Chapter 8

" Afraid of him to leave again " Y/n said

Yoonji and Hyujin looked at each other

Since that day, Y/n got cold to Yeonki

" Let's eat breakfast, Y/n "

" I don't want. " as she walked out


" I have party with my friends, you want to come y/n? "

" No " as she went to her room


" y/n, Do you want some chips and... "

" No " as she walked out again

Until one day...

Yeonki went to Y/n's room.

" Y/n "

" What are you doing here? "

" Can I talk to you? "

" I'm busy "

" Some of them are still alive "

As y/n looked at Yeonki

" not all of them are killed, Y/n. I still need to kill them " he said as Y/n eyes widen

" Yes y/n. I'm Suga. Min Suga. " he said as Y/n cried and ran to him and hug him.

" I miss you Suga. I miss you so much. Please don't leave me again " she said

" I miss you too Y/n but leaving you is the best for you " he said as he pushed y/n gently

" The why did you came back "

" Sorry Y/n "

" What? Why are you saying sorry? "

" I used you as bait. The Phantom Troupe are after you now. And I'm here to protect you from them and kill them all " he said

" Then don't leave me anymore "

Suga held her hand

" Always remember, whenever the starts and moon are there, and whenever it's raining, I'm watching you from somewhere. It means, I always watching you. Just think that, I'm the rain, the starts and the moon " as his tears fell from his eyes

" What are you saying?! " y/n asked as she cried more

" Sorry Y/n " he said as he put a handkerchief on Y/n's nose and she collapsed " I love you... Y/n "

Time skips...

Y/n woke up.

" Ahhh nice sleep... " She said as she remembered what happened " Suga! " she said as she ran downstairs to look for Suga but... he is not there anymore.

" Suga! SUGA! " she said while crying.

She walked outside while shouting his name and crying " Suga!!! "

She's out of her mind. She asked every person she sees. " Hey do you kniw where is Suga? " " Hey did you see a guy with white skin named suga? " " Do you know Suga? Where is he? "

People called her crazy but she don't care.

Until a car..........................

Y/n was hit by a car

Time skips...

Hyujin P.O.V.

" How is her now doc? "

" She's okay now. But she got amnesia."

" What? So all her memories are gone? "

" Yes. Sorry "

" Okay doc. Thank you " as the doctor left

Hyujin get the phone and called Yoonji

On call

" She's okay now but her memories are gone " Hyujin said

" You mean, Amnesia? " Yoonji asked

" Yes. "

" It's okay. At least she's alive. Did you call her parents? "

" Yes. They said, they can't go home because they are busy. And they trust us to help her "

" Oh okay. I'll be there in 15 minutes "

" Okay I'll wait. "

End of call

After 15 minutes, Yoonji came with snacks and drinks

" Let's eat while waiting for Y/n to wake up " as they both ate.

While eating...

" I want water... " ( sleepy voice ) as Yoonji and Hyujin looked at each other shocked and they ran quickly to Y/n

" You're awake! " Yoonji said

" Yeah. Wait by the way, who are you? And where am I? " Y/m asked

" oh yeah. I'm Hyujin "

" And I'm Yoonji. We are your friends"

" And you are in the hospital. You got accident. You are hit by a car. " Hyujin said

" oh okay. Why I can't remember anything? " Y/n asked

" You had amnesia because of the accident " Hyujin said

" Oh okay " as they all smiled

" You want to eat? " Yoonji asked

" Yeah " y/n answered

" Okay. I'll just go to the doctor and tell him you're awake " Hyujin said

After she called the doctor, the doctor said, she's okay. That y/n can go out the hospital tomorrow. And after the doctor left, they eat together while bringing back all the memories. Even her being detective, they told her. She was so amazed. But Yoonji and Hyujin decided not to tell her about Suga.

Time skips...

After two weeks

Y/n P.O.V.

On call

" Hey Hyujin, is it true that you will go abroad? " Y/n asked

" Yes. I'll go to Canada tomorrow. Sorry I didn't tell you earlier "

" It's okay. Please be safe and keep me updated "

" Yeah sure. If I can't update you for a while it means I'm busy okay? "

" Okay. Have a safe trip. "

" Thanks "

End of call

Time skips...

After One month

On call

" Hey y/n " Yoonji said

" Yes? Why did you call? "

" I think I'm next to Hyujin "

" What do you mean? "

" I need to go to US with my parents "

" What? When? " Y/n asked

" Day after tomorrow "

" Oh.. " with said voice Y/n said

" Don't worry. I'll update you whenever I'm not busy " Yoonji said

" Okay. Be safe and enjoy "

" Always be safe okay? "

" Okay thanks. "

End of call

Since that day, Y/n became alone. She stopped for a while being a detective.

" Our great detective needs some rest for now because of her amnesia caused by car accident... " news said

Night time...

( It's raining )

Y/n lied down on her as her tears fell down from her eyes.

" I'm sad because my friends are not here " She said to herself " But even they are here, I'm always crying " as she cried more

" Why am I always like this? What I forgotten? Whenever it's raining, I'm always crying like this. It hurts. What's this?!!! " she cried and cried and cried more and more and more.

As she fell asleep

" Don't cry... Don't think... Don't remember... Don't... "

As she woke up. She gets her phone and chatted Hyujin

On chat

" Hey Hyujin? "

" yes? "

" I've had a dream "

" What is it? "

" He got no face. It's pure black. He said ' Don't cry... Don't think... Don't remember... Don't...' do you know about this things? "

Hyujin got so hard time to reply

" Hey you still there Hyujin? "

" Oh yeah sorry late responds. Don't worry maybe it's something about your memories "

" Oh okay "

" Well I gonna go. Bye. Be safe "

" Okay. Thanks. You too "

End of Chat.

Hyujin chatted Yoonji. She told her everything that Y/n told Hyujin

" Someday, everything will come back like her memories about him " Yoonji said

" Yeah I think so too " Hyujin said

Every night, raining or not, Y/n still crying and having a dream. Same person, same voice, and same sentence. She can't stop it.

One night

" Ahh!!!! Here I am again!!!! What's this? Why am I crying again?!!!! Who are you????!!!! "