Ch. 23 Investments

The next day came, although I was still feeling tired from last nights events the day must still come.

I spent the morning with Susan, helping her with the self-studying she's been doing on plants and potions. Although she likes to learn it's not nearly as bad as me. She just likes learning about what interests her, but she has no desires to be tutored like I had been. Aunty and I actually encourage her to learn like this instead, because enjoying the process of learning is much more important for a child. You cannot force things, she will already have a great head start in the subjects she likes, no need to push anything more onto her. It also helped that I will be the heir of the family instead of Susan and that I've completed all necessary lessons for it, making so my little sister can just enjoy herself. She apparently made friends with Hannah Abbott, who's going to be in the same year, through aunty and the girls parents, so they've been spending a lot of time together. Coincidentally, this has freed up a lot of my daytime to do as I wish.

After lunch I had dropped off Susan to the Abbott family household and thanked them for having Susan over. I got some stares due to my looks, but after two years of getting lots of those at Hogwarts I'm basically immune. I then headed towards my own meeting.

I decided to meet the two at a place I bought to do potions experiments in Diagon Alley. It's a bit away from the main shopping area, but it's also easily missed. I reached the place and found my two new assistants, one staring intensely with suspicion and the other wearing her cloak to conceal herself. They both turned to look at me when I entered.

"Glad to see you both made it safe and sound. Scott you clean up nicely." I say in greetings. He is looking good since he shaved his beard, got a neat and proper haircut, new day-to-day suit and a re-energized look on his face. So instead of looking like a man chewed up by life he now seemed to be a businessman.

"Thanks, the cash helped. So what should I call you right now since you look like that?" He asked.

"Micheal Folster when not in a completely secure location. That'll be how it is until properly built facilities are up and running, and when I won't need to hide anything." I answered the man knowing why he was asking.

"So who's this? Didn't tell me there was anyone else." He then asked pointing at the cloaked Geri.

"This is Geri. Her last name will stay between me and her until she decides to say it to you herself due to familial issues. She was actually a surprise gain from after my meeting with you finished. And since the both of you will be work for me, hence together, I will tell you that she is a werewolf and that her duties will be different from yours." I informed the man.

"Werewolf huh. Had a few scraps with them in the past, but if you say she's a colleague then it's fine boss." Said the man reminiscing a bit.

"If that is what you wish for master." Answered Geri, speaking for the first time in front of Scott.

"Woah! Master! What did you do when I wasn't there kid?" Asked the very surprised Scott.

"Like I said, surprise gain. Her life is mine for now. I offer protection, employment, and help in bettering the situation regarding lycanthropy, she gives me temporary servitude and if I truly gain her loyalty she will become my aide. But for now I need to get her cleaned up and dressed like a person. So we will be heading to the muggle world for that, since wizard fashion just makes me shiver at times." I explained to the both of them.

I will skip the fashion montage, but it was surprising that Geri ended up really wanting to participate after seeing some of the results. She apparently never had the chance to experience more normal life as she has always been within werewolf communities.

It did take a few hours, but it gave me time to run some things through Scott. I gave him one of my muggle credit cards and asked him to go check into real estate and land outside of any cities or towns. Places far away from anyone so that I can do almost anything I wish with them. They will be the places where I shall build up my resources. He actually returned returned before Geri was done with her makeover. He handed me some documents about which pieces of land he's purchased and I must say they fit the criteria's nicely. The development of the lands will have to wait before I perfect my warding skills since I went them completely off the grid, no one but those I will chose shall know if their existence. He also brought along with him some options for the official home of Micheal Folster. But before I could start going through them we heard that Geri's makeover was done.

It was shocking to see the result to say the least. Scott's month was hung open with wide eyes and I was impressed at the work they did. Honestly, I knew that she would look pretty good from what I could tell about her face and body, since it was her lifestyle that had caused her to not know how to dress herself stylishly or how to apply makeup, take care of her skin or use a variety of products. Apparently her potential was one of the reasons why it took so long, but with results like what I'm seeing it has been worth it. They turned what was basically an almost Viking like woman to freaking Yennefer of Vengerberg. They took her long, unkempt hair and turned it to lightly curled raven locks resting on her shoulders, with her steel grey eyes, somehow smooth looking white skin even after living amongst werewolves almost her whole life, thin lips with light amount of lipstick. Her new outfit gave her the look of one of those beautiful, but strict CEO's from fictions, with her black jacket and skirt, white inner blouse, her now incredibly smooth, long legs were bare and finishing her outfit was a pair black heels. She stood looking at herself in the mirror with a bit of a daze, not believing that this was her. She even touch her face and pinch her arm to see if she was dreaming, earning a chuckle from me and making her turn towards me with wide eyes.

