Chapter 28

I arrive at the cafe and saw him already ordered our usual cafe americano and hazelnut cappuccino. He wore his usual style, a checkered polo and pants. We smile at the sight of each other and I sit beside him.

"Sorry I'm a bit late. I just came back from work." I said.

"No, it's fine. I don't mind." He said, patting the top of my head and brushing some hair with his fingers. His sudden unusual action makes me nervous.

What's wrong with me? When I see him, my heart flutters like a thousand butterflies flapping their beautiful wings. I get nervous when I begin talking to him and sometimes I couldn't help not stutter around him. Sometimes, I also feel like I want to be with him night and day. But... how does it feel to be loved..? How does it feel when.. the person you love actually loves you too..? Why do I feel this way..? I ask myself why. My thoughts revolving on that question as I take a sip of my cappuccino. Then I see him staring at me which makes me conscious about how I look. 'Why is he staring?' 'Is there something on my face?'. Questions keep roaming my mind, making me a bit insecure.

"Hey.. stop staring. It's weird." I say as I look to the opposite direction of his face. Without me knowing, he slips an arm around my shoulder. His hands touch my cheek as he turns my gaze to his. Our faces just inches away from touching. He's so close. My heart suddenly skips a beat.

Is this it? My heart's racing. I feel my cheeks burning. Is this.. that feeling? He's looking at me so eagerly. It makes my heart race even more. I see his eyes slowly closing as he leans closer to me. Is he.. going to kiss me..? I'm completely nervous from head to toe but my body doen't intend to back away. But what does a kiss feel like..? How do you kiss..? Embarrassed at my own thought, I get nervous. Our lips about to meet when..

Ring.. ring..

I hear a phone call. I eventually open my eyes and see Ivan pulls away. Taking his phone, I feel a mix of relief and disappointment. He looks at number calling and turns to me.

"It's from work." He says. Sighing of irritation, he whispers to himself. "I told them not to call me today..."

"It's alright. You can take the call." I tell him, as I flash him a gentle smile.

"Be right back" He said, kissed me on the cheek. He stands and walks towards the door, taking the phone call outside of the cafe. To my disbelief, I felt like time stopped as I recall what had happened. The cheek that he kissed slightly burned with anticipation.

So this is what it feels...

It feels...


My mind still blank as I keep on rewinding how the kiss felt. When we meet before, he didn't even to show any feelings to me. I knew he didn't have feelings for me. Is this it..? Is he.. finally opening up to me..? Does he... love me too..? Questions keep on running through my mind.

I'm angry at myself for not going to be able to tell him about my secret. Knowing I'm an agent might make him prone to danger. Or worse.. he might run away. I'm afraid he might leave after he finds out about my identity. With my thoughts completely filling my head, I didn't notice him to be back. He sat beside me and looked at me with his eyes full of nervousness.

"What?" I asked, curious of what he's thinking. Then he smiles and holds my hand. My heart races again. What should I do?! These are all happening in a day! His large hand complately covering mine as he squeezes it. His warm touch oozes my nervousness, giving me a feeling of reassurance.

"I have to tell you something..." His voice lower than his usual tone, looking me in the eyes. His serious expression makes me nervous as I ready myself on what he's about to say. I squeeze my hands gently as he regain his posture before speaking.

"I.." He pauses. His voice gentler than before and more captivating. "I love you.."

My heart fluttered as I heard those words right from his mouth. My skin burns against his touch as he brushed his fingers on my blushing cheeks. His eyes full of passion and sadness, I couldn't turn around or look away. Those words were more than enough for me to handle. His sad gaze makes my heart hurt a bit.

"I'm sorry I'm just saying this now. I was busy sorting out my thoughts about being with you.. and come to think of it.. I.." His words makes me frightened of what he will be saying next. As I ready myself for worst case scenarios, I close my eyes to avoid his awfully captivating gaze.

"I've decided." He says. "Be my real girlfriend, Cherry..."

I felt like time stopped. My heart beating furiously that I couldn't stop screaming inside. The person I love... loves me too.. The sudden confession keeps me wide eyed for a few seconds until he snapped me back to my senses.

"I know I might be demanding a lot since the days we met but—"

"Yes" I instinctively said. As I realized what just happened, I cry tears of joy as I embrace him. I feel his nervous beating heart as I hug him.

Since that day, everyday has never been happier. Looking forward to seeing someone you miss is what I always feel since then.

Meeting him today makes me happier than anyone. I hurry up to the station because he said he's coming back from work and we'll meet there. When I arrived, I still see no sign of him and see the train already pulling over. The door opens, people coming down from the train but no sign of Ivan. Until a familiar scent plays around my nose. I recognize that scent.

I turn around to see Ivan, dressed differently than his usual clothes. He looks more decent and handsome with him dressed neatly.

"I don't believe I ever saw you dress so differently." I said, chuckling at my statement. He showed a bright smile that makes me melt every time I look at him.

"I wanted to impress a certain someone" He said, taking my hand and squeezing it lightly. I slightly blush at his statement as I bit my lip.

"So where are we going today?" I ask as we start walking, hand in hand, out of the station. He smiles at what I said and he stopped on his tracks.

"Somewhere I've always wanted to take you to." He says, kissing the back of my hand. "You'll see"

The thought that it's like a surprise excites me. This is actually the first time we went somewhere besides the cafe. As we walk the familiar street, I think of where he'll be taking me. When we arrived there, I feel the sea breeze brushing through my hair. The bay looks more beautiful as we see the sunset from the horizon. He wanted to take me and see the sunset. My heart couldn't help but race to the thought.

I look at him and I see his eyes closed, immersed in the scent of the blue ocean. Looking at him like this makes me smile and that's when I felt his hand squeezed mine lightly. "Don't you know staring is rude?"

His sudden announcement makes me embarrassed. I look back to the horizon and just listen to the whistling wind. Sunsets are beautiful. I let go of his hand and decide to raise my arms up the sky. It makes me feel free and relaxed. My open arms gave him the oppurtunity to hug me from behind. His chin rested on my shoulder, I could feel him breathing nervously. Worried, I turn around, still in his embrace.

"Are you alright?" I ask, touching his forehead to check if he has a fever. He takes my hand and puts it in his chest.

"I'm fine. Just thinking of you." He says, reassuring me with a smile. Silence covered the atmosphere, only the waves could be heard. "Hey.." his voice lower than usual, as he carasses my cheek with his long fingers. His eyes locked with mine, I see how genuine his gaze is.

"Can I.." He asks, shyly, sounding embarrassed. I felt him leaning closer as his voice fades. "... kiss you..?" Before I could even answer, I already knew I closed my eyes. Just as I fantasize, he presses his soft lips on mine. His kiss both gentle and passionate, the ocean ambiance makes it more romantic.

I learned how it feels to be loved because of him. So I won't ever let go.