Chapter 1 Hackers Ruin Everything

"My Name Is Arcinon Tasfarion (Are-Sin-on)(Tas-far-re-on), Im the son of the God who legit created everything, My mother is the Goddess of Love, big suprise there right? No? Anyways, I can bend Time, Change peoples opinions control others, and so much more, and I would use my powers, but Dad said if I used them for things I wanted and not the good of the universe hed remove my powers... Almost everything you read in books is true, Aliens, magic, Super powers, Gods, Excalibur, its all true. Although in a lot of cases its stretched quite a bit, and by a bit I mean its stretched so far you can see it from the Altron Galaxy. Now that you have your childhood nightmares back, Ill tell you about myself in more depth, Im average height which is surprising since in most cases Gods are tall, with my Dad being the exception, he's 4' 2. I Can see perfectly so I don't need glasses but the government gave nonprescription glasses to "Make me seem more friendly to the others under protection", it's kind of dumb. I have wavey black hair and Dark red eyes, and I look almost Identical to my father. I kinda wish I got my looks from my mom.. but nope... so Im hot but im not "Divine to look at" as my mom would put it.

I live with others who were "too different from the humans, to live in peace and harmony"... I just feel like if your gonna be racist don't sugar coat it. Since we can't live with the humans or, "Mortals" as my Dad would say, we have a home system, each of us live our lives as they do, we even have marriage, but in the end it sucks, its hot here, we have infinite water, Thanks to me, but we dont have a lot of fun. Sure we have all have a tv and it may big big, but its only mortal tv shows, and reruns are the worst...

So now that you know the rundown take my hand ill port you to your living quarters" I look at the Stranded Alien and give a reassuring smile to try to calm him down. He smiles back at me and takes my hand, I close my eyes and Teleport to a broken down shack. I look at the Alien and he seems like hes going to cry so I look up and say, "Dad, is it cool if I use my powers to fix the place up?" the ground Trembles and I hear a voice "Fine, but you better not try anything stupid."

I nod and raise my hand, I start to turn back time on the shack then I say, "Hey Erium want me to just Make a better one?" He steps back and I say, "Son of King of God's, I know everything and know everyone its ok." He calms down and nods, I then smile and melt down the shack and reform it, I alter the Atomic properties and change it to titanium instead of steel. Then 10 minutes pass and its done. He enters it and I walk towards the cafeteria.

I enter the cafeteria and sit down as Im greeted by a Red haired demigod, hes rare hes part mage part god, so he has the best of both worlds, being a god doesn't mean I can use magic... so I can do a lot, but I cant cast or use any types of magic..

My friend Gil sits down, and says with a mocking grin, "So king? whatcha doin?" I sigh and say "Waiting for todays food." Im soon brought a cheeseburger and fries and I snap my fingers to turn the tv on. The ground trembles and I laugh, "Ha, I know dad, but im not hurting anyone so chill." the ground stops trembling and I watch the tv. Theres the president and the Government Representative It switches to the news, and I see the Newscaster Smile, "Welcome back, Two hackers were given sanctuary by the police after what they found. As it turns out Were not alone, there are gods, mages, aliens and many more. All under the protection of the government, but is it really protection if they are keeping adults and Children confined to solitude? We are curently holding a convention to determine the fate of these biological Mysteries."

Me and Gil look at each other and say in perfect unison, "Uh... oh..." we look at the tv and it switches to the president and Representative, The president frowns and says, "Yes I knew about them, but they are happy. They live life like us. There's no need to bring them here." A reporter then speaks out, "How do we know this isnt a joke? how can we?" The Representative Sighs and says, "Well... I can call one of them here." Gil says, "Uh oh dude... well see yah later" My vision darkens and im now infront of a crowd.

I turn around and say in anger "What the heck dude? Im trying to eat my dinner I dont want to be here." Alex then says, "Im sorry, but please do something." I growl and the ground trembles, I then turn around and Look at the crowd whos amazed by my appearance. One reporter gets on the stage and says, "What are you?" I look at him and say, "Well Morton, Im a God, I don't want to be here so this better be quick." The ground trembles and my Dad appears and hes floating on his side, he flies around me and says, "Eh.. you can fly if you want Son." I smile and start to levitate.

I smile as the crowd goes wild with pictures, they seem freaked out and bewildered at the same time. I then say, "Hey Dad, may I please demonstrate the abilities of a god?" He sighs then gives a small nod and I float up and surround everyone with a barrier, I then make a Concentrated star and explode it and the barrier is sucked into it. The crowd cheers and my Dad says, "Hey Arcinon, thats enough, that was dangerous enough." I sigh with disappointment and float down, im still levitating but barely off the ground now.

The President then says, "So now that you've seen what your dealing with do you want these kids and adults in your life? Do you wanna live in fear of a rogue? Do you?" I smile expecting them to yell no, but they don't they scream yes, I drop in shock as my Dad laughs. My Dad then says with a smile, "Have fun you bunch on Mortal, Morons." He vanishes and a reporter gets mad, The reporter yells "How dare you call us that, what gives you the right?"

The ground starts to tremble as the president rushes over and puts his hands over the reporters mouth and says, "First off kneel and apologize, Thats the King of gods, Second off he created humanity, so if he wants to call us morons he has the right, and third he can wipe us out at any moment so be happy he isnt annoyed with us. Now as I said you should kneel and apologize right now." The reporter kneels and says, "Im so sorry, oh great and powerful ruler." he would have fine but he was being sarcastic, I smile as I watch him fade from existence.

The crowd goes silent, I watch as 32 people take off there hats and drop to their knees and pray, I listen to their thoughts and sure enough its to my dad. The president sighs and looks at me, He then hands me a piece of paper with an Address on it. I then say in confusion, "Whats this?" he then says "that's where you highschool will be, you start tomorrow so go home and pack up..." My mouth drops and I glare, "I don't need to go to school. this is so unnecessary." he nods and says, "Im sorry but its a new law, all teenagers under 18 even the Supernatural ones, must attend school."

I port home and as I pack up and leave I see Gil waiting, He smiles at me and says, "Heh im 18, but since your going I'll do the same, Your like my brother, where ever you go, I'll follow." I smile and say, "Then did you pack up?" He shrugs, "Eh, not really, We don't need to bring anything so why should I care?" I nod and say with a short lived smile "Ready?" he nods and I port us to the high school.