Chapter 3: Little Cutie

The spring day opens with the same gentle pace as the new blooms. The petals burst out from lower down the branches leaving the tips still in tight bud. The blooms on the avenue are already out to herald springtime

The grass is a soft green that almost has a hint of blue and in the sky is enough pristine white cloud to show you how beautiful the sky was, how perfect. The concrete of the path was warm under the child's bare feet and she was glad to be free of the confines of her running shoes

A young and adorable child poked his head out the back door and yelped.

A handsome man came running to his aid.

This man had a beautiful face with delicate features, his porcelain skin seemed silky smooth. The expression on his face was indifferent, and the colour of those tightly closed lips was luminous. His eyes brows were curved like a rainbow and lips were rosy pink. The ink black hair flowed down his pack like a painting

He had a tall and slender frame; the hands exposed outside his broad sleeves also looked like they were carved from a high-quality white jade. Under the sunlight, the man's frame appeared to have been covered with a faint layer of halo. He looked like a banished celestial from heaven.

He wore a business suit. The business suit was silky and smoot. It was dyed to a uniform shade of bleak grey. Above white-collar line it was as if his face had been fashioned from those inky dots. On his collar a brochure was worn, a small cherry blossom made of gold.

He exuded sexiness, professionalism, and elegance.

"What's wrong bun!?"

"It's the flowers, daddy, they have buds! I can see some pink through the green!" He turned, beaming, eyes wide.

The male sighed in relief. A smile blossoming on his face like a flower in spring. It took on that expression he always wore when he wanted to encourage his son but had been pulled away from something important. He was in an online conference but had to go check on his son quickly.

"Okay how about we go inside. We go inside now. You have school in an hour and you wouldn't want to exhaust yourself. Has the nanny fed you?"

"Yes mama."

*I will refer to him as either mama or dada in this story. When he meet the love interest then it'll be mama.

"C'mon let's go in and get you changed and ready. I need to quickly wrap up the meeting before I take you. Okay?"

"Okie dokie!"

The child grasped his mother's hand and dragged him inside to the large manor. The two walked up the spiral of intricate wooden staircase.

Parting ways. Jie went to his nanny to get ready and Li went back to his office to resume the meeting.

The office was painted in light hues. Making it a warm environment to work in. Family portraits hung on the war adding a sense of familiarity. There were children toys and items set to the side for whenever his son wanted to pay a little visit. On the table sat an animal tape holder and pens. It had only one floor-to-ceiling window, which faced the main road. It allowed streams of light to filter through adding a warm glow. On the baby blue wooden table sat an expensive desktop computer, a notebook lying open, and a stack of papers sitting under a turtle-shaped paperweight.

In a corner, the air conditioner which was set to low, and there was a swivel chair in the middle of the office. It was made of leather and coated a midnight black. A bookshelf sat to this side, books aligning it neatly, all in an orderly fashion.

There was a small chair next to his desk for his son and a leather couch to the side that was extremely comfortable and seem to be able to suck you in immediately.

The male took a seat on the leather swivel chair and allowed his face to reappaear on the screen.

His secretary and other co worker's smiled as he reappeared. These were the people he trusted most and even told them about his son.

"Boss your back! How's little Jie!"

"Yeah, welcome back. I wish I could squish his chubby cheeks! Kyaa!"

"Sir, I assume your taking the young master to school. Are you sure you don't want me to take you?"

The male smiled at his co-worker's words and consideration. He lightly shook his head smiling gently. His motherly smile appearing. The one in which brought comfort and warmth to all.

"No need. It is best I go alone."

"What if someone catches you?"

"Then so be it. It would have come out sooner or later."

Some smiled at his carefree behaviour while others sighed, exasperated and worried for him.

"Just be careful boss sir! I wouldn't want anything to befall you. But know we will always support you. I mean you saved me, and I'm sure everyone else to with your kindness."

The male chuckled.

"I did no such thing. I simply gave you a little push and help. The rest you all accomplished on your own. I am proud of you and glad to call you as my own."

The other's smiled at the simple words that help so much meaning.

"Boss your mother instincts are kicking in!"

The other's laughed heartily.

The door burst open. A child dressed in short in which had black straps attached to it. Wearing a black beret hat, a ironed whit shirt, shite socks with a single black stripe on it and a pair of slightly damaged leather shoes.

The male cooed softly. Opening his arms out wide. The sound of leather shoes clicking against the wooden floor soon became louder as the sound of a child's giggling resonated throughout the office.

The small body slammed into the larger one causing the male to stagger back slightly as he laughed heartily. The people within the screen couldn't help but squeal at the display of affection.

The is the hug of gentle arms that still gives the space to breathe. They wrapped around the child like a protective shield. Hiding them away from all evil. The child giggled as he hugged his mother back.

"Mama let's go!"

"Alright alright bun bun. Say bye to everyone."

Li lifted the child into the air with ease.

Li's worker's waved to him while smiling brightly as he returned the gesture cutely."

"Bye bye everybody. I hope you take good care of mama for me!"

