"What was taking Lianno so long?" I was pouting my lips, looking through the window beside me. 

The sun was already going down. The orange gold stretches far and wide, the color of fire hearths and tangerines. It is but the reflection of the dawn, the promise of the rising sun that comes after the velvety night has had its say and the land has rested once more.

It was already 6 in the evening, I was waiting for him for a mere 30 minutes already, and yet his shadows can't be seen through my eyes. With Iya laying down on my lap, I took a deep breath and set my eyes off, to her. 

"Baby, why is your daddy, taking so long?" I giggled, looking at her eyes. 

Obviously, she wouldn't answer my enquiries. But then, Iya barked softly and stood up, going down the sofa. My brows furrowed as she wags her tail, running directly towards the door, excitedly.