Chapter 5: Together, They Face Their Future! (4)

Haru led his girls to the bedroom on the second floor. After arriving there, they sat at the edge of the bed. Haru and Sora were already naked. However, Suzuka was covering her body with her towel. Both Sora and Suzuka let their damp hair loose.

The entirety of the second floor was a spacious bedroom with a massive bed, a wardrobe, and a few desks. The walls, ceiling, and flooring were lacquered woods. On top of the floor was a soft green rug that swallowed your feet due to its softness. Overall, it was a comfy room to stay in.

"So, what are we going to do now?" Suzuka asked after a tense silence. She was nervous, and it was understandable. After all, she would become an adult soon.

There was no 'backing off' in Suzuka's mind. Her mind was set into this.

Haru and Sora exchanged a brief look before they turned their heads to Suzuka. Yet, they said nothing.

An awkward silence suffused the room. Haru and his girls were at a loss of what to do. If it wasn't the three of them, they wouldn't have this problem.

Although Haru had the knowledge from JAV, hentai, and doujin, that knowledge flew out of his mind when he faced this situation.

"Well," Haru opened his mouth, breaking the tension. When he received his sisters/lovers' attention, he realized that he couldn't back off. "Who's first?" He lamely continued.

Sora and Suzuka exchanged a silent gaze, wordlessly conversing with their eyes. After a few seconds, Sora spoke up.

"I'll go first."

"Huh?" Haru turned his head to Sora before darting his gaze to Suzuka. "You wouldn't mind, would you?"

Suzuka shook her head and spoke up. "No. I think I have the second turn. Let me watch how it goes first," she answered with a determined expression.

Haru 'Appraised' Suzuka to find her real opinion. When he found out that Suzuka was sure with her choice, he made up his mind.

"Okay! So, Sora's first, then," Haru said and then turned his head to Sora, who was staring at him with an anticipatory gaze.

Their eyes met, and their face got closer. Then, Haru held Sora's shoulders. In return, Sora wrapped her slender arms around his neck. Their lips met, and they began their long-awaited union with a chaste kiss.

When Suzuka saw them kissing, she felt complicated feelings in her chest. However, she dismissed those feelings and put her attention on them. She watched Haru and Sora upping the ardor of their kiss as they used their tongues and created a wet, erotic sound.

Haru had his hands roaming Sora's slender figure. Then, he cupped her small breast with his left hand while his other hand stayed on her thigh. He began groping Sora's soft body as he tried to prepare her for the main course. In return, Sora moved her hands to his chest and played with his nipples.

Suzuka unconsciously gulped when she saw them. Her thighs clamped and squirmed. She felt hot and embarrassed at the same time. Her earlier complicated feelings had since long been forgotten. Then, she unconsciously created a distance between herself and her step-siblings. Before long, she softly flopped on the floor while keeping her upper face above the bed as she watched the erotic sight in her field of vision.

Haru and Sora broke their kiss and looked at each other's eyes. Their eyes were glazed as their minds were clouded by lust.

"Haru, I'm ready."

"Yes," Haru softly replied.

"Please be gentle. This is my first time." Sora averted her eyes as she felt embarrassed. Her face was red.

"I will," Haru firmly responded.


Haru and Sora blinked their eyes when they heard that weak whimper. They turned their heads to the source of the sound and saw Suzuka's at the edge of the bed; Suzuka was hiding there. Suzuka's upper face and forehead were red, and her teary eyes were glazed.

"Ah, sorry. Don't mind me. Please continue," Suzuka stammered when she noticed their attention on her. In return, Haru wryly smiled at her while Sora rolled her eyes.

Sora then wrapped her arms around Haru's neck and fell backward, carrying Haru with her. Soon, she fell on her back with Haru on top of her. Their faces were close. Before long, they kissed and tussled with each other.

A couple of minutes passed. Haru felt that Sora was ready for the main course. She was wet down there.

Haru moved back and positioned his body between Sora's legs, which he spread wide. He saw trails of crystal-like liquid dripping out of there. He suddenly gulped and looked at Sora's red face.

When Sora gave her a reassuring nod, Haru made up his mind and then grabbed his little brother. He brought it closer to Sora's wet slit and began rubbing it on Sora's drooling pussy.

"Ahn! Shhh!" Sora released a sensual voice that captivated both Haru and Suzuka.

Haru felt his restraint shattered. He then put the helm of his dick into Sora's pussy.

"Hau! So~ Big~!" Sora groaned when she felt Haru's little dragon entering her cave.

"I'm going in," Haru notified Sora before he pushed his hips forward while gripping Sora's soft thighs.

