Ch. 58 Broom, cure, Egg

After my night visit to the stone, I began the testing for my new broom. It was coming along quite well, with the control system for it becoming better with every test, while maintaining the targeted speed. James and I where talking about ways to improve the broom itself and he suggested something I just didn't really think of until then.

"So if we want the best control possible, would it be doable to add the same ability you put in your brand of quill?" My saintly friend asked, startling me greatly as my mind raced at top speed to simulate the possibility.

"How did I never think of it! It's my invention but I got stuck on the existing enchantments!" I shouted as I jumped up from my seat.

"We gotta test this out now! I'm going to start breaking down the enchantments and try to compound the legilimency and control spells! It's going to make the most sensitive control enchantment in history!" I yell as I drag my friend to help me in this.

It resulted in an entire week of the two of us working like men possessed to work out the proper mix of the two and make it a working bit of magic. This one work was going to take the Quidditch world by storm!

My second project of the year appeared to have hit a roadblock. Like all those before me, I just couldn't figure out how to stop lycanthropy more than I already have using the modified Wolfsbane potion. I shortened the amount of times one needs to take it from a week in advance to just a day before and after. I cheapened the thing with my new combination of herbs and creature ingredients to get the same effect. I've made the ingredients more available and helped set up a much better manufacturing system. But I can't figure how to do anything further. Every combination I try to suppress the lycanthropes pathogen, which is responsible for the violent transformation, changes in brain chemistry and the contagious nature of the disease, only leads to similar effects to what I've already created. I've recorded the results down, to create alternatives just in case a recipe is lost or its ingredients overused to extinction. But I've been stuck.

I've discussed it with my colleagues and even with Geri to try and help me find a new path for this.

Geri was very willing to help in any way possible for my work. She wanted to give her people a new lease on life and was thoroughly convinced she could find that through me. I've already proven that multiple times already, gaining her loyalty even without her oath. I already released her of it, but she's still insisting on calling master sometimes. Feels like I'm around a mix of house-elf and faithful hound sometimes. So she's very willing, but she isn't educated properly. The training she's undertaking is making her into a warrior, leader and agent of my will, but not a scholar.

My friends actually had just what I needed as I talked to them during lunch one day.

"I am sorry Aedan, but I'm not that good on werewolves. All I really know on the subject is what you've done and said. Wizards have been trying to find ways of culling or imprisoning them for too long and no one wants to help them like you do. Even the previous Wolfsbane was incredibly poisonous if a slight mistake was made." Said Tory with a sorry expression.

"It's alright Tory. I'm just trying to see if talking to others could help spark some ideas or give me a trail to follow." I reassured her gently.

"I do have to agree that this isn't my field of studies. You know how bad I am with Herbology and Potions Aedan. But have you studied the changes when they occur? It would be very dangerous, but it could help. I also don't doubt you could find willing volunteers due to your businesses." Said James thoughtfully, trying his best to find me anything to work with.

"It was a thought, since I've been working with blood samples, analyzing and recording the changes happening as they transform could be helpful. Only problem is that it would pause anything I could do till the summer and then wait for the next full moon." I answer a the possibility.

With more time passing as my friends try to help me out of my jam, an unexpected input was thrown in.

"Werewolves transform because of the moon right? Maybe it has something to do with that more than the virus." Offhandedly said Christian. But those words struck me like lightning.

"Say that again!" I hurriedly said to my friends.

"Eh?" Was his surprised response at my sudden outburst.

"Say what you just said again." I said seriously.

"Well they transform because of the moon right? And the stars and moon were important in many rituals. We learned that in Astrology. So what if you look at that too?" He replied unsure of what his Hail Mary attempt would make me do.

I stood up and ran out of the Great Hall, only shouting back a thanks as I bolted.

"I guess I helped." Christian said in surprise at my actions.

I went to the RoR and threw myself into the research.

'How come I don't think about astronomy? Even with all the errors in wizard knowledge about the stuff, they've studied it effects on magic continuously. It's one of the oldest fields of magic in existence. Bad Aedan! You limited your thinking to wizard levels. Got to do better, gotta think outside the box more.' I berated myself in my mind.

It took me two weeks to figure out the right combinations to possibly counteract lunar rays and hopefully block its effects on the virus, effectively rendering it inactive.

I then began brewing samples like a madman, only ending my little rampage when I had 23 different possible brews. I've sent the recipes to Tim as Micheal, since I wanted him to prepare 5 doses of each by the summer. I would then ask for volunteers from willing werewolves to help in the testing of the possible vaccines I've made. I'll ask Geri to talk to them and explain, while Scott will draw up contracts to secure their livelihoods in case of accidents, with all terms and conditions specified so that everyone knows what they are getting into and can be properly prepared.

Meanwhile, it should be about time for the golden trio to visit Hagrid. I want to see a dragon hatch, so I'm gonna go with Christian. It's been a while since we visited the man with everyone being so busy with classes and training nowadays, not mentioning our individual projects. James is studying enchanting pretty much whenever he can, Christian has been very busy with Quidditch training, and Tory has been very taken with Transfiguration and Potions lately, but she won't tell us why yet. She said it's a very personal project and wants to do it on her own, but she thanked all of us for offering to help so much. I felt a bit sad she wouldn't let me help her, but it is her decision and I should respect that.

So I went to hunt for my wild friend. I found him hanging out with James in the Great Hall since the both of them had a free period. So I headed over.

As I got near them I greeted the two.

"Hey mates! How you been since I went on my rampage." I say cheerfully.

"Oh ho? Our resident genius has graced us with his presence." Replied Christian as he teased with a grin.

