Beneath Her Sheets (smut;])

Olivia was sitting in her armchair in front of the fireplace, leaning against the arms of her chair and staring into the pit of dust. Elena had returned with dinner, but Olivia didn't want to eat. It wasn't that Sir Aaron was appalling, or that she hadn't found herself enjoying the kiss, she just couldn't believe she'd allowed herself to fall into that moment. She also couldn't believe that Sir Aaron had any interest in her, especially after only a few days of knowing one another.

Olivia had insisted that Elena go to bed, reassuring that she could bathe and dress herself for bed. To which she had, and she was dressed down to a thin romper and had let her hair loose around her shoulders. She'd left all the jewels that she'd had to pick out of her hair on her desk. She rested her chin onto her hand and let out a huff. She needs to stop dwelling on something so insignificant, it was a kiss, that was all. As well as that ,she needed sleep if she was going to meet with the king tomorrow.

Olivia pushed herself up from her chair, walking around her chair and to her bed. She stared out of the window into the garden, and then up to the sky. She let out a heavy sigh, and crawled into bed, laying herself down under the blankets and closing her eyes. It was a long time before she found herself drifting restlessly into slumber.


Olivia jumped awake, her body jolting forward in bed. The strap of her romper had fallen from her shoulder, and she grabbed it hastily to pull it over herself. Her eyes darted frantically around the room. It was still dark out, and she could barely see anything in the room from her drowsiness. She remembered the thin, practically see-through material of her romper, and pulled her blankets up around her. She decided to get out of the bed.

Olivia pulled herself to the edge of her bed, pulling the blankets with her. She gently laid her foot against the hardwood floor and gazed around the room. She blinked, standing up slowly. Her legs still felt numb from sleep. She stuffed the covers underneath her arm and around her torso, bringing a hand up to her eyes to rub them. She squinted against the dark, and her eyes widened when she saw a figure in the corner of her room near the fireplace. A scream bubbled in her throat, but she swallowed it back. She didn't want to look away, but she needed a weapon to defend herself with. Her eyes darted around, trying to find something...anything to attack with. She spotted a stoker leaned against the wall. The question of how it got there briefly crossed her mind, but she was too panicked to further her questioning. She reached forward to grab it, and hold in front of herself. She didn't know what she would do if she had to use it.

"H-hello?" Olivia called out dumbly. Her stomach was flipping in on itself, and she felt like she might puke. She slowly stepped forward towards the figure, who returned her actions. She let out a panicked breath, and walked back. The figure took another step toward her, not saying a word. "K-keep back! I...I will use this!" The figure chuckled, and Olivia's shoulders relaxed immediately. "Sir Aaron? What in the world are you doing in my room?" Sir Aaron stepped from the shadows and into the moonlight, trailing his eyes down Olivia's covered form. He was dressed out of his usual knight armor, and instead wore a cotton shirt and pants. He let out an unsatisfied huff at Olivia being covered, and stomped his way toward her. Startled, she jumped and fell back against the floor, keeping a tight grip on the cover. "S-sir A-aaron!"

"Let me see you." He growled, staring down at Olivia who had pulled herself back against the floor and to her bed. She blushed, her hand itching to let go of the blanket. She loosened her grip on it, pulling her lip between her teeth. What had gotten into him? "Stand up, Olivia." She hurriedly brought herself to her feet at his commanding tone. She felt her body heating up drastically, and she wondered if she was as red as her hair. Sir Aaron closed the gap between them, grabbing a fistful of the satin material of Olivia's blanket. Olivia gulped.

"S-sir a-aaron.." She stuttered quietly. He let go of her blanket, instead trailing the tips of his fingertips against her collarbone, and up her neck. She gulped, laying her free hand against his chest. He gripped her chin suddenly, pulling her face up to stare into her eyes. Olivia whimpered, clenching her legs together.

"Can I kiss you, Olivia?" Sir Aaron asked, eyes drifting down to Olivia's lips, and back up to her eyes. She let out a shuddered breath.

