I smiled dreamingly, when someone suddenly smacks my head lightly, making me look back in reality. I glared at the person who is responsible for that act. Guineverre placed her hands in the sky, as a sign of giving up. 

"You're smiling so widely, that we thought you're getting crazy already." I glared at both of them before laying down on my bed.

Facing the flowers, placed on my side. I inhaled its scent the fresh smell of the flowers was lingering, making my eyes closed in cloud 9. 

The happiness that I'm feeling was not very new to me. The butterflies in my stomach, the fast beating of my heart. And the flushed cheek that is occurring every time Lianno is by my side. It felt new yet somehow, I yearned for it. 

I wished that when I wake up tomorrow and in future days the happiness will remain and will still be the same, but the world really is full of surprises as it has its own ways to destroy everything.
