3 days have passed already passed. Everything went back to normal, with Lianno working 12 hours a day, I was left in the palace wandering around, with Jea and Isabela accompany me. 

Reading a cookbook, I decided to start practicing my baking skills already. Since I do not have anything to do these days and in the future days. I wiped out the sweat forming on my forehead. 

I didn't know baking can be this easy, but at the same time can be this hard. It was fun measuring the ingredients as well as mixing. But baking it was hard. Trying to know whether the food is already cooked or not. 

It was my first time baking some cookies, and even though embarrassed at what I have done earlier. But I just want to say that I made a big mistake earlier. Instead of putting 1 teaspoon of baking soda in the mixture, I mistakenly placed a fourth of a cup of it.