Ch. 116 Q&A session

"Ask the questions you have about me." I simply said to my friends after securing the cabin to insane levels.

"What have you been doing that we don't know?" Quickly asked Christian.

"You'll have to be more specific about that. I have been doing a lot of things no one knows about." I answered calmly.

"What do you mean?" James asked in response.

"You will have to ask about what I do in school and out of it." I answered swiftly.

"Fine then. What have you been up to outside of school?" Christian asked after correcting himself.

"Well, everything started when I bought some stocks in muggle world. I gained massive profits from those since I was young. But my activities only really started when I released two books under a pseudonym." I answered by going back to the root of my activities.

"I'm going to skip over the stocks, but what books? I didn't know you publish more than your books from last summer." Asked James in response.

"Well, that's pretty simple. I made a little guide and an information book about a particular affliction, making my pseudonym a little infamous. So I never took credit for them." I explained with a little smile on my lips.

"You can't be serious! You can't be him!" Suddenly exclaimed Victoria as she looked at me in complete shock.

"What do you mean girl? What did you figure out?" Asked Christian, surprised at his friends sudden outburst.

"Wait a second. No, it can't be. You... you're really him?" Carefully asked James as his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Not you too James! Tell me what you two realized!" Complained Christian as he was left out of the loop.

"If he's not lying, Aedan just admitted to being Micheal Folster. The mysterious and infamous founder of FIRM. Author of the Muggle-born guide and 'Blinded to facts about Werewolves'." Explained James quietly as Christian's mouth opened.

"Well, I am also the founder and owner of Breaking Grounds Apothecary, Natural Cultivation farms, The Herald, Fortress Protections, The Muggle Toy Box, a variety of creature preserves, some material farms, and probably the owner of the best information network in the country." I corrected plainly, looking at their reactions.

Silence filled the cabin as they tried to process what I just told them. Even Victoria, who had been quietly listening, had her lips parted in utter shock.

After a few minutes of computing, Tory finally started the questions again.

"Wouldn't this mean you are the richest and most influential person in the world right now?" She asked seriously.

"Hmmm. I don't know about the world, but I sincerely doubt anyone could come close to me in the UK. But if people knew the depths of my influence, I doubt they'd feel safe. It is just too much power for any single person to wield." I answered after a bit of thought.

"I can sorta understand that. I've read about Fortress and Natural Cultivation. They are leagues above everyone else. Not many people realize this, but Fortress probably as better forces, equipment and facilities than the Ministry itself right now. Just that is dangerous enough. But you also have a near monopoly in the herb market as well. I can see why now. If they've had your ideas and training put into action, then no one stood a chance." Suddenly commented Christian this time.

"And with you also holding the field of Potions in the palm of your hands, coupled with your contracts to multiple Hospitals giving you immense pull. Then you add your self-proclaimed information network, which includes The Herald itself, probably spy's in the ministry, Fortress and whatever other means you've concocted." Added Victoria thoughtfully.

"Not forgetting your relationship with Goblins, Centaurs, Merpeople, Veelas, Werewolves and muggle/muggle-borns. Your obvious wealth, the control you have over materials from plants and animals, the innovations you have a complete monopoly over and personal strength also bring in other factors." Also added James this time.

"All, this makes us see why you would say that." Concludes Tory with a sigh.

"Honestly makes me glad I am your friend mate. How did no one ever notice that you basically took control of everything?" Asked the shaken Christian.

"It is because I am not directly involved in any of this. I selected the official creators of each of those businesses, gave them ressources, information, ideas, training and opportunities, but the rest was their own results. They took what I offered them and built the giants standing today. And even if they had to contact me, it was all through my aides." I explain to my friends as I make them start thinking again.

"And that is who Scott Cross is I assume. The only man known to be in direct contact with Micheal Folster. The only man the wizarding world has seen when it comes to his affairs. But you mentioned aides, as in more than one. Who are the others?" My calm friend asked this time.

