Ch. 54 Shaking the ministry

I immediately head back home after the interrogation. I needed to be there before my aunt got the news of the three 'ex' death eaters committing a crime targeting a muggle and muggle-born helping initiative center. She would jump on this without remorse and try to get them locked away in Azkaban for sure, but she'll make sure to tell everyone first.

Even after I had left, i knew how things would be handled. The proper authorities will be contacted, those under my wing anyway. The DMLE will be notified, they will take them under protective custody and copies of the evidence will be handed to them for the trial. There will be a grace period to notify members of Wizengamot and prepare the trial. Evidence will be checked. Witnesses will be called. Barristers will be either brought forward or assigned. And the dirty deals of the incredibly corrupt Wizengamot will be taking place, but let's see who can by off more people shall we?.

From what I've learned during my little walk through the mind of the death wimps, it was that one Lucius Malfoy who planned this little event. He was upset that the FIRM center was taking away the cheap labor sources he had been employing for his businesses and that Micheal Folster, little old me, who is assumed to be a muggle-born due to his activism, has been buying some of his businesses. So he ordered the senior boulder twins and the man with a monkeys name, to torch the center and try to make 'mudbloods know their place', in his words. And the three lacking in brains, money and influence, and being retainers of the man since he used his money to get them off their charges 10 years ago, became the perfect expendable pawns. So now I'll have to see if he's going to try and get them back, or will he realize how much evidence there is against the trio and he will cut them off to run like he usually does.

By the next morning I could hear aunty rushing all over the place, but thanks to my vanishing boxes, she can already get everything rolling before she even leaves the house. Apparently she was livid that the Herald got news of this before she did. Understandable since they are linked through me and I wanted everyone I could reach to know about this. Every detail has been given with undeniable evidence to back it up, making it so anything trying to go against the report would appear to be defending the trios hate crime. This would indicate that whoever acted against the Herald at this time, would effectively be saying they support the actions taken by the three 'death eaters' and that they believe muggle-borns shouldn't be part of the magical community and that wizards should dominate over everyone else.

And you know what? The Prophet actually tried this shit. Without even paying attention to the evidence presented, they were so rushed that they posted a defense saying that these respectable members of distinguished families couldn't have possibly done such an act, ending with them jumping into an obvious pit. I got so many requests to respond from the editor in charge of the Herald, Mr. Cromwell and his wife, that my box was having some delays. I was more than happy to take that open shot at the net, let me tell you.

The following day was the Herald's response and it quadrupled the sales of the paper within the day. With my boxes becoming widespread, it's been a lot easier to share information between wizards and this allowed for people to realize incredibly quickly how many holes and how flimsy the Prophet was at the moment. This was something very new to the wizarding world, making people used to being able to manipulate information easily and getting the public on their side incredibly surprised, but for someone coming from a time almost 30 years into the future, this was an incredibly common occurrence. I made the Herald take advantage of this and had them bury the Prophet in this matter. It was painted as a tool for rich families to manipulate the information given to the people and they couldn't fight back, simply because we got evidence regarding this times bribe through our spies in the Prophet. Making them known as unreliable when it comes to this type of important legal news and forcing them to shut up or loose even more of their reputation.

This resulted in the ministry being flooded with letters of complaint by Half-blood and muggle-born wizards, upset that the official news source of the ministry was trying to help known bigots who just committed a hate crime. People who were helped by the center, liked its goals, enjoyed it products and were grateful for its seminars joined onto the pill on.

This helped my aunt push the trial through, because there was so much public outrage over the now open corruption this case displayed, forcing the Minister to act. The last blow against any tampering came when the Herald suggested the request of the trial being broadcasted of the WWN, to 'help' the ministry assure that there is no corruption within the Wizengamot and that the trial will be fair. And man did Fudge jump on it like a starving man in front of meat. He doesn't even realize that he's being lead on by my paper to distance himself from the very families he's been trying to be friendly to since he became Minister. We've even been inflating the mans ego and pathetic pride, as he his being touted as a minister for true justice and a man standing against hate crimes, giving his overall approval a jump up.