"Well, now you certainly look the part. I now feel like I'm the one who needs a makeover or people will think you're the boss." I said teasing her a bit and elbowing the gawking man besides me.

"Cough, yeah you turned out great. Guess that time was well spent." He said with some embrassement.

After hearing our feedback Geri stood upright, snapping out of her shock and regaining her prideful aura.

"Thank you for waiting master and for all of this. I shall strive to meet your expectations." She said with all seriousness and a bow.

"There's no need for you to bow in public. If you want to do it in private it will be up to you, but you will be my assistant out in the open." I corrected her on what I'm expecting. "Also sir will do if you have to use respectful terms."

"Understood sir." She answered, almost like a soldier.

"Alright, at least I know what your official name shall be in the muggle world now. The paperwork shall be done at Gringott's, at the same time you both shall gain access to my rather massive amounts of money." I informed Geri who simply nodded.

"Scott, you will be in charge of my new properties once this is done. I want you to keep an eye out for places up for sales in Diagon Alley and keep track of your other assignments. I also want to construct a greatly expanded underground space as soon as possible for werewolves Geri trusts enough to invite. I want them to have a place they can spend the full moon in peace. We will also modify the house that will be chosen for 'my' official residence to have a similar space underneath so that she can spend her full moons there if she should chose to do so. Aside from that I will see how things shall progress with my other plans" I ordered the man as he took not of what to do.

"Got it Boss."

"Geri, for now I'm guessing you don't have much in formal education or training correct?" I half asked and half knew.

"Yes sir. My father and some of the people try to teach the younger ones in what they know, but it leaves us lacking in many things." She answered a bit sadly.

"Alright. I'll hire tutors for you and trainers. You'll be formerly trained in combat, both magical and physical. I have a meeting with the goblins next month and I'll see if they can train you as a warrior. So you shall be more of my guard than assistant, but I will still ask to see if you can learn management from them as it will be useful for me and for you if you ever leave." I then informed Geri.

"Thank you sir." Says Geri with some emotions in her voice. She knows that this is a good opportunity for her, making fire burn in her eyes in determination.

With their orders clear, we finally arrived at Gringott's. As usual I went to a private room with Ragnok. We set up Scott with a limited access to my accounts to purchase things on my behalf since he will be my main manager. I've also hired trainers from a list provided by goblins. They would have to sign a privacy contract, but they get paid extra for that. And as a fun note, Geri was registered within the Muggle world as Jennifer Roth, really tempted to go with Yennefer but it'd be too weird in England.

With my current business done with the goblins, it was time to leave and let my two aides get to work.

On that note, I have decided to build a custom manor 30km from Little Whinging, where Harry Potter was currently living. I had bought the land within an isolated forest and construction started according to my specification. Anti-Muggle, apparition and portkey wards would be put around the house with the use of a reinforced wall and gate. With a variety of defensive spells, enchantments and wards added into it. The house itself will be in the style of a two story manor, containing everything a multi-talented wizard like myself can wish for. Library, potion lab, Rune Carving room, reinforced practice room, an expanded greenhouse in the back and an small fully stocked infirmary. It would be magically protected as well and no one could enter without the express permission of either me or Scott. I also paid a lot of extra money to make sure even House-elves not keyed into the wards would not be able to enter, just in case someone was actually smart enough to try and send some. It's also being registered as a legitimate wizards home under Scott's name, the Floo network will be connected in a protected room able to lock in anyone trying to sneak in, or lock out people to give a chance at fleeing. Everything should be ready before the summer ends and the House-elves requested will come once that is the case.

Everything needed for a man to feel safe. I won't make it go under Fidelius charm or become unplottable because it is supposed to be a place people can find Micheal Folster in the future. But if the place is still standing by the end of the war the investments will make it worth it.