onii-chan, right? That is indecent!"

"Hooo~" Sora gave Suzuka a half-lidded, condescending stare. "How can you be sure of it? Maybe, it's you who have indecent thoughts."

"No way!" Suzuka strongly objected and shook her head. "There is no way you won't say that in the end! Such a cliché line always ends with something that!"

"Wow! You have a very active imagination, Suzuka-san. What a rotten and perverted imagination you have there. I am going to offer Haru a shoulder rub, you see. He has been working so hard today, typing on his laptop for hours. Where's the indecent part in an innocent shoulder rub?" Sora countered Suzuka with a calm tone.

Haru was in shock. However, Haru quickly recovered and then recalled from his predecessor's memory that Sora was actually so smart.

Sora had been on the top five of her class when she still attended Hakuo Academy. Moreover, it was quite an achievement because the majority of her classmates were wealthy heiresses and prestigious princesses, who received high-quality tutors in their homes.

Sora was indeed socially inept. However, she only closed off toward strangers. But, after she opened up and became comfortable with someone, she would show her wit, which added the sharpness of her tongue.

It reminded Haru that despite Sora had many similarities to her other version in 'Yosuga no Sora,' his Sora and that version of her were different. There were many reasons for this; one of them was having someone like Suzuka as a rival in love. If she couldn't at least give a decent counterattack in a verbal spar, she had always been demolished by Suzuka, who was quite good in a verbal beating.

"Uuuugh!" Suzuka groaned as she was unable to accept defeat in this verbal spar. "Grrrrr!"

Suzuka then growled to intimidate Sora to submission; it was likely a childish attempt to salvage her situation. Granted, Suzuka was still young despite her effort to appear mature to appeal herself to her brother.

At the same time, Sora kept her condescending stare to Suzuka. Her pride and hardheadedness wouldn't allow her to give up from such a cute glare.

If this scene was something out of a shonen anime, a phantom image of a purple dragon appears behind Suzuka, and a white tiger's phantom image appears behind Sora. Such was the epic standoff between the two rivals and archenemies.

'They are forgetting me, are they not?'

Forgotten by Sora and Suzuka, Haru stood at the side and wondered in exasperation.

Haru decided to wait for them to calm on their own. However, after five minutes passed, and they still had their standoff, Haru's patience hit rock bottom.

Haru was utterly fed-up because it felt like he was fixing someone else's problem. He believed that someone should mend their own mistake. His independence in his previous life heavily influenced his way of life. Thus, he despised fixing someone's else problem.

'But it can't be helped…' Haru helplessly thought.

Although Haru abhorred fixing someone else's mess, he couldn't disregard the passive-aggressive confrontation of his loved ones. Moreover, it happened in front of him.

After experiencing the joy of having loved ones, though it only happened in a short time, Haru wanted Sora and Suzuka to treat each other well. He wanted the three of them to live in harmony.

Haru disliked troublesome matters. He didn't want to have a stressful life. Thus, he was going to fix his sisters' confrontational behavior towards each other.

'You know what? I have enough of this shit!'

Haru finally decided to stop their meaningless power-play.

"All right! Cut it short, you two!"

Sora and Suzuka turned their heads to Haru and responded at the same time.

"Don't butt in, Haru/Onii-chan!"

Haru took a step back in reflex. It was a reflex of his body, not really something from his past life.

Apparently, Haru's predecessor was properly domesticated by his hardheaded twin and strict stepsisters. Such a pitiful beta guy, it was good that Haru had taken over!

Well, he was Haru Sakurai, not Haruka Kasugano. And he was pissed because he had shown such timid reaction.

"Haaah?! The heck is with you two?!" Haru quickly raised his voice, taking Sora and Suzuka by surprise.

Then, they comically huddled together when they saw Haru's scary expression.

"All right!" Haru declared sternly, "No fighting! No passive-aggressive confrontation! No exchange of malicious barbs or insults! I'm sick of it! We don't have parents anymore! There are only three of us left in this family! If you keep this shit, don't blame me if I forcefully straighten you two!"

Sora and Suzuka were dumbstruck; their eyes opened wide, and their bottom jaws hung loosely.

Haru then pressed for their answers, snapping them out of their shocked state. "Am I understood?!"



Sora and Suzuka involuntarily stuttered.