"Y-yes." Sir Aaron leaned down, his eyes falling shut, as he connected their lips in a slow kiss. Olivia's eyes shut, and her grip on the blanket loosened, fully releasing it to pool around her legs. He released her face from his grip, sliding his hand up to cup her cheek. He nipped at her lower lip, and she whimpered slightly. He pressed his lips harder against her at that, moving his body against her, pushing her onto her bed. She allowed herself to fall back, their lips disconnecting while Sir Aaron crawled over her. It wasn't long before he was feverishly kissing her again. He bit her lip a second time, and pulled away from her lips. She whined, a pout forming on her lips. He laughed, burying his face in the crook of her neck to bite and nibble on her collarbone. Her frown disappeared, and her breathing quickened.

"A-aaron.." Olivia gasped when Sir Aaron sunk his teeth in roughly. He grunted, rocking his hips against hers. She moaned softly, wrapping her legs around his waist and moving her hips in rhythm with his. He groaned against her heated skin, pulling away from her neck to stare into her eyes. His own were dripping with lust and need, his cheeks were flushed, and Olivia was certain she didn't look much different. He leaned his weight onto one arm, and traced his hand along her shoulder, and then down her chest to the strings of her romper. He looped his finger into them, loosening the fabric but not removing it.

"May I?" He asked, and she nodded heatedly. He pulled the strings loose entirely, pushing open the fabric. Her face heated even more than it already was, and she struggled to keep her arms from covering her chest. She wanted this. Instead, she reached her arms out to push Sir Aaron off of her. He complied, surprisingly, and she sat up on her knees. He sat back against the pillows on her bed, watching her movements intently.

Olivia grabbed the band of one of her sleeves, sliding it down her shoulder slowly. Sir Aaron's eyes followed her hand until Olivia was pulling the sleeve over her wrist and letting it drop to her side. His eyes darted back up to hers, and then to the other sleeve that was being pulled slowly down her arm. She pushed the top of her romper down to her waist, stopping to undo the ties to the belt around her waist. After the strings were undone, she sat back to fully pull the romper from her legs, and tossed it aimlessly to the floor. Sir Aaron's eyes grazed over her naked body, his tongue darting out to lick his lips. He groaned approvingly, and patted his lap.

"Come here." He demanded, and Olivia crawled over to him, seating herself in his lap. His hand immediately found her breasts, cupping one in his hand whilst his other hand wrapped around her waist to keep her in place. She grinded against him, and he growled, leaning forward to pull one of her nipples between his teeth. He bit down, and she whimpered, curling inward. He let go, looking up at her, and reaching the hand that was around her waist up to her face. He pulled her closer to him, lips brushing against hers. "Bad girl, keep still." Olivia whimpered, and stopped her hips, laying her hands on his shoulders. He pressed a firm kiss against her lips, and pulled away, sucking hickies into her skin again. She gripped his shoulders, whining.

"Pl-please.." She whispered. He ignored her, his lips returned to her nipple to tease it between his teeth, while his hand pinched and rolled the other against the pads of his fingers. Olivia moaned, hand trailing up to grasp at his hair. "A-aaron..please…" He let go of her nipple and looked up at her.

"Please what?" He prompted, a small smile forming on his lips. Olivia huffed, embarrassment flooding her senses. "I won't know what you want unless you tell me." She pursed her lips indignantly.

"You know what I want." She mumbled, and he laughed, pushing his hips up against her. She moaned, trying to move with him, but his hand held her in place.

"Tell me what you want." He said, stopping his movements. She whimpered, pouting. He didn't blink. "Well?" She folded her arms across her chest, looking away from him.

"I….uhm.." She closed her eyes, and took in a breath, "I want you..please.." He laughed at her, nudging her hip to guide her into movement. She grinded her hips against him, moaning.

"Be a little more specific, hm?" He said, "What about me do you want?" Olivia huffed, not answering at first. She felt a light smack against her cheek, and she gasped, stopping her movements and reaching up to hold her cheek in her hand. "Answer me." She blubbered.

"I..I want..-"

Olivia awoke with a start, light shining in through her window, and an intense heat settled between her legs. She leaned up on her elbows, and looked around the room. It was empty. Olivia fell back against her pillows with a groan.
