Ch. 19 Fruitful Harvest and preparations

My return to Hogwarts was pretty uneventful: went to Kings Cross, met up with James and Christian, talked about our holidays and thanked each other for our gifts, Tonks popped in to tease the three of us and thank me for the prank potions before running off again.

And so started the new term at Hogwarts. I dove back into my routine of time-turner/RoR spamming, hanging out with friends and generally being the absolute best in the year. I've noticed Snape is being sneakier around me and McGonagall is paying more attention to me, so it was pretty easy to guess the old man was already getting worried about me turning dark. I mean it's quite insulting on some levels, but the man is a lot stronger and much more knowledgeable than me, so can't do anything else except improve. Even if I have a freak dual core in its second stage at the age of 11, which keeps growing stronger as I absorb the excessive magic in and around Hogwarts, he is a man with a solid third stage core, the elder wand and decades of time to consolidate his power. It will take time, but I shall surpass him.

So the months passed without much trouble at all. There were some cases of bullying but since unless I was spending time with my friends I usually disappeared or was studying, it did not affect me at all. Victoria did try and compete against me in a few subjects, but it was a one-sided contest. Not because I constantly went far beyond our year in ability, but because I simply didn't bother competing and was just enjoying being able to play with magic in new and interesting ways, which resulted in me beating her in everything and not noticing it as I was too enthralled by my fun. (Which as the Chinese would put it "almost made her vomit blood due to anger".)

Aside from that little fun, my goals for the year had been met with great success. The Time-Turner helped me save invaluable time in my studies, giving me months of extra time. In the end I was able to push all core subjects at Hogwarts to NEWT levels, which was pretty exciting for me since my original plan was to let a few stay above OWL but below NEWT. Although my abilities have improved, it will take time to properly implant all I've learned into wandless application.

My other goal for the year was to figure out and hopefully replicate the Marauders Map. I've found that it uses a modified application of the Homenum Revelio charm empowered and supported by the Hogwarts wards. It's basically a display of what the wards sense within its borders, but with the pranksters spirits added to it. This explains why the RoR and chamber of secrets aren't included: one is Unplottable and the other should be outside of Hogwarts' wards, and add to the fact that those four probably didn't know about either. It is a brilliant bit of enchanting, runework, wards studies and talent, but with the base model figured out and full access with me knowing the password, i can reproduce it and even create maps of places with similar wards if necessary. And so my own map was created before the term was done, without the stupid comments, different password, and adding my own function to list when people vanish or appear within the castle, with it placing indicators on where. So now I will know if people are sneaking in and out.

The overarching goal for my time at Hogwarts has also begun with great success: O with distinction across the board. That's right, I even forced that git Snape to his knees as he gave me the highest grade he's ever given because he literally couldn't not give it to me. I mean, I literally wrote a book containing every potion he taught to the first years and improved them in terms of effect, efficiency and price. So I became the first student in history to do so, not that anyone other than my friends and family know and I told them to keep quiet about it. Making people know I'm number one, but not my grades. Aunt Amelia was really proud of my grades and thought I'd be the next big thing in the wizarding world.

Like the canon, Slytherin had won the house cup, we were first in points but ended second after the snakes had won the quidditch season. And so with most of the houses dissatisfied with their win, my first school year at Hogwarts ended. As I headed back towards my home I made promises to keep in touch with my friends.

But now is the time to start building my foundations for the war I know will come. A lot of people died when Voldemort returned, he even killed my aunt personally, and I'll be damned if I don't change things. I respect the fact that Dumbledore tries to avoid bloodshed, but these people are almost animals when it comes to either muggle-borns or 'blood-traitors'. They went so far as making it illegal to be a muggle-born wizard. The problem is that being anything but a half-blood or pureblood in the British wizarding world is always looked down upon. It is either outright bigotry or more subtle discrimination like not allowing them in certain positions, limiting employment opportunities or just never truly giving them a chance. Even if Dumbledore was basically forced into being the head of Wizengamot and Supreme Mugwump, he has the possibility of improving things, but he doesn't do it because he's too focused on Harry and the stupid prophecy.

Fun fact about prophecies by the way, don't fuck with them. They are not like the mildly possible predictions divination provides. True prophecies are turning points of fate and anyone who's tried to mess with those has not ended well. So Voldemort is all Harry's, but I'm going to break everything around the bald cunt.

Back to the main topic at hand. My first goal involves improving the situation for muggle-borns. This is for before, during and after the war. I believe that the situation regarding them as absolutely idiotic, as wizards are almost castrating themselves. We need to have new wizarding blood or the inbreeding will just slowly kill off every wizard family in existence within a few generations. They are also one of the biggest economic factors in our society, it's only that they don't have a lot of money individually. The simple fear of loosing control is not an argument to allow murders, destructions of lives and discrimination, whilst blocking the path to actual improvements and progress. I also wish to save lives during the war, stopping more people from experiencing the pain of being at the mercy of people who have none, like I have. And I also kinda want others to experience what I'm experiencing. The joy of discovering magic, pushing its boundaries and enjoying the actual future they could have.

My second is improving the treatment of those suffering of or living with Lycanthropy. People like Remus who want to live their lives but can't do to some asshole who infected them. They are not that difficult to handle honestly. First was the invention of the Wolfsbane potion, although expensive it is still a path forward. Second is the fact that wizards have actually had agreements with werewolves before, creating areas where they can safely group up and transform together. Fun fact is that werewolves only feel natural aggression towards humans, they are perfectly fine towards each other and animals so isolation during full moons is pretty easy. I also want to stop the ministry from making being a werewolf all but illegal thanks to Umbitch, because that's just insane. You're telling a bunch of people who are already having a horrible life because of how the world treats them and then you tell them to be treated like animals and become unable to get jobs, literally forcing them to do illegal acts to survive and pushing them towards animals like Fenrir Greyback to influence. Honestly, it's a disease that only affects people on an average of 3-5 days a month and if prepared it extremely manageable.

And my first step was to correct one of the biggest problems in this magical world, the lack of proper fucking information. People just believe werewolves are animals, but most aren't. They have been forced to walk the only paths they can. And no one informs muggle-borns or their parents of anything regarding the wizarding world. A letter shows up saying you're accepted into Hogwarts, a professor shows up saying 'You're a wizard/witch [insert your name here]' and bam in what is basically a different world with its own laws, history and culture as an eleven year old. This leads to a good amount of them being unable to effectively develop in the magical world, hitting dead-ends, loosing everything because of some stupid bigoted law, or just being forced to make a living in the muggle world. And so I wrote two books of information, one regarding each topic under the name Micheal Folster.

I used my connections to the goblins to have my book on werewolves 'Blinded to facts about Werewolves' published legitimately and distributed to not just Britain, but throughout Europe's communities. The second would be free from the start as I want to spread it to all muggle-borns quickly since they need to know this. And so I decided to pay the goblins for every copy they manage to give to muggle-borns or muggle parents learning about this world as they come to exchange their money. I mean I have a friendship with the goblins, bring in a lot of money for them through my investments and my use of their services, coupled with my respect for them and their culture, and the fact that they respect me as a warrior. They are great allies and I question all wizards who look down on them, I mean they've never lost a war against wizard kind so why piss them off? Wizards are just trying to destroy themselves in Britain was a thought that has crossed my mind a lot as I learn about how they handle things.

But yeah, that's how two books which would spark some of the most needed changes in Britain came into the eyes of the world.