"Of course! Your mama's the best."

"I know!"

The child said happily.

Li said his goodbyes before turning off the screen. He turned back to his beaming sun as he looked at his watch.

"We should get going or else we'll be late little star."

"Okie dokie!"

The decrepit staircase creaks and groans in complaint as a pair of feet come thumping down the ageing stairs. Followed by more softer ones. The staircase is slightly battered but still gorgeous. You can tell it's been well loved.

The nanny bid goodbye as the two hoped into the black sleek car. Li made sure to buckle in his son securely before heading to the front seat and starting the engine.

Li made sure to put on his disguise. It consisted of sunnies, a floppy hat and a scarf. It made him look slight sketchy but it did not hide his beauty and handsomeness.

The child sat in the baby seat. His face as bright as the sun.

"Yay, mama's finally taking me to school! It's been a few weeks since you have!"

"It sure has kiddo. I'll be picking you up today too!"


The omega chuckled as they sped off into the direction of little Jie's school.

They soon arrived. Li gently taking his son out of the seat and placing him back onto the firm ground. As soon as the handsome male walked out he received stares even in his odd get up.

They were still able to see his tall and firm stature that exuded the looks of an alpha although he wasn't.

Jie gripped at his backpack as he grabbed his mother's hand. The two stared at the school.

Cherry blossoms aligned the path towards the school. The pavement covered in pink petals in which was carried by the breeze. The wind howls as the students arrive through the gates, hustling and bustling. Parents chatted with their children by their side.

Li squatted to his son's level. Lifting the child's hair before kissing the baby smooth skin.

"Love you dear. Remember mummy always loves you. Have fun!"

The child hugged his mother tightly and kissed his cheek. An adorable dimpled smile appearing on his face as his eyes glimmered like the most exquisite gems in the sunlight.

"Love you a whole bunch too mummy!"

Soon the bells ring and everybody except the two.

As Jie was about to head in a small body collides with Li causing him to stumble forward.

Li instinctively placed his hands on the side of his body so he wouldn't crush his son.

His suit was soon dusted lightly in dirt. His head swivled to what had caused it. Seeing a small and adorable child there quivering slightly.

Tears bubbled in his doe like eyes. Li's heart immediately softened as he lifted him up and made sure there were no injuries. A smile soon a[peared on his face, the shape of his lips reflecting the shape of the crescent moon.

"You alright sweetie?"

"Y-Yes. I'm sorry..."

The child began bawling, he tried to wipe the tears falling as quickly as they came. The male murmured sweet nothings as to calm him. He soon quieted his crying into

He placed the child down. Smiling warmly as he did with his son.

"How about you two go to class together. My son will take you in. How does that sound?"

The child nodded slowly. Jie grabbing his hand and leading him in as the two of them waved his mother goodbye.

"Bye mama!"

"Cya sweetie and bun bun."

The male chuckled before turning on his heel and heading towards his care to head to yet another day of work


It was already late and Li was rushing to pick his son up. He chewed his lip slightly.

'What if something happens to my baby. I knew I should have left earlier! I didn't want to call the nanny since I promised to pick him up!'

The male quickly got out of the car, making sure to be in his disguise as he rushed towards the school. To only see his son at the playground with the kid from this morning.

He sighed in relief and quickly walked over to them.

As soon as Jie saw his mother he jumped up from where he sat and hugged him.

Li chuckled before turning his head back to the now saddened looking child.

"Hello sweetie. Your parents haven't picked you up?"

"No, daddy always picks me up late since he's always so busy with work…."

He looked solemn; his beady eyes glossy as he sat on the swing alone.

"What you name sweetheart?"

"Keito Uhara."

"That's a gorgeous name. I'm Li and this is my son Jie as I assume you know. How about we stay until your parents come?"

The child seemed to perk up. His eyes lighting up like a light bulb.

"You would do that? For me?"

Li chuckled as he patted his head.

"Of course, sweetie. How about you continue playing with Jie as I watch over you?"

The two nodded happily as Jie dragged his new friend away to the sand box.

An hour passed, the sound of footsteps soon sounded behind him causing Li to perk up and turn his head to behind him. His eyes widened a fraction.

The stood an extremely attractive male. Dressed in a casual ripped jean, jean jackets and expensive sunnies. He had a beautiful yet handsome face. Well defined, with a sharp jaw and angular cheekbones. The complexion of his skin going well with his ocean-like eyes. His blond hair matched his face extremely well as it framed his slender face. His eyelashes fluttered open like a pair of butterfly wings.

He has the most wonderful eyes that Li had seen– they are blue, mostly, but darken to grey in correspondence to his mood. He seldom smiles with his lips, but it is his eyes that shine instead, and it is this radiance that makes every man and woman who sees it feel the irresistible impulse to smile, too, for this smiling of the eyes is the most sincere and pure emotion, even if he didn't want to show it.

A velvety voice snapped Li out of his thoughts.

"Thank you for taking care of my son. I'm Daiki Uhara. Nice to meet you."