"That would be Geri. She is a werewolf who approached me to help her people. We had a rocky beginning, but I brought her in and trained her to be my left hand. She is the one responsible for the underworld of the wizarding community. And so, her duties are completely different from Scott's, making her unknown to anyone." I answered with a summarized explanation.

"It's a woman is it?" Suddenly asked Tory in a suspicious voice.

"Don't you worry. She and Scott like each other. I'm quite excited to see when those two will hook up for real. I am guessing when she hears the effects of my vaccine, she'll jump for it." I said to the young woman with a chuckle, relaxing her.

"There was a breakthrough?" Curiously asked Christian this time.

"Not a breakthrough, just a wonderful secondary result. I'll give you the report another time since that part is known to you guys." I say, satisfying his momentary curiosity.

"And how long have you been managing all of this? And why?" Asked Victoria, trying to get to the heart of the matter.

"Because it is the path towards my dream and my true desire in life." I answer without any hesitation.

"You mentioned that when you confessed. You saw me beside you as you saw your desire come true. But what is it?" She followed up to ask.

"I want to make magic something wonderful again. I want people to think, create, improve, innovate, revolutionize, preserve and be better. I started FIRM to stop outdated thinking, Breaking Grounds to stimulate innovations and encourage the trading of knowledge, Natural Cultivation to give new options to the world, Fortress to protect those afraid of being oppressed by existing powers and combat evil, The Herald to develop critical thought and free people from chains called mob mentality, the Toy Box to make people understand the world they really live in, and BonesWorks to push magic further in any way I could. Everything else is secondary. The money is useful to fund more projects and help others improve their conditions. The power is a by-product obtained through the innovative ideas, products made by embracing new ideas properly and quality products/services. And my influence is a necessary 'evil' because I need something to have other follow these steps toward progress. It won't just happen, but I hope I can make it happen through all of these." I explain with a fervor this time, once again reducing the cabin to silence.

"How can I even be worthy of standing next to you at this point?" Victoria asked with a tired look on her face this time.

"It's simple, because I can already see you revolutionize the way healing is done. I know you will be a Queen amongst them. You will open the doors to new knowledge and ideas, forming the path forward to the future. You, Christian and James are the very manifestation of my dream. You three stand beyond the forefront of what our generation is capable of doing. You are the proof that my desire can become reality. People driven to improve and innovate, resulting in magic taking strides forward. That is why I've always been proud of being friends and loving you." I answered passionately, with a smile of my face.

This answered turned Victoria expression of near despair into a blossoming smile, whilst Christian and James looked touched at my level of belief in them. The three never really heard about what I believe their potentials are. But they needed to know now. My achievements were too dazzling in general, and could ruin their self-esteem. I just reminded them of the path they are walking on to strengthen them.

"You're right. Why am I moping around? I already have my research and I am almost ready to knock the socks off those old ladies at St. Mungo's. I'll show them how healing is done." Tory declared with her fire back.

"Haha! You just lit a fire in me mate! Just you wait, I'll show you something truly spectacular I've been planing with the help of Mr. Scamander, my parents and Hagrid. It'll blow your mind when you hear it." Said Christian as his spirit was blazing.

"Give me another few years and I will show you enchanting unseen in the wizarding world. My work will resonate for ages." James said in his low voice, but it was showing his quiet spirit.

"I know you three will do great! So what other questions do you have?" I asked with a smile.

"You said you wanted to divide the things you've done but not told us in two: in and out of school. So what have you not told us about the happenings of Hogwarts?" Asked James after giving it some thought.

"The first thee years were completely honest except for two things: my knife and my time-turner." I answered honestly.

"You have a time-Turner!? How'd you get one!? The Ministry really regulates those things like crazy!" Asked Christian in shock.

"I found it in the Room of Lost Things. After I found the place, the idea came to mind. It took me quite a while, finding a few broken ones i didn't want to mess with due to not knowing how they truly worked, but I persevered until I found this bad boy." I answered as I took out the silver pocket watch from my pouch. "It's how I was able to make so much progress in my research while still attending class. It's also why I rejected the one they offered me for third year." I added quickly.

