Ch. 82 Ordinary Wizarding Level

Before I let Harry and Ginny go, I had something to say to them.

"You two, I need you to promise me something." I said to them seriously.

They looked at me, then each other, then back me and nodding.

"I don't want you to tell anyone I was here tonight. You can tell Dumbledore when you're alone with him, but no one else. I wasn't here at all. I spent my night in my room. Any and all rewards will be for you and I honestly do not mind that. My own reward will be the Basilisk. That's what I want you two to promise. Can you do that?" I asked seriously as I looked into their eyes.

They hesitated of course. They were good kids and knew how to be grateful. They were also too honest for their own good though.

"But why? You took down a Basilisk and Voldemort." Asked a very confused Harry.

"That's the very reason. I do not want dangerous people to know what I can really do. No one can know I am that dangerous myself. I want them to believe I am an extremely skilled student for now. Maybe after next year I'll be able to really show what I can do, but not now. So, can you promise to help me?" I asked again.

This time they both nodded, although reluctantly.

"Good. Fawkes will be able to get the four of you out of here with ease. And yes I knew about Lockhart as well. I've got Sol. No mentioning her either you two. To anyone. Dumbledore already knows since we've discussed grooming tips on the matter." I instruct the young Gryffindors.

"See ya kids." I say as Sol and I are enveloppes in flames and disappear.

So with a flash I was back in my room.

"It was fun messing with the egotistical brat version of Voldemort. I will need to work hard to get through my third maturation do so with the real one. Only two years left. But first, let's demolish the OWL's." I say to myself as I pet Sol and give her treats as thanks for helping me tonight.

I get out of my robes and get a well deserved sleep after having to deal with canon events all year.

'It was so much easier to just have school. How did all the kids that had to deal with this crap happening their entire education even make it through it?' I wondered as I drifted to sleep.

The next day came and so did a lot of new information to have floating within the castle walls.

I made it to the Great Hall with Christian after our morning exercises. Ron did understandably skip today, due to last nights stressful events, his sisters mortal peril, family issues and general relief that it was over made one very tired. And during breakfast the morning paper came to bring even more of a storm across Hogwarts.




Three big pieces of news were plastered on today's edition, grabbing the attention of all readers.

The first story would be familiar to anyone who knew about the canon. It was about how Lockhart went around the world and listened to tales of valor and heroism, got all the details he could from the people truly responsible and then wiped or modified their memories of the events in question to take all the credits for them. Is barely average OWL levels were dug up and low achievements at the NEWT levels as well. Every major flaws in his books were pointed out, leading to the complete dismantling of any credibility they contained. The only good thing happening for the man was that he was now basically a special aids receiver. He was almost like a child and would likely never recover or know about all this.

The second really brought a smile to my face.

'Lucius Malfoy has been found threatening fellow governors of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, to remove current Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore from his post due to a personal vendetta against the man. Although a past student, Lord Malfoy seems to hold a deep obsession against the man, leading to suspicions that the accusations he was later acquitted of after the war have more merits than originally thought.

Due to his illegal actions and the endangerment of students directly following said actions, he and and four other governors have been removed from their posts due to embezzlement. The Ministry has been taking many steps to better the quality of the schooling our children will receive in the future and these actions are in direct confrontation of these goals, as well as being morally reprehensible. Although the now former governors will only need to abdicate from their positions and reimburse the school in full if capable, and if incapable they are to sell their assets to fulfill the requirements, Lucius Malfoy is in much bigger trouble. The man is facing time in Azkaban due to the overwhelming nature of the evidence against him and the number of plaintiffs. He is also being obligated to compensate the families he's threatened and notably the Weasley family, who's daughter was put in life threatening danger immediately following his dismissal of the Hogwarts Headmaster.'

'That's going to light a fire under his ass for a while. Especially if he tries to do the same crap to make his problems disappear, he could make is troubles even worse with that. But I'm not sure who's going to dislike the compensation more, him or Arthur. That's going to be interesting to hear about. Have fun you disgusting excuse for a human being.' I thought with mirth at the article.

