Smiling my eyes off, I looked at Lianno who is sitting in front of me. It's been a week since the garden scene happened. And now we are back to normal, but is closer than before.

Lianno was trying to knit like me but was greatly failing when the yarns were all getting tangled up with each other. I was laughing my ass off when he tried again one more time and again, not getting far, the yarns were now tangled up.

"You suck at this!" I exclaimed laughing. 

He glared at the yarn and placed it on the floor.

"I told you, I should just teach you how to ride a horse," Smirking teasingly, he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Nope," Popping the letter P off, I rolled my eyes and continue knitting, making a bonnet. 

My eyes were focused on the bonnet that I'm making. I'm using beige and black yarn, mixing them together. I already finished more than half of it, so it will roughly take about 1 or 2 hours before I can finish the whole one.