Elaine has informed me that two attempts to silence the captives have been made already and she managed to collect proof, but no evidence as to who ordered it. This was posted by the Herald as well and with praise for the fine work Elaine has been doing for the last year as well as her upright character in face of corruption.

The results from this event so far have been phenomenal for me. I've increased awareness and the influence of the Herald greatly. The Daily Prophet took a massive hit to its reputation due to their rushed defense of death eaters and their now visible corruption, effectively ruining the papers reputation for at least the next year. I orchestrated the distancing of Fudge from his bad influences by forcing him to go through with the trial and painting him as a man of justice and racial equality. I've given the public a moral figurehead to know and respect, setting the foundation for Elaine's future achievements. And I have now not only made it impossible for the trial not to be held, it will now be broadcasted to the wizarding world of Britain at least and those inbreed bastards are going to go to Azkaban.

On a side note, aunt Amelia has been running around looking very happy with everything helping her have this trial, more a predators happiness when it spots a prey then the warm fuzzy happiness, but happiness non the less. Perfect evidence, eye witnesses, no corruption possible, no delays, the suspects are in proper protective custody and the minister has openly supported it instead of dragging his feet as much as possible.

The entire series of events forced the Wizengamot to hold the trial within a week of the incident and capture.

A day before the trial i decided to talk to my aunt.

"Aunt Amelia, can I ask you something?" I say politely.

"What is it Aedan? You know I'm very busy with what's happening at the ministry right now." She tried to answer patiently, but I can hear how rushed she really is.

"I would want to witness the trial." I answer directly.

"You what?" She answers, slowing down to really listen to him now. "Why?"

"Two reasons. The first is because it is an incredibly impactful trial and i want to see those bastards get at least a piece of their just deserts. The second is because I will be the Head of House Bones in a few years and will be required to participate in the assembly soon. This will be extremely valuable experience to have for my future duties, to see a 'corruption free' case as they've been calling it." I answer with a serious face and tone. "It might also be good for Victoria since she is still the Heiress of House Travers, and I think it'll help her too. Plus she looks up to you and I think she'd love to see you at work." I then add with a smile.

"You are right Aedan. You and Victoria are old enough. And you've already proven yourself in a hundred different ways. But are you sure about this? You will see people at their worst during these trials." She asked me out of concern.

"Aunty. I've already seen people at their worst a long time ago. This is the worst being put away." I answer with a steadfast expression.

"Yes, yes you've certainly seen the worst." She agreed with her voice almost a whisper.

"Then alright. I'll bring the both of you to the trial. It will be crowded since it is a very important trial in the eyes of the ministry and the people, and you aren't the proper head yet so you can't take that seat, leaving the two of you in the back." She informed.

"That's plenty aunt Amelia, thank you." I say. "Now I've taken enough of your time, good luck at work Aunty. Knock 'em all dead." I add with a hug.

She leaves quickly through the Floo and I then inform Victoria about what's going to happen tomorrow.

"She actually agreed to let me come too!?" She responded in a very surprised voice.

"It is a good thing for the both of us Tory. We are heirs after all, plus she loves you too. You just have to hold your fan girl inside of you when the trial is happening." I say with some teasing.

"Prat." Was her response with a shoulder punch. "But thanks Aedan, for trying to help me." She then said sincerely.

"No problem Tory. You're my friend and I care about you now and in the future. This really isn't much." I say with a small smile.

But the response to that statement was quite shocking to me. She rushed at me so suddenly I couldn't think of how to react and hugged me.

"I mean it. In just a year you've probably helped me more than anyone except my mum. So thanks a lot Aedan. And I will find a way to help you in the future." She said as she hid her blushing face in my chest.

It took me a second to answer because I was a bit overloaded in my senses. I felt her soft body through our clothes, I could smell some of her perfume clearly with my enhanced senses, smelling lily of the valley and hints of fruits like oranges and grapefruits, and I could feel her silky black hair tickle my neck a bit. When I could finally snap out of it, I gently lifted my arms and gave her a hug back.

"No problem Tory. No problem at all."