"You has this the whole time and didn't share?" Asked Tory with narrowed eyes this time.

"Too dangerous to mess with time too much. I was not going to risk it. Even I limit myself strictly when using it and I didn't want any unforeseen problems. But you three are strong and intelligent wizards and witch, so I will actually be letting the three of you use it under strict conditions this year." I answered seriously this time, not letting any opportunity for debate on the issue.

"You said you also had a knife? Is that the Phoenix dagger that my teacher was so proud of? He said it was the best he's ever made." Asked James with excitement in his eyes.

Instead of taking it out normally, I let it fly out of its sheath to the surprise of everyone.

"It is probably my deadliest weapon. Insane speed, durability, sharpness, control and stealth. No one except you three and some goblins know it exists, and it is one of my trump cards." I explain as I marveled at the beauty of the silver knife.

"I am going to ask you to let me study it. Your enchantments are simple but brutally efficient. I feel like it could really inspire me." James responded with an artisans passion.

"Mate, how could you never get me one of these? It looks so fucking awesome!" Asked Christian with a look in his eyes almost showing him wanting to steal it here and now.

"Why did you keep such a useful toy to yourself babe? Now i won't want anything else for Christmas." Victoria added with a 'pout'.

"Haha! No worries. James will be able to make some pretty soon I believe, so it won't be a problem to get more." I said with a hearty laugh, getting James to shake his head a bit at his predicted orders.

"Yes I'll make knives for the both of you. It'll have to wait a bit for me to really master everything, but it'll happen." He said with a wry smile. "But Aedan, you said that was for the first three years, so what happened after?" He also asked.

"You guys remember how Professor Quirrell disappeared during our fourth year right? And how Gryffindor got awarded a bunch of points to get the house cup?" I asked in return.

"""Of course.""" Was the unified answer.

"Well, that was because the idiot got possessed by Voldycunt and kept trying to steal the Philosopher Stone the Headmaster was asked to protect by Nicholas Flamel. And someway or another, Harry and his friends stopped him." I say to summarize the first year canon.

"""what!?""" The three of them suddenly shouted.

"That manipulating piece of dragon dung isn't dead yet?" Asked Victoria in a venomous voice.

"How is that possible? He should be dead because of Harry." Asked James in a thoughtful tone.

"If that sorry excuse for a troll testicule isn't dead, he'll wish to be if he tries to touch my mum." Christian declared as he punched his hands palm.

"The answer for that lies with what happened during our fifth year actually." I answered calmly.

"Wait. You mean during the Basilisk fiasco? How was that related to the egg head?" Asked Christian, making me really want to write down his names for the cunt.

"Because he was the one responsible for the Chamber to open 50 years ago as well. At the time his name was Tom Riddle and he has the blood of the Gaunt Family running through. This being a family that had always claimed to be descendant of Salazar Slytherin." I start off by explaining.

"I've heard of them. They were thorough believers of blood supremacy. They married their own family members, avoid Hogwarts, supposedly had the gift of parseltongue running in the family, but their last descendent should be in Azkaban or dead by now. I heard the line went all but extinct, but you're saying this Tom Riddle who became the Dark Lord is one of them?" Asked Victoria as she remembered what her father had 'taught' her.

"Yes. And that is why he calls himself the heir of Slytherin. I actually believe the statement is actually true, even if they twisted his ideologies beyond recognition." I answered her.

"But how did he do it two years ago? You said he possessed Quirrell, so did the same thing happen again?" Christian asked this time.

"That is an answer I found when I killed the Basilisk using my little trump card here." I said whilst tapping my knife.

"Wait you killed it? But Potter, Weasley and Granger were the ones who got the award! How does that make sense?" My wild friend immediately asked.

"Because I didn't want anyone knowing i was capable of doing so. Hence no one outside the trio and the Headmaster know of my involvement." I simply answered.

"So what is this reason for His survival you found down there?" Asked Victoria.

