Aftermath (4)

"Somebody call Ambulance, fast " Rose shouted while holding Lisa.

Lisa's brother somehow regained his strength and walked towards his unconscious sister.

He pushed Rose from Lisa and hurriedly carried her, walked towards his car.

Rose was shunned when someone suddenly pushed her. She was about to shout then realized that it was Issac, remained silent.

She silently followed behind him, who was carrying Lisa.

Issac slowly placed Lisa at the backseat of his car and closed its door.

After closing the door, he turned around and saw Rose. His bloodshot eyes stared at her angrily.


"Don't ever come near her.." Issac interrupted.

Then his eyes saw Rob coming behind her.".. not now not ever. if I ever saw you both coming near her. I swear that will be your last day. And I mean it."

Both Rose and Issac felt a shiver through their spine and remained silent. just nodded.

Issac ignored them. Turned around. Opened his driving seat's door, sat and closed the door. He started his car, went to the nearest hospital as fast as possible.

After Issac's car was out of the view, Rose turned and hugged Issac tightly while crying, who was standing behind her. He hugged her back-patting her back.

"Don't worry nothing will happen to her, nothing will happen to her..." He repeated that again and again as if he was comforting himself and preventing himself from thinking any bad happening to Lisa.

"Brother said we can never meet," Rose said crying

"Don't worry, he is angry now so he said that. Don't worry, he didn't mean that." He replied.

" hu hu" She again started crying.

He let her cry cause he knows he can't say anything to comfort her. He felt guilty for letting Lisa go out of his house in that condition. But now everything has already happened. There is no turning back now. No one can change anything now. He can only pray that Lisa will be saved.

After Rose stopped crying, "Let's go back, it's not good for you and the baby. ok " He said while patting her back.

"Ok" Rose whipped her tears.

They both went back to their apartment, hugging each other.

.. .. . .. . . . . .

"HOW DID THIS HAPPENED??" Lisa's father shouted to her brother. They didn't care whether they were in public. Issac said everything that he saw.

" my poor poor " Her mom cried.

"Its okay nothing will happen to her, don't worry," Her father said softly.

"Father. I think...It can't be a coincidence.." Issac said slowly

"Yes, I think so too .. I have already sent some men to look into this. We have to go bottom of it."

"yes, father," Isaac said then remained silent

.. . . . . .. . . . . ..

Its already been 10 hrs since Lisa is in the operating room.

Her mom, dad and brother were eagerly waiting outside the room for news.

After another 6hr passed,

The red light of the operation room is off that means operation is finished.

The doctor came out of the room. Her mom, dad and brother all stood up at once and surrounded the doctor.

" Doctor," they said simultaneously

"I have sad news for you. "

"what ?? "

"We tried our best and we also managed to save her but.."


"But we don't know when will she wake up. Or if she ever wakes up again. We will have to observe her for 24 hrs. If she doesn't show any sign of waking or will not respond to any stimulus then we will have to declare her brain dead."


"Yes, it's cause after the accident, when she fell on the ground the greatest impact was on her brain. There was heavy haemorrhage because of that. Her brain didn't get sufficient blood for some time that has caused damage in some of its part. We don't know when she will wake up or if she will wake up or not. Even if she wakes up, we aren't sure whether she will the same Lisa as before or not. Maybe some of her memory will lose or in the worst case, she become mentally retarded. We can only observe for now. Plus... her accident has caused in damage of her spinal cord. We have tried our best to minimize the damage. but even so, if she wake up there might be some difficult for her to walk again. I am saying this because I want you all to prepare for the worst. So let's hope some miracle might happen."

"Oh, no.."Her mother cried.

"For now, Sir and mam, you all have to be strong for her. Please be patient and attentive of her. For further results, you have to wait until tomorrow. Now, I have to go. Thank you." Doctor said

" Thank you, doctor."

The doctor went to his office.

Lisa's father and brother remained silent from shock while her mother started crying more loudly.

The clock started ticking "tic-tok tic-tok tic-tok".

24 hrs begins now