Denver's Pov

Dhaine: You what?!

Sue: are you Serious!?

Blanche: Are you sure no one saw you?!

After the kiss Rum and I shared, I was very confused and decided to call Dhaine, Sue and Blanche. We did a group call with each  other and told them about what happened.

 I didn't bother to call Johan or Timothy, I trust them but this is a thing girls understand more.

"Trust me, I also don't know!" I told them, my breath was almost running out.

Dhaine: Ok, lets talk about this tommorow. Don't talk to Rum until we get a chance to talk.

Dhaine said, trying to help me with this one.

In the past few years we've been together, every time one of us encounters this kind of issue we always help each other. I'm always the one who helps, because I've never done anything like this before. Even with my past relationships.

I don't kiss the person if I don't feel committed to him and I never trust anyone other than my friends. After the incident with my last boyfriend.

"How Am I going to avoid him if he's always beside me." I asked her on the phone.

Sue: Just avoid him.

"How?!" I repeated.

Blanche: Just Do it!!. Blanche shouted on the other line.

dhaine: Don't Think about it too much Denver. Or else, you wont be able to sleep tonight. 

She reminded me. She knows me too well. I cant sleep if I have something going on in my head. I don't know if this is normal, or something's wrong with my sleeping routine.

"Okay, I wont." I told them as they ended the call.

There was a moment of silence after I hang up the group call with Dhaine, Blanche and Sue. My head was still full of worry and confusion about what happened earlier.

Everything happened so fast. First thing I know, I was about to get inside my car. then suddenly he kissed me?

Was he mistaken? Maybe he tripped and accidently kissed me.

Everything was going inside my mind. It seems like the problem of the whole world was in my shoulders.

What if someone saw us? and then posted it on the D-H-T page? then it will be over for me.

Don't think about it too much Denver. or else you wont be able to sleep tonight. I remembered Dhaine telling me those.

I shouldn't be carrying all this trouble all by myself. I have friends, best friends, who can help me with this. besides, this is also Rum's problem not only mine.

I place my mother's phone on the desk beside the bed, (my mother still didn't buy me a new one.) 

and closed my eyes to sleep.


"ok class, settle down" the teacher announced.

I arrived here very early today. I failed to follow Dhaine's reminder to not think about it too much. 

I tried. I tried my best to make it disappear in my mind. but I still coudnt.

The more I do, The more it bothers me.

I listened to the teacher, Ms. Goba, as she lecture with a new topic. I listed but never understand everything she said. My mind was not in this classroom, but out there thinking about the kiss Rum and I had yesterday.

I didn't ignore Rum Ocampo, because he was not around. I don't know where he went. Maybe he's absent, reflecting on what he did yesterday afternoon.

I wasn't worried that Rum was not around, but Nick, Bob, Lei, as well as Ricci were also not around. They couldn't possibly be in the security room, Bob said yesterday that we go there every afternoon.

I kept listening to the teacher. No one was sitting beside me today. Rum was not around. Rein was still absent, maybe her family problems was still unsolved. She usually go to school, but not for a whole day.

I only have Mel siting nearest to me.

Sometimes, just in the morning. Sometimes, in the afternoon. Or if some subjects have a scheduled exam.

I tried my best to stay focus in this class. or else, it will affect my grades hardly. i cant let a problem get in my way.

I listening to Ms. Goba, when Mel's phone Ringed. It was a sound that means you have a new notification on your social media account.

I noticed it immediately, and scolded Mel, who was already on her phone.

"Mel, turn that off!" I told her.

She just stared at me.

"Uhm, Denver-" she hesitated.

Mel stared at me weirdly. I don't know what she meant.

IT was lucky enough, Mel didn't get caught for using her phone in class. But-


Everyone's phone started  ringing. It was impossible for the teacher not to hear it.

"Guys, NO PHONES DURING CLASS HOURS!" the teacher shouted.

The other students stared at me, and started murmuring. I was confused about it. why are they staring at me weirdly?

I tried to ask Mel, but she's too afraid to answer. Even the teacher is now on her phone and is staring at me worriedly.


The class was almost over, but the teacher stopped lecturing and kept staring at me. This thing on their phone is making them unfocused. Some stared at me worriedly. some was full of hate and Anger.

I was getting confused, something was going on, I cant even find out, since i don't have any phone with me.

Luckily, the school's security guard knocked on the door.

"excuse me ma'am" referring to Ms. Goba." May I excuse Mr. Clarke for a second?"

"yes-, you may" Ms. Goba was too hesitant to answer.

To avoid more scene, I hurriedly got up and went to the guard. even from leaving the classroom, the looks of my classmates, didn't change.

"Mr. Clarke, your friends asked you to go to the security room." he said.

"Why, Mr.?" I asked politely.

"Its about that!" pointing towards my classmates holding their phones.

I don't have time to ask him, I immediately followed him towards the security room.


"You can go in now Mr. Clarke" The guard bid farewell and left me alone, standing outside the security room's door.

I took a deep breath before holding the knob. I don't know what issue is happening, but I know they will help me.

I opened the door carefully wondering who's inside.

When I opened the door, everyone was there. My friends Sue, Blanche, Dhaine, Timothy and Johan. As well as my classmates Nick, Bob, Lei and Ricci. 

Rum was also standing on the back. I didn't dare to look at him in the eye.

"What's wrong?" I asked them, still without any clue about the events.

Dhaine and Sue immediately ran towards my direction.

"Denver don't be Mad okay!?" Sue said.

"Calm down!" Dhaine added.

"What's wrong guys?!" I asked them. Everyone was panicking before me. I dont even know what's going on.

"this" Dhaine said.

She lead me towards the computer monitor. Everyone moved back, gave me some space. 

I looked closely, to the familiar scene in the monitor. It was devastating.

"are you okay Denver?" Bob said, trying to ask me. I was to heartbroken to answer.

On the monitor was a picture of a scene that happened yesterday afternoon. It was a picture of me and Rum kissing.

I don't know what to feel. Angry? Sad? Mad? Furious? Confuse?. It was to much for me to get. Another private photo of mine was exposed to the public

"was- was this the reason every- everyone was staring at me weirdly?!" I asked them, trembling.

"yes Denver. Someone posted this and messaged this to everyone." bob explained. "we tried to trace the person who posted this, but we cant find any clues" 

I don't know what to say. I turned towards the direction where Rum Ocampo was standing. He stared back, and then immediately turned away and bowed down.

I don't know what to feel about him. Should I slap or punch him? Is this his fault?

My head was full of stuffs. My heart was confused and was breaking. 

my eyes started to water.

"Are you okay Denver?" Sue asked me, tapping my shoulder.


"but you're crying." Dhaine added.

"Don't worry Denver we can do this." Bob assured me.

I nodded emotionlessly in response.

I don't know! Its already out. even if they delete it, everyone had already seen it.

This is a very familiar event. History repeated itself. What happened last year, happened again.

I stared at Rum once again, who was still lowering his head.

I was too confused. 

I walked out the room, upset and disappointed. Both with myself, and Rum. I trusted him and he failed me.

I walked outside, without knowing where to go. All I know was, I want to get out of here, to saty away from there weird stares.

I walked faster outside.

and left them, without any statements.