
I was shocked… totally shocked at what I saw. The hair, the eyes, the facial attributes… I know them. My grandma was the exact carbon copy of our Great-Great-Great-Grandma. 

"Why, love?" He doesn't know a single thing about what I'm seeing, I was sure of that.

"W-Why is this here?" I asked him, curiously. 

With my eyes set off him, I was curious. I was curious about the painting, I was curious about why is it here… and I was curious why my family didn't say a thing about Biringan. 

They should have known a few facts about this place, right? I was trying my best to contain the tears forming in my eyes. I was confused, yet I felt betrayed… by my family, I guess?

"That woman? She was once a council in the Kingdom," He answered, looking at me weirded out. I nodded and looked back. I turned my head against the wall as if feeling that my grandmother was looking at me.