"How were the results? You left so suddenly that we just didn't know what to do. And then you were basically muttering to yourself and writing ingredient combinations for the last two weeks, not even paying attention in classes. I'm surprised you didn't blow up a cauldron in potions." Asked my caring friend.

"It was hilarious seeing Snape's face as he realized you were making a better potion than he ordered without even paying any attention! He looked like he was forced to swallow a bucket of troll piss!" Laughed Christian at the memory.

"Damn I really missed that?! Maybe I should do it more often." I said with shock.

"Now now, no making the professors depressed Aedan. I know you can match and probably surpass them in their own fields, but there's no need to rub it in. And yes, even with Snape." Interject James.

"You're no fun little Saint." Teased Christian as a result.

"Rather be no fun then mostly likely asked to leave the castle." He answered.

"Meh, if it takes the git down a peg then I'm for it. But whatcha doing down here? You usually spend most of your free time working on your projects." Asked my less polite friend.

"Well, I've just realized we haven't gone to see Hagrid much this year and i kinda feel bad for that. The guys given us a lot of stories and information of creatures, so I thought we could visit now that my cure can't progress until the summer, I've finished another project and I just need to get the tuning right for the last one." I explained to my two friends.

"I'm down." Simply declares Christian in agreement.

"Hmm, the man is rather welcoming and can tell interesting stories, but I'm afraid I'll have to decline today. This happens to coincide with the Charms club president training me to take over the club next year, so it's not possible for me." Politely answered James.

"That's too bad, but we'll give him a hello on your part." Quickly said Christian.

"Alright then, let's go tonight lordling of the wild." I say with a grin.

"Right with you o mighty Silver Raven." Replies my friend with a grin as well.

And so, with goofy grins and excited steps, we leave a James shaking his head at our exaggerated behavior as he also stood up and went to take care of his own business.

The rest of the day passed quickly. So Christian and met in secret after dark and I hid the both of us magically.

We walk out of the castle and head for Hagrid's hut, which is very small for a half-giant, but I guess someone the ministry considers to still be a released criminal can't live too well. One without enough money or influence to buy their silence anyway.

As we approach the door I could here some low voices in the hut.

'Wow, I guess my timing is spot on. The trio is in there.' I thought with a smile and then knock on the door, making everyone in there fall silent.

"Hey Hagrid it's us. Came to talk about some cool creatures my parents and I saw last summer and Aedan says he's got great news for ya!" Says my friend loudly.

We hear some sounds of movements and a Hagrid wearing a very large apron opens the door.

"Now's not a good time for ye tah visit." He says nervously.

"Oh c'mon Hagrid, I could hear you've got guests." Replied my friend.

"You've got a new creature don't you Hagrid?" I then questioned the Half-giant. I know because of the canon, but the man is a horrible liar and he acts like this when he knows he's doing something that could get him in trouble. Problem is that he just can't stop himself when it comes to creatures.

"I've no idea you're talkin' about!" He loudly declared, really trying to hide it.

"Oh please Hagrid. We know you too well. You even tried to introduce us to Aragog and we didn't say anything. Why are you trying to hide this one?" Asked a bemused Christian making Hagrid hesitate.

"Oh alright. Come in quickly." He finally relented.

As we came in we spotted the trio.

"Well, hello there Harry, Hermione, Ron. Didn't think you guys had interests in usually dangerous creatures." I greet the three to their great shock.

"What are you doing here?!" Exclaimed Ron in shock, but disapproval and rejection were in that voice and expression.

"What? Can't be here Weasley? We've been friends with Hagrid for over three years. Why wouldn't we come see him?" Asked Christian a bit aggressively.

"Woah there Christian, I'm sure there's a reason for that tone." I say to calm my friend. He really doesn't have any patience for Ron's extreme rejection of anything having to do with Slytherin, even those who accept them. And with Tory being our close friend, Christian gets defensive.

"You too Ronald! Can you not act like a rude prat for more than 5 minutes!" Scolded Hermione harshly. "I'm so sorry about that." She then apologies profusely.

"It's no problem Hermione. I just hope Ron can one day learn that not everything is as black and white as he thinks it is." I reply with a chuckle.

"So I'm guessing whatever's in that cauldron jumping around is today's beastie." I state to the room with a curious glance.

"Um, I didn't know you knew Hagrid that well." Suddenly said a shy Harry.

"Don't you remember what i told you before the holidays?" I then ask I surprise.

"You mean when we asked you about Nicholas Flamel?" Harry asked as he tried to remember the rest of that conversation.

"You did what!?" Shouted Hagrid.

"Why are you so surprised Hagrid? Nicholas Flamel is a great wizard and it is good that people study the man. They probably saw his name alongside our famous Headmaster's chocolat frog card and wanted to know more about the man. Problem was that they didn't know how old he was so they were looking in the wrong place." I lie to the man with a chuckle. Making the three have a weird look on there faces.

"Oh is that all? So'ry about that." He replied awkwardly due to his outburst, since I appeared to not know about the stone.

"Now where was i? Right that talk! Well I told you guys how I've played with Fluffy before, so that would mean I know the owner well enough to be allowed to play and take care of him no?" I then say with an amused smile as their faces turn to ones of realization, then a sheepish smile from Harry.

"Right, sorry about that." He then apologized as he scratched the back of his head.

"Oh no worries Harry, no worries. I'm guessing you had a lot on your mind and focused more on what you asked about instead of a story of me playing with a dog." I say with a chuckle.

"So what's in the cauldron Hagrid?" I asked to get to the point.

"It's er, it's an egg." He answered really trying to hide it, even now. Unfortunately, that was more than enough for my wild friend to realize what it was.

"Bloody hell! You have a live dragon egg!?" He exclaimed in surprise as the rest of the huts occupants froze.