



       I tossed and turned in my bed like it was going to change the fact that the rain droplets were kinda extremely loud.

Ugh! I give up.


      I stood up and went towards the large vanity at the far end of my room. Earlier this week,mother took me to go try out the snake venom therapy. They say that stuff clears all wrinkles under thirty minutes and Lady Marie never hesitates to spend her money where youthfulness is assured.

         Mother told me that I looked different after the treatment but did I...did I really look different? I made sure to check every angle of my face from my big doe eyes to the outline of my coral lips. Nothing changed as far as my eyesight is concerned,still the same brown skin,brown eyes,brown hair hell I wouldn't be surprised if my internal organs were brown.

Plain boring brown.

     That's all I ever was. Why couldn't I have my mother's hazel eyes or my father's pale skin.Heck I would kill to just have another colour in my life.

        I trotted down the stairs quietly trying to skip some steps. Mother says it's unlady like but who the hell cares.I got to the kitchen and behold...

someone forgot to put the brownie jar back in the fridge. I reached out for three of those while simultaneously making myself a cupe of chocolate milk.


I froze.I know you guys mightbe like I didnt steal or anything but just so you know mother hates carbs or anything that spells sugar. She would probably freek out if she saw what I was doing right now.Thank goodness it is just Madeline.

"Louise,your mother would not like that "she gave me a disapproving look. Cut me some slacks. I haven't even tasted a lollipop for the past three months. Last night,I ate bricolli and ginger soup for dinner.

Yuck!! It taste like cat food.Don'task me how I know that.

"Please Madeline spare me all the crappy talk." I rolled my eyes." Do not roll your eyes at meyoung lady and where did you get those brownies." Before one could say Jack Robinson she popped two in her mouth.I gave her the look."What?? I am not the daughter of Lady Marie. I am pretty sure she won't mind me being as fat as a goose."

"Nice comparison Madeline...just nice. I hope you remember your monthly physical assessment test while devouring those brownies."

"Oops!" She grinned and showed me her once white teeth covered with chocolaty goodness."Well I will just work it out any way. Klaus has been trying to get me to visit him at work. Maybe I just might find an excuse to."





"Nothing sweetheart" It chortled rather loudly.

"Ssshhhh"She blushed "Everyone's asleep. You seriously want to wake up your mother?"

"Oh right " I mellowed down . That's why she is my favourite . Madeline wasn't just a maid she was like family. We became friends after sharing quite a popular opinion about my mother.

She is a control freek alright. Yup I said it and I won't take it back not for anything.

    I looked down at my pink mug which was now empty."Oh well! I better get back in bed while you gulp down whatever sates you. Klaus better know what's coming for him."

Madeline giggled "shut up Lou. I am not planning to scare my boyfriend away."

"Okay" I wove white paper towel in my hand as a sign of surrender.I hurried back up climbing the stairs on after the other and taking my time.


I looked back down and Madeline gave me a sympathetic smile "Congrats."

Oh I totally forgot to tell you guys.

Today is my wedding day.