Adonis’s Revelations

Maya's POV

I can't believe that this is all happening to me, Adonis Monleon was asking me what I want. Many things pop up in my mind, it seems my mind is having a hard time processing what is going on with my life. I don't wish to look at his fascinating eyes, but I can't stop myself from gazing up at him, Adonis is so tall now, even though I am tall compared to most girls I am still looking up at him. His captivating eyes mesmerized me, and I can't say a single word.

"Well, I guess, it means you don't like me to be around. Maybe I am too late to redeem myself." He declared, and he put down his arms on his sides and I suddenly panic, I didn't talk because I felt so overwhelmed with excitement, and now he interpreted my silence in the wrong way.

"I just hope one of these days you can finally forgive me for all the things I have done to you, Maya." He added, and he turned his heels away from me, but he stopped midway, and I can feel my heart is expecting that he won't give up on me, and I hate myself for being speechless.

"Can I at least, get you home? I am here and my purpose is to take you home, I promise Ariana to bring you home safely, I don't prefer my twin to get angry with me. I don't wish to lie with her." He started, and he looks so adorable now that he mentioned his twin. And I felt glad that my head nodded, and my heart almost had a heart attack when he smiled at me. His perfect smile always takes my breath away.

He waited for me to move and walk towards him before he continues walking. We are walking side by side going to his car, as usual, he is a gentleman for he opens the car door for me, and he let me settled on the seat first before he turned around to go to the driver's seat. I can't stop myself from smiling, for I felt so happy that he is driving me home again, and I need to tell him what is on my mind, but it seems I lost my ability to speak again.

"Maya, I do not want you to be annoyed with me because of my desire to be with you, but allow me to ask you one more time, and I expect you will reconsider my request. Do you prefer me to do this again? I love to feel being this close to you. I hope you will give yourself a chance to know me." Adonis declared, and I felt so glad that he asked again.

"Yes, I want to, I just can't believe you are doing all this for me, and I am trying to understand your every move." I said, and I got so proud of myself that at last, I regain my courage to speak to him, and the smile that came out of his face is priceless.

"Thank you, Maya. Now, I don't want to keep this to myself for so long, I want to direct to the point, I guess you are not that young not to understand my motives for doing all this." He said and looked at me sideways, then he takes his eyes on the road again, and I am shocked when he slowed down the car, and we stopped on the side of the lane beside their pineapple plantation.

"I perceive you have an idea that I wish more than friendship, I want to be honest with you, Aya, I need to court you, and I hope you will accept me, I am not rushing though, but I can't take it anymore if you will give me a chance I will be the happiest person on Earth." He added, and I don't realize what to say, for my heart is shouting with joy. Then suddenly I felt nervous when he turned to face me, and he stared at me and I can tell he is looking at me with desires in his eyes.

"Maya Alva will you be my girlfriend?" Adonis asked me while he takes my hands, and I can feel the sparks from his touch, and I crave to say yes immediately, but I don't want to give him my answer yet since I wish him to suffer a little, as payback to all the pains and tears he had caused me. I had been planning all this. If some miracle can happen and Adonis will court me out of the blue, I will not accept him immediately. And it seems my prayers were answered after a long time. The Monleon Heir is asking me to be his girlfriend, and I suddenly wonder what I have done this time to have this kind of gift.

"Wow! You took me off guard Adonis, and I don't know what to say." I uttered.

"Then, say nothing, I am not pressuring you, Maya, take your time, but I hope you will not make me wait for a long time because I want you to be my girl, Maya, and this is the first occasion I felt this way." He said.

"Thank you, Adonis, for being straightforward with your emotions towards me, I want to be honest with you too, you know you are my only crush since childhood until now, I don't want to lie if I tell you I don't like you since as per your word the entire San Antonio knew I am so crazy about you, and yes, I accept you were right. I want you, Adonis, as in I like you a lot. But you can't blame me if I have doubts about your intentions since you love hurting my feelings ever since we were kids, and I had been so used to it that right now I am shocked that this is really happening to us." I said, and I can see the worries through his eyes.

"I understand, Maya, and I am so sorry once again, please forgive me." He spoke, and I can feel his sincerity.

"Adonis, I don't know what will happen to me if all this is just a prank, I think I will become crazy." I replied.

"No, everything I told you was true, I like you Maya, and I just realized I was just trying to hide my real feelings for you because I was so scared to accept that I like someone like you, no offense, Aya, but my mom instilled it in my mind since I was a little boy that I should only associate myself with wealthy individuals. She hated the idea of me being friends with someone like you, for she was so anxious that later on, I will fall in love with a person who does not belong to an affluent family." He said, and I felt so sad, and I remember the primary reason I can't have him in my life.

"Are you confident, you still wish me to be your girlfriend?" I asked.

"Of course, I am not afraid of my mom, I like you, Maya, and now that I am old enough, and I am not a minor anymore. I wish to show it to my mom that she is wrong about her suspicion." He answered and I wonder what he means.

"She thought the woman who comes from a poor family only wants one thing, money, but I felt you, Maya, and I just admire the way you are. I realize how hardworking you are since you were a little girl. Most of all, I felt that you don't fancy material things." He said, and he caressed my face, and I prefer the way he touches me, and I don't wish him to stop.

"Do you think she won't get angry with us?" I asked, and I can see him smiling at me.

"Does it mean you are my girlfriend now?" He inquired.

"No, not yet, I wish us to take it slow, I am just asking, so I know what I am dealing with." I said and his smile faded.

"I thought you will say yes already." He said and looks so cute when he looked at me with the puppy dog's eyes.

"But I am telling you, Maya, what is important is our feelings for each other. I understand that you need to take it slow, I will just be here waiting for you. So, does it mean you will allow me to pick you up and get you home?" He declared, and he looks so happy when I nodded my head.

"Thank you, Maya." He said, and when I looked at him, he leans closer to me, and I wish him to continue what he is planning to do, and I felt my stomach somersault when his warm lips touch mine. I have been dreaming to be kissed by him once again, and I can feel my entire body turned hot, at first, he takes time to savor my mouth, and he brushed me tenderly, then his kiss became demanding, and I can stop myself, I put my hands at the back of his head and I pulled him closer to me that made him kissed me deeper.

He tasted so good, and I like the way his lips are kissing me, while his arms are around my waist, and it happened so quickly that I didn't notice that I am already on his lap. I am kissing him back wildly, and I can't hold myself from moaning, and it is already too late when I realized I haven't taken a bath yet, and I suddenly felt conscious. I tried to get away from his embrace, but instead, he kisses me more, and I can feel Adonis's tongue lick my lips, and he swirled it inside my mouth and when he sucked my tongue, I got another kind of sensation that so foreign, yet I want more. We both gasping for air after our make-out session and I can't stand myself from thinking, at last, I could taste his sweet lips again. Adonis makes me feel wanted, and I hope this feeling will never end.