Memories From Last Year-Part 3

Maya's POV

Adonis smells so good; his masculine scent wants me to come closer to him, and I can't stop the pounding of my heart. Am I dreaming? I don't want to wake up if this is a dream because it would be alright for me as long as he is watching me with longings in his captivating eyes.

I closed my eyes, and when I opened them, I thought he would be gone, but I was shocked to find him looking at me with intense stares. I can say I am not dreaming, and everything that is happening around me is real. I saw my sister dancing with James while Ariana was dancing on the dance floor with Jake.

I can feel Adonis stroking my back, and I can feel the sparks in my entire body. This is how it feels to be with him, and I think my heart is going to explode soon because of the overwhelming pleasure I feel.

The sensation he gave me through his touch was too much. I love the way he smirks at me, and this is the first time I saw Adonis smile at me. He always frowns every chance we meet, and it seems I committed a big crime against him, but tonight, I met the other self of Adonis.

This is how he acts towards his friends and even to the children of their farmhands. He is gentle and charming. His treatment of me was a mystery that I lost interest in solving, but tonight, everything has changed. I hope he is not planning a big scheme against me, or I will always hate him.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Cassandra dancing with Adrian, and she looked daggers at me; she belonged to the elite family. Cassandra Eleonor Montemayor is the young madam of the Montemayor's Estate.

She is the favorite of Adonis's mother because she is stunning and has a gorgeous body, and not only that, her family is super-rich. They own not only a plantation but also multiple companies in the entire country, like Adonis family.

And I know Madam Kriselda wants Adonis and Cassandra to be together. I realize I have nothing to be proud of because we are poor, but I am not ashamed of who I am. I work honorably, so I am not embarrassed by being a part-timer at the hacienda being farm aid, and I don't feel uncomfortable that my grandfather is a laborer on the Monleon's plantation.

And right now, I felt so lucky that Adonis chose me, and he never stopped dancing with me, and he never looked for another partner.

"Are you tired, Maya?" He whispered in my ear, made me have butterflies in my stomach, and I shook my head even though my feet were sore and I could feel the blisters on my ankles, but deep inside me, I didn't want to be away from him.

"I think we need to have some fresh air!" He said, and he released me from his hands.

I felt disappointed, but I couldn't stop myself from smiling when he took my hand. I can tell a lot of the female visitors, especially the rich girls, are looking at me with envy and anger in their eyes.

I don't want to be affected by their stares. All that matters right now is Adonis.

He pulled me inside the mansion, and I could tell we were going to the veranda. I am so familiar with this place because I have been here countless times with his twin sister.

I can feel the fresh air caressing my skin, and Adonis wasted no time. He brings me closer to him. He put his arms around my waist, and he looked into my eyes without blinking.

"Maya, I have been dying to do this to you." He said.

Before I could ask him what, he cupped my face and lifted my chin; the anticipation of what he would do with me was killing me. The moment he brushed his lips with mine, I closed my eyes, and it felt like I was floating in the air.

His kiss was soft at first, and then he claimed my mouth with eagerness and hunger; this was my first time to be kissed, and I didn't know what to do, but he guided me, and I just realized I was kissing him back like the way he was devouring my mouth.

I mirror his actions, and his lips taste so sweet as we kiss deeply. I can feel my entire body feel warm. It feels like we have been kissing for a long while. I can feel his tongue swirl inside my mouth, and I can feel it toying with my tongue, and the unfamiliar sensation brings me to another level of heavenly bliss.

I have been fantasizing about kissing Adonis, but I realized what I have been dreaming of was very different in reality; Adonis is a good kisser, and I don't want him to stop kissing me.

He trailed kisses on my chin down to my neck and my shoulder, and he even kissed the back of my ear and nibbled it, and it made me feel goosebumps all over my body.

He pressed his muscular body against me, and I could feel my back hit the railings of the terrace. He stroked and caressed my back, and when he nibbled my neck, I looked up into the sky while I put my hands around his neck.

The stars are shining above us, and I can see they are twinkling for me because of my happiness. Our kiss became demanding and deep. I could not stop myself from moaning because of the beautiful and overwhelming sensations that I felt.

My lips become swollen from our kiss. And Adonis let out a soft moan, and it made me feel thrilled. Our heated kiss ended because we heard the Emcee was calling his name.

"The Emcee hired by my mom is good with timing. I don't wish to stop kissing your sweet lips, Maya, but I know he won't stop calling my name unless I go downstairs to do the wine toasting." Adonis declared.

"I like you, Maya, and please wait for me here and don't leave anywhere because I crave to kiss you until morning!" He added before he turned his heel in haste.

I was left with trembling knees, and I don't know if it was because of our deep kiss or the words he said. I lean on the railings of the veranda to get support because I feel like jelly after kissing Adonis.

I pinch my arm, and I feel the sting, and I realize I am awake and I am not dreaming at all. I heard his voice over the microphone, and I couldn't stop myself from smiling because I was thinking of the way how he claimed my mouth a while ago as I touched my lips with my fingers, and I could still feel his lips on my mouth.

Minutes had passed after the wine toasting, but Adonis didn't come back, so I tried to look for him. I moved to the other side of the terrace where I could glance at the guests, and I saw him speaking with his mom.

I couldn't hear what they were discussing because of the loud music, and they were far from me, but I could tell they were arguing with each other. I can see his mom was mad at him while Adonis was trying to console his mother, and he was struggling to reason out. I hope they are not talking about me.

I want to wait for Adonis to return, but based on his conversations with his mom, I think he can't go back anytime soon. I wished to go to the restroom because I couldn't hold it anymore. I'm on my way to use the restroom, and I hate that I have to pass through the main living room of the Mansion.

Before I could make it inside, I heard female voices, and I overheard someone mentioning my name. I suddenly felt nervous, and I stopped in my tracks. I stay hidden behind the massive pillar.

"I can't believe this; that poor slut named Maya curled her arms around Adonis; she is the granddaughters of one of the farmhands. Why did she have to attend this party, anyway?" Cassandra's voice echoed throughout the living room.

"She doesn't belong to this place; besides, she is only a granddaughter of one farmhand. How could Adonis choose her as his toy for the evening? How could he kiss her?" She added as I felt like my entire world stood still.

I could not move my body from what I listened to. I could feel the pain in my heart as I listened to how she belittled our family.

I believed she was only annoyed because Adonis wanted me. Why does she need to emphasize I am only mediocre? I realized someone saw us kissing on the balcony a while ago. No wonder his mother looks so furious with him.

I was on the sideline watching all the guests having fun at the party when Adonis asked me to dance with him. How could Cassandra talk about something like this in front of her friends?

Is Adonis playing games with me? Am I really just a toy for him? I want to believe her, but what she was saying contradicts all the actions Adonis showed me a while ago.

It was probably Cassandra who complained to his mother, and she was the reason why, until now, Adonis was still talking with his mom.

He made me feel that he wanted me, even though our family was poor. I don't think Adonis will kiss me in that manner if he doesn't like me at all.

He indeed told me he likes me, and I can see it in his eyes. My instinct is telling me Adonis wasn't lying to me, and he looked so happy after our shared passionate kiss.