Chapter 3: A Meteoric Rise to Overpowered! (2)

Haru was stunned after he read the information of the seed that he obtained from his second try of Mysterious Lottery.

After extracting the seed from his Item Box, it appeared in Haru's palm. Right after that, Haru saw a pop-up notification in his field of vision.


Would you like to merge with [Longinus: Innovate Clear]?

Yes ←



'Longinus, Innovate Clear!' Haru exclaimed in his head and then recalled what he knew about it.

It was one of the original thirteen Longinus Sacred Gears from 'High School DxD.'

What are Sacred Gears? They, also known as the God's Artifacts, are items with powerful abilities bestowed upon humans by God of the Bible in the Universe of High School DxD. They are one of the main points of interest in the series.

In that Universe, the original God of the Bible created the Sacred Gears as part of his heavenly system to enact miracles on Earth. Only humans or human hybrids can be born with Sacred Gears. Angels and Devils can obtain them by resurrecting someone from the human race or the human-hybrid as one of their own.

There can be more than one Sacred Gear of the same type, with the only exception being the Longinus, which are all unique in their own way. If a Sacred Gear gets removed from the owner, the said owner will die. It is possible for an individual to own more than one Sacred Gear at a time.

Sacred Gears can have a variety of effects. They can also adapt and evolve based on their wielder's thoughts, needs, and feelings, gaining abilities or qualities as time passes.

On the other hand, the Longinus, also known as "Tools that Destroy God," are the thirteen original top-tier Sacred Gears with enough power to kill Gods. Later in the series, five more Sacred Gears evolved to the same level as the original 13 Longinus.

This class of Sacred Gears is named after True Longinus, which is the first as well as the most potent Sacred Gear, which pierced Jesus Christ in the legend. Unlike other Sacred Gear that has more than one of the same type, the Longinus Sacred Gears are unique. Only one of each may exist at a time.

Innovate Clear is one of the original thirteen Longinus. Also known as the "Miniature Garden of the Green Tree of Innovation," it has the ability to create an ideal world in another dimension with nearly-perfect imitations of living beings inside that world. However, anything made inside this world can only exist there.

Basically, it's the mix of Dimension Lost, which can create a replica of a world in another dimension, and Annihilation Maker, which can create nearly-perfect imitations of living beings. Although it seems overpowered, it has downsides. Well, it only has one, it is a severe restriction!

'I suppose it is ranked low because of its only restriction, but in the right hand, this item can become extremely overpowered!'

Haru was so happy because he had obtained this powerful artifact. He didn't know how the Mystery Lottery got it, nor he actually planned to figure it out. He was satisfied with merely obtaining it.

With Innovate Clear, Haru could create something like 'Instant Dungeon' from 'The Gamer' story and fanfiction to do some needed power-leveling.

'This surely is because of my Plot Armor! Without Plot Armor, I wouldn't be this lucky! Anyway, let's merge with it! I hope it won't be a painful process!'

After gathering his courage and resolve, Haru picked the 'Yes' option on the screen. Then, he saw the seed melt into her palm and then felt something clicked inside him, after which he received the information on how to use Innovate Clear.

After that, Haru wasted no time and started playing with Innovate Clear. He spent a few dozens of minutes testing its limits.

In the end, Haru discovered that he started with a circular barren island with a width of 78.53 square meters in total. The island was floating in colorful space that reminded him of his Item Box.

Other than that, the green seed had sprouted into a small green tree. It stood in the center of the island.

Regarding the creation of nearly-perfect imitations of living beings, Haru could only create small and harmless animals for the time being. The numbers were also limited; he could only create 200 mice, or 100 rabbits, or 40 dogs, or 20 cows, or ten bears, or five elephants. He hadn't tried creating humans or humanoid beings with sentience because he had yet to resolve himself to cross that line.

Haru wasn't discouraged by this result because he knew that Innovate Clear's power and quality would grow with him.

Still, Haru felt physical exhaustion and mental strain from using Innovate Clear. His Longinus consumed his stamina and mental energy.

Of course, Haru could use magic energy to substitute the required stamina or mental energy. However, his MAG was still unavailable.

'I need more stamina and mental energy, meaning higher VIT and INT! I guess it's time to spend my Stats Points,' Haru thought in realization.

Now that Haru's stats were mentioned, Haru had discovered that the appraisal result of his Stats was indeed real. He had tried to raise his Stats with exercises a couple of days ago. According to Haru's past-life memory, Protagonists with the power of 'The Gamer' could increase their Stats with exercises. Hence, he did so.

Haru was full of expectations when he started. But alas, he met with utter disappointment after finding that his Stats didn't go up despite he felt dead exhausted!

Haru was angry because he couldn't raise his stats like how the protagonists from 'The Gamer' fanfiction! It was so unfair!

After dismissing that painful recollection, Haru dumped one Stats Point into his VIT and INT each. His Stats Points got reduced to 23 points, but his VIT and INT got increased to 1.8 and 2.2 points each.

With that, the value of Haru's vitality and mental capability was roughly around two ordinary men in their twenties. Haru also noticed the change; he felt more energized and had a better mental capacity. His mental fortitude got increased too. Haru then inspected his Status Board. Other than the change on his Stats, he had a new ability listed in the Notable Abilities attribute. It said [Longinus: Innovate Clear]. When he 'Appraised' it, he found that his Sacred Gear's had developed, somewhat.

The world of Innovate Clear had expanded. In addition, the limits of the nearly-perfect imitations of living beings had risen up!

'Is the growth of Innovate Clear tied with my VIT and INT attributes?' Haru pondered silently. After a while, he decided to figure it out and do some experiments.

Haru fixed his gaze on the Stats Points attribute. There were still 23 points left. After thinking a little, Haru decided to dump another point for VIT and INT each once again. Then, He 'Appraised' Innovate Clear in his Status Broad.

'It developed again! It looks like the development of Innovate Clear is really tied to my VIT and INT!'

Haru was excited when he discovered this information. He then dumped another point for VIT and INT each, raising them to 3.8 and 4.2. He repeated his action until Innovate Clear stopped developing.

At this point, there were only 15 Stats Points left; meanwhile, his VIT and INT were 5.8 and 6.2.

'Hm, I guess I need to unlock my Balance Break now. But, I don't know how to unlock its Balance Break without endangering myself.'

Haru felt like he had met a wall in his progress. However, Haru quickly put this matter at the back of his mind. At least, for the time being.

'Now, let's see how far my capability in utilizing Innovate Clear has grown!'

With the help of his system, Haru discovered that the world of Innovate Clear had become a proper planet with the same size as Earth, but it had more landmasses than Earth. He also could control the flow of time inside this world from 1:1 scale in the second to 1 second: 1-month ratio or five years in the Innovate Clear's world was 1 minute in the real world.

Regarding the creation of near-perfect imitations of life, he discovered that he could create 10,000,000 mice, or 5,000,000 rabbits, or 2,500,000 dogs, or 1,250,000 cows, or 612,500 bears, or 312,500 elephants.

In addition, the green-colored little tree had grown up into a super-massive tree that reminded him of the Yggdrasil tree in Alfheim Online from the SAO series.

Haru decided to set the time's flow into 1 second: 1-day scale and entered the world of Innovate Clear.

'This place is beautiful…' Haru was amazed by the scenery in this world. 'The air is also fresh… Well, no wonder that the Innovate Clear is said to create an ideal world. This place is amazing!'

Haru decided to enjoy the scenery for a while since he had ample time in this world. After spending his time sightseeing, Haru finally focused on his reason for entering this world, which his piss-poor creativity named Paradise.

It's time to find out if the living beings in this world could give him EXP!