Chapter 15

I woke up in my bed. I remember I slept at the couch last night, with Noah. He probably carried me up here. Aren't I heavy enough for him to carry? Wait, where is Noah?

I looked at my phone. It's almost 8am. I thought we'd be working out together.

I got out of bed and went to the hallway. I went in front of his room and I reached my knuckle to knock. "Noah? Are you awake?"

No answer.

My hand made its way to the knob and felt it was open. Should I go in? "Noah? Your door is open" I decided to go in but he's not here. "Noah??" I called but no response. Then the bathroom door creeked open with him going out fresh from the shower.

Goodness! Those water drops falling from his hair.. I stare in inevitable pleasure of what I'm seeing this very moment. Half-naked as water drops flowing down his 6-packs.. His aura is so intense. He's just... HOT!!

Then I just realized he's been looking at me because I've been staring at him for more than 5 seconds. I looked away then I heard a chuckle. "My, my, what a great timing"

"I was just waiting for you to wake up anytime now" He added. "I made breakfast"

I then shyly looked at him. "Aren't we going to start working out today?"

"Yes but..." but? "Wouldn't you want to start your day fresh and full? I wouldn't want my baby getting all skinny" I was flustered. I blushed a bit so I hid my face.

"I'll just shower now, b-be right back" I said as I ran out he door and shutting it. I leaned back his door as my heart is beating fast. Why does he have to do this to me? Going all hot and sexy! He should be illegal! Then I heard a chuckle inside the room.

"She's so cute" I hear him say followed by another chuckle. Goddamnit why does he have to compliment me! I ran back to my room and took a shower. I then wore the work out clothes Noah bought me. A slightly tight top revealing my stomach, and work out shorts, I paired it with the shoes he also bought me.

After I finish, I went downstairs to eat. I see him leaning on the counter, scrolling through his phone and suddenly smiled so wide. I also smiled as I see him so happy. I wonder what it is. As I was walking to him, I noticed that he noticed me coming so he moved. "Just in time. I was just warming up my stomach" He said as he sat down the table. He made a rice meal, he doesn't even eat this. He made ground pork sautéed in onions, garlic, and tomatoes, then he added green beans. I sat across him.

"You don't even like rice meals" I told him. I remember he told me how he despises rice meals. He then let out a chuckle.

"Back then, yeah, that's true, but.." But?? "How can I satisfy my wife's stomach without her favorite meals?" I laughed at what he said.

"But do you like it?" I asked him seriously as I was getting rice and veggies.

"I don't" He said. It made me pout "I loved it ever since I started making it for you~" I felt my cheeks burning. I quickly put my hands on my mouth covering my blushing face for a while, then started to eat.

As we finished, we cleaned up and got ready to go to his gym. HIS GYM. I didn't even know he had a gym room in his house. I guess I wouldn't call it a house anymore, more like A MANSION! We got out to THE POOL and then beside it was the GYM ROOM. I guess I was never really that curious about his house but now I am.

"Any other surprises?" I asked as he slid the door open.

"Well, should I surprise you with something even bigger?" He said then he smirked. Leaving me confused.

"Like?" I asked and then he blushed "N-nothing, let's go"

We entered his gym and HOLY MOTHER OF GOD, IT'S HUGE!! I FEEL LIKE EVERYTHING I NEED IS HERE!! I haven't worked out in weeks. So my body became fatter than usual, and my abs are gone because food is seducing me everyday.

"Dude, this is seriously bigger than my room" I complained teasingly. Then he looked at me.

"So you refer me as you guy 'friend' now?" He asked teasingly also.

"That's not even what I meant" I said. I sat at the bench, leaving him some space. "Then that's not what I meant also" He said as he turned the treadmill on. On the slow pace, I can see how the muscles on his leg flex and stretch. I'm getting kinda jealous because I think he works out everyday, those abs are still the same abs like before. I stood up and began stretching my body. To the left, to the right, bending and flexing. I thought of jogging the neighborhood to increase my leg muscles and all I gotta do is ask him.

I was bending in the ground and I felt I still got the moves. I decided to ask him "Hey, why don't we jog the neighborhood today? Since the sun's still shining and we still have a long day don't we?"

He's not answering. But I hear the treadmill still going. I took a glimpse of him and I saw him unconsciously staring at me, wait. Not me. MY BODY. I can't help but smile and giggle just looking at him makes you think he's drooling over me. I laughed quietly.

"Hey pervert" I called, smirking at him. "Y-YES?!" Responding as surprised as possible. I elbowed his sides as I walk pass him getting his bottle of water.

"Stop staring at me and let's go jog the neighborhood" I said. Taking my hand towel from the bench and went out before him.

I waited outside his house and it took him a while to get out so I'm already sweating.

"What took you so long?" I asked.

"Nothing, I was just uhh.. looking for my jacket right" he said stuttering. I saw that the "jacket" is not with him.

"Then where's your jacket?" I asked.

"I uhh put it in.. the laundry" he smiled. Something's going on.

"Something's up" I said. I crossed my arms and leaned forward inches far from his face. "What is it?"

He was stuttering with every word he was going to say. His eyes wouldn't stop looking else where, then he paused looking at something behind me. "Look!" He pointed wih his hand "It's Jackie Chan!" I was confused.

I looked behind me and saw nothing. When I looked back he was already running. "HEY!!"

"Where do you think you're going?!" I asked as I was chasing him.

"I'm going far away from you! I don't want to drool any more!" He shouted still running away. We were nearing to a park and children were there.

"Drool? What do you mean?!" I asked. I'm almost to catching him. There was a fence up ahead before entering the park and I'm sure he's going to jump over it.

"Just don't follow me woman!" He said as he jumped over the fence and suddenly stopped when he landed on the other side. He landed when I jumped over the fence. I suddenly lost my balance and he caught me on time.

He was looking at me in the eye and he smirked.

"This is why I told you to not follow me" he told me.

"Did you think I would chase you if you didn't run?" he put me down.

"you said we'd jog the neighborhood right? and we did" He said.

"We didn't even jog. We ran!" I crossed my arms and looked away. I saw him bring out a small towel and started wiping the sweat of my cheeks.

"But still sweated. a lot" he said softly. "Goddamnit. You're so hot when you sweat" and my cheeks burned a bit.

"G-go home!!" I told him and jogged away from him. I'm going home. pfft. h-how can he even say that so casually. he's such a pervert.. but he's my pervert..

"Babe!" I heard him call me from behind "Anette!" I just ignore him.

"I love you!!"

my mind turned blank. I suddenly tripped on my feet. I fell on someone in front.

"I'm so sorry sir. I'm so clumsy I didn't—" I paused when I saw the man who caught me. I couldn't believe my eyes.