Little by little, Haru's little dragon ventured into Sora's cave, claiming the spot as its new den. The advance stopped when Haru finally hit Sora's hymen.

Haru looked into Sora's anxious eyes and moved his body forward. "Don't worry. It won't be painful. I promise," Haru whispered words of reassurance to Sora.

"En," Sora nodded her head and glanced at their connected parts. "Go on."

After receiving Sora's permission, Haru immediately pushed his hips forward. His movement was swift, and he finally reached hit Sora's cervix.

"Oooh!" Sora released a surprised voice. She felt surprised because she didn't feel pain from her deflowering.

"I've told you, right?" Haru smiled knowingly at Sora.

"En," Sora nodded her head and smiled at Haru. "We finally became one."

Sora suddenly shed happy tears. She always fantasized about this moment in the past. A part of her mind was scared that this moment was only a dream.

When Haru saw how emotional Sora become, he let her have her moment. He was not doing nothing, though. He whispered sweet nothings to her ear while peppering her cheeks, forehead, and lips with kisses.

Haru had used his authority as Paradise's owner to make Sora's first time painless. He couldn't allow her to feel even the slightest pain due to his overprotective nature.

"Em, Haru," Sora said after she softly pushed Haru's body. "I'm ready now. Thank you for giving me time."

"Don't worry about it. You're very important to me," Haru replied with a comforting smile.

"Well, then. You can move," Sora gave her permission. In return, Haru tightened his grips on Sora's thighs and began moving his hips back and forth.

"Ah! Oh~! Haru… Yes~ you can move faster! Unh! Hyahn!" Sora released erotic voices as Haru stirred her inside. She gasped in delight whenever Haru hit her sweet spot.

At this moment, Haru's mind had turned white in pleasure. He never experienced this blissful sensation in his past life.

A few minutes passed. Sora suddenly tensed her body.

"H-Haru! Cum… I'm cumming! Hyah!" Sora suddenly raised her voice while twisting the sheet in her grips.

Sora reached her climax first. However, Haru wasn't in the state to listen to her warning. He kept pounding Sora's body in a missionary position.

"N-no! Wait! T-time out! I just—hauuu~ I'm still sensitive! Hyah! Ah! Haru, you dummy!"

In the beginning, Sora tried to stop Haru. However, when she realized that Haru was unresponsive because he was in a pleasure-induced daze, she gave up to get his attention. Then, she entrusted her body to her twin/lover.

Haru and Sora continued making love and got immersed in the out-of-the-world pleasure. Sora released sonorous, sweet voices as Haru pounded her single-mindedly.

Around ten minutes or so later, Sora had climaxed three times in total. Haru finally felt that he was close to his first climax.

Haru immediately scooped Sora's body and embraced his dazed twin in his arms. His movements became erratic as he pursued his orgasm.

A few moments later, Haru deeply sheathed his Excalibur in Sora's Avalon and released his seed into Sora's womb. Sora's body spasm from the injection of Haru's. She experienced an intense orgasm.

After recovering from his afterglow, Haru checked Sora's condition and found out that she had fallen asleep. It seems like she had finally met her limit and fell asleep after her strongest orgasm yet.

Haru lovingly smiled at Sora and rubbed her hair-matted, sweaty forehead before he kissed her there. "Good night, Sora. I love you, and sleep well," Haru whispered to Sora's ear, getting an unconscious smile from the sleeping Sora.

After that, Haru pulled his little dragon out of its newly conquered den. He saw his spunk, stained with the proof of Sora's virginity, leaking out of her swollen pussy.

"Alright. One down. Now…" Haru turned his head to Suzuka and immediately recoiled when he saw Suzuka's eyes.

Suzuka's eyes were wide open, glazed, and bloodshot. She stubbornly watched Haru's twitching little dragon, which was rearing for another conquest.

"Er, Suzuka?" Haru hesitantly called Suzuka.

"Aye, Sir!" Suzuka unconsciously raised her voice and stood up. She gave Haru an impeccable military salute. Yet, her eyes never moved away from Haru's dragon.

"Ahahaha," Haru awkwardly laughed at Suzuka's MAX tension. "So, do you change your mind? I don't mind if you pull back now. I can wait until you're ready."

Suzuka looked at Haru's eyed after she heard Haru's words. She then furiously shook her head and replied.

"No! I'm ready! Never been as ready as now! Please turn me into an adult, Onii-chan!" Suzuka declared with a tension-filled voice.

"Well, then. I'm coming," Haru said and crawled to the edge of the bed to get Suzuka.