It was a dark and cold night, and there was a huge party in the neighboring mansion. I was invited, and naturally, I went there to have fun. I even didn't know that Raphael is invited as well.

"Good Evening, Monice. Even though I haven't seen you earlier, I know that you'll come to the party." Senyora Maria said and smiled her usual evil grin.

I smiled back and hug her, "I'm sorry if I came late, auntie. It was just-"

"They flocked on you outside. Am I right?" I laughed when she said it at first.

I was about to go inside the mansion when the media and many people said their greetings to me. The Silverio brothers are throwing a party for their wives. Naturally, some of their friends are invited too. I have a common friend with them, and they are shocked to see me here.

"You are such a good catch, so everyone is now eyeing on you, hija. Don't you want to get married nowadays?"