Chapter 3 Friendly Fear

Ever since I was 10 Ive seen girls as those who don't truely understand my pain, all they see is a Teenage God, they don't see me as a friend, they see me as a way to climb the social ladder. So I tune them out and very few girls ever get the opportunity to be in my friend group. Strangely enough Mason apologized and asked me to be his friend, So what did I do? I turned him away, He and his pals thought they could take me, ain't no way in hell im gonna be his friend.

Class continued to grow more boring but as... what you want me to just tell you what happened and not talk? Fine...

Its been 3 weeks and I havent given up on that water bucket... Yet... I swear he doesnt sleep, anytime I enter with that bucket hes waiting for me with those superman pajamas and bunny slippers... And I can't forget that cocky smile which tells me to give up, but Ill Never Yield! I am woken up by my Alarm clock and the buckets gone... I enter Gils room and I notice his chairs floating, I gulp as I say in realization, "Uh... oh..." Im woken up for real this time, and Im soaked... My alarm clock is unplugged, and Gils holding the bucket as he says, "You give up? Are you done?" I nod slowly and get up out of bed.

Gil and I make our way to the cafeteria, today is the day you can wear your pajamas to class. I sit at the table and Isabella laughs, "Woah you have so cool dreams last night?" I sigh and shake my head, Terrence then says, "So... what happened?" Gil smiles proudly and says, "He got what he deserved!" he then takes a bite out of the orange slice and I just stare at my milk. Terrence then says, "So Gil... you did that to him?" Gil nods with pride, and then says, "Yep, with a bit of mind magic and long time deserved revenge, I managed to alter his dreams and trick him into thinking he had already been woken up, but in reality i was filling his water bucket."

Terrence frowns and then says, "And he isn't trying to kill you?" Gil shakes his head and says, "No if he did his father would take his powers away for a month." Isabella dies laughing and says, "So we lose our phones and you lose your powers! Thats priceless!" I growl and cause a tremor, "Its not funny, being a god who lost his powers is like dying to a butterfly." They all look at me and say in perfect unison, "What?" I sigh, "It means, im useless and can't defend myself, a god without their powers has the speed of a Sloth, and strength of a single ant. We are defenseless..." Isabella looks at gill, "Is... is he serious?" Gil nods, "last time daddy Tasf took his powers I had to feed him... worst month of my life.."

The table goes Silent, then Terrence says, "Theres suppost to be a transfer student, a girl, her name is Kira I believe. Im suppost to help her find her classes. Any of you wanna tag along? You will get a get out of class free card, so..." I slam my hand on the table lightly and crack it, "Oops.. uh.. im in!" Terrence laughs, "Yeah, I kind of guessed you jump on board." I then say, "So what kind of get out of class card we talkin?" He smiles, "Whole day. We have to show her around, she requested to see the whole school, something about a bad sense of direction. Although thats normal, Ive gotten lost at a mall."

I sigh and say, "Yeah... the first time I decided to walk to class before I knew the layout... I got lost and found myself begging the janitor to show me the map..." Gil laughs at me, then they all join in as Gil says, "So much for universal knowledge!" I blush and say, "Hey... Im not completely my dad.. i have some of my moms powers which weaken the ones from my dad.." Gil just laughs even harder, "Tell you mom shes Loooovely!" I growl again and the table breaks and I quickly turn back time on it, Gil just gives me a warm smile and I calm down. Terrence then says, "Anyways I better get going, I suppost to meet her by the main office in 3 minutes, so Um.. Arc, can you port us there?"

I nod and take us to the Main office, and there is a girl sitting in a chair, she has a black short sleeved T-shirt and brown hair, with blonde highlights on the tips, I focus my eyes and they zoom enough for me to see she has brown eyes. She stands up and says as she points to the clock, "Your late, but it's ok." I look at the clock and Terrence says with a sigh, "I forgot, my watch is 3 minutes slow..." I then say, "Hi, my name's Arcinon!" I listen to her thoughts, "Hmm.. this kid seems way too happy, gods are kind of lame.." I growl for a second and then say, "I think im going to like you." She frowns, "Why is that?" I cough, "Um... because I.. um... you just seem cool." I listen to her thoughts, "Yep... totally lame..." I smile

As it turns out we have almost the exact same schedule, with very small differences, like our history and srt, other than that its the exact same. Me and Terrence take her around the school and show her where everything is, sadly my major contribution was the Janitors closet... As the day finally reached Its end Kira looked at me and said, "So... you going to tell me the truth now? Why did you know you were going to get along with me?" Terrence smiles, "I can tell you." She shakes her head, "Nope, I want to hear it from him."

I sigh and say, "I can hear other peoples thoughts, and you knew I was a god yet didnt want to use me for social gain. Thats rare, and I honestly apprciate that. So when I knew I could trust you I knew I wanted to be your friend. Im sorry I listened to your thoughts, I just don't trust many people." She smiles annd says, "Eh... I kinda already knew you read my thoughts cause I noticed you were staring at my forehead, and got a little aggressive when I called God's lame." I laugh awkwardly, "So do you forgive me?" She nods, "Just don't listen to my thoughts, thats wrong, I get that your a God, but your a teen like me, so being a God isnt an excuse in your case." I sigh realizing shes right and I say, "Ok I promise, but only with you, If I meet others, im going to read their thoughts, because that is how I decide on if I will trust them." She shrugs, "Eh.. thats fair, but you already know I won't betray you so stay out of my head. Got It?" She raises her fist and for the first time ever I flinch. She smiles, "Good."

So at the end of the day, I had two new things, one is a new friend and the other is a fear of a friend... Dad was right Mortals are scary... Well some of them. I walked to my dorm and this time Gil was already in his room, I look at the clock and realize schools been out for 3 hours.. Terrence was right It did take all day!