"A very dark piece of magic. One of the evilest out there. A means to technically reach a state of immortality, but with an enormous price. I found a Horcrux." I answered very somberly this time.

"I've never heard of such a thing. Have either of you?" James asked to the cabin.

"No. It's not my field of study mate. Tory?" Christian answered as he passed the baton over.

"I've read every book I could find in the Library, my family collection and Aedan's collection, but I've never even seen the name." She admitted with a shake of her head.

"That is a good thing. A Horcrux is simply put, a piece of your soul stored in an object to keep you tethered to the world of the living. Meaning that as long as it is intact, your spirit will never move on to the next world nor turn into a ghost. You will exist in the broadest sense of the word and have a chance to return, if you know how of course." I explained to my three friends.

"Then what is the price you mentioned?" Asked the thoughtful James.

"To store a piece of your soul you must first break a off piece of it. And the only known way of accomplishing this is by brutally and inhumanly killing a number of people, hence breaking the soul." I answered seriously, as their eyes widened at the revelation.

"But there is another problem. The body cannot truly function without the soul, so having a tainted and broken soul will inevitably affect the mind and body. Giving us a very likely reason as to why the man looks so far from human and acts like a madman." I add on, giving my friends food for thought once again.

"But you said the problem was solved in fifth year. You were there, so that means you stopped it and He should be dead right?" Asked a hopeful Christian.

"Yes that one was destroyed and the troubles of the year were truly solved. The only issue is that it seems he did something thought as impossible and completely beyond mad: he split his soul even more." I answered truthfully.

"That's insane! How could anyone even do such twisted things?" James exclaimed in disgust this time.

"That is who he is. He is a man so scared of death he would rather pervert his own existence and soul, ruining his afterlife, naming himself after it, giving everything up in the pursuit of power to avoid it, and naming his followers after it." I state with my own distaste in my voice.

That statement actually made Victoria smile a little and move closer to me. Probably because I changed the image of the demon in her mind to such a ridiculously pathetic man.

"But unfortunately, it is hard to know how many were made and are left. Moving on from this dark topic, any other questions?" I asked to my friends.

There was a pause at my query, as they thought of what could possibly be unknown to them, until Christian spoke up.

"Oh yeah. Mr. Scamander said that this year would be quite exciting, but wouldn't tell me why that is. Do you have any clues?" He asked hopefully.

"That is very simple. The Ministry of Magic and the International community have decided to bring back an old event of the wizarding world. This event involves the participation of the three most influential magical schools in Europe: Beauxbatons, Durmstrang and Hogwarts. This event being the Triwizard tournament, and Hogwarts has been chosen to be its host."

"They're really bringing back that tournament? That's surprising due to the high death toll it had back in the day." Said Victoria as she knew her history well.

"Really? Then why in the world would they bring it back? Sounds a bit mad to me." Asked James as his face scrunched up.

"That sounds exciting! A real challenge of life and death! I am so participating!" Declared a pumped up Christian.

"Yes, they said it was to promote international interactions and communication. They also guaranteed a safer event, but you never know with wizards lacking so much common sense." I explained to them to the best of my abilities.

"Not sure how I really feel about it. But I guess I'll wait to understand how it'll work before making my decision." Said James with a slight nod to himself.

"It would be an interesting challenge, and even then I could challenge my medical skills due to the mortality and injury rate." Victoria said to herself in contemplation.

"Hehe. I really want to see what they'll come up with." Chuckled Christian excitedly.

"Well, if that's the end of the questioning, I think it's time for us to do our duties as prefects and Head Boy/Girl. Any other details can be asked during the school year, so shall we go?" I asked the three who nod in agreement.

I didn't tell you guys that Victoria had become Head Girl this year right? Well that mostly because it literally couldn't have been anyone else. She is the most respected and responsible young woman in Hogwarts, plus he grades and extracurricular activities make her perfect for it.

And so with the Q&A over with, we head to the prefect carriage and begin our last time overseeing the train ride to Hogwarts.