The last one had to do with my persona opening a vault exclusively for students with difficulties to purchase at least standard quality robes, books, equipment, ingredients and companions. The goal was actually to make an even starting ground for everyone. No one would be inferior in their new school, with only of rich students being able to splurge on better quality goods. Basically they would be given a few lists of proper quality goods they can pick from and are permitted to buy using the vault if their situation makes it difficult to afford everything. This is purely to help anyone who believes they could use a hand, with the spirit that these same students helped through this, would then help others in the future. The Herald was lauding his actions, but it was a really good thing since Hogwarts just didn't have enough money to do this, whilst I had too much.

And if the bombs that the Herald dropped weren't enough, the Headmaster declared that no exams would be occurring due to this years events, a good reason was for the petrified students, and that Harry, Ron and Hermione would get a awarded with special service to the school for solving the crisis. Thankfully my name wasn't mentioned.

But unfortunately for most of my year and the seventh years, OWL and NEWT exams could not be cancelled. So there were still students cramming as if their lives depended on it.

Thankfully for them, I had taught most of them proper DADA, the dueling club sparked new interests into Charms, Jinxes and Curses, and the Exchange was open just as it always was. It felt quite nice to see things I did helping others.

Then the two weeks of exams finally came.

All the written tests were pieces of cake, and I had some much time left from answering everything, so I decided to also improve the correct answers to pass the time and have some fun. I didn't worry about my friends at all for this part simply because we always study together. We challenge each other to better our knowledge in our strengths and weaknesses. We don't look down on what another doesn't know, we explain it and better each other. And I'm certain they will knock the socks off their examiners. I on the other hand, will make them feel awe.

My chance came during practicals. In Charms in decided to enchant every testing apple in the room and put on a full broadway musical dance and song routine instead of just making one apple do whatever they wanted. It was fun to watch as it actually relaxed some people, but it made others get more nervous as they compared themselves. For Transmutation I just kind of made everything vanish one at a time in very quick succession and brought them back just as quickly, while also making some new things to vanish once I was done. In Herbology I creatively transferred devils snare, and then I accelerated its growth in a controlled manner to form a deadly bench. Defense against the Dark Arts just had me conjure a fully corporal Patronus, using my cat one because that's the animagus transformation I decided to make public when i go for masteries. And the last exam for the week, Ancient Runes, I used that little trick Tom used to write in the air and made the correct symbols stick to the walls of the exam room to expand it on the spot, making the examiners look at me in true awe at my mastery of the subject.

Then came the second week. And did you know you didn't have to attend the class to attend the exam? You just need to have studied it and be confident in succeeding it. It's actually one of the parts I like from the wizarding system. If you can do it, do it.

It started with Potions, testing us on a variety of recipes, letting me improve all of them almost beyond the level of what they could even call the same potion. Care of Magical Creatures was just fun for me as I got every creature presented to do tricks for me before they were taken away. Astronomy needed everyone to fill a blank star-chart using the provided telescopes, so I took some time boosting the telescope and wrote down the spell on my test paper, then started writing twice as many celestial bodies as everybody could see on it. Divination was trickier to get distinctions on since I wasn't a seer and couldn't improve what we were taught, but I demonstrated skill and accuracy with an extra 6 mediums of divination outside of crystal balls, tea leaves and palm reading, such as Cartomancy, Astrology, Fire-omens, Xylomancy, Chinese fortune sticks and Numerology. Arithmancy just had me fulfilling almost everyone who studies the fields wet dreams: casting modified spells left, right and center. History of Magic had a formal debate over topics, in which I even made the examiners rethink their understanding of events. And I was actually the one helping the examiners understand things in Muggle Studies. That last one was basically immortalized by the students for decades to come, even if many muggle-borns could achieve this if they look outside this magical world. Funny though.

With that over with, my friends and I extremely confident in our results, the school year could finally come to a close.

With Gryffindor as the winners of the house cup again due to the 200 points Harry and Ron each got, even if Christian led our house to victory in the Quidditch cup.