I Don’t Want The Night To End

Maya's POV

We are still embracing each other, and he is still kissing my head from time to time. I am so happy to be back in his arms again, but I can feel his worries.

"Maya, are you willing to give up your scholarship just to be with me?" Adonis asked, and I am so speechless, I wish to finish college and to pursue my dreams to become a civil engineer.

"I can't ruin your dreams, Maya, but I wish to be with you, to be near you, I need to kiss and hug you, and I can't do that if we will not be seeing each other." He said.

"Do you think your mom can do that to me? I have done nothing to her Adonis." I replied, and he looked at me in the eyes.

"I hate thinking about it Maya that my mother will ruin someone's dream, so she can get what she wants from me, I felt ashamed that she can do such a thing. I understand if you will choose your dream over me. But if you will be with me, I will do anything I can to help you finish your studies. I will take part-time just to send you to college." He said, and I am stunned.

"Adonis, you don't need to do that, you never work part-time in your entire life, I don't wish you to make that sacrifice for me. And I am sorry that I am poor, and I have nothing if I only belong to an elite family I am sure your mother will accept me as your girlfriend. Don't worry, I can work, and I am used to working all the time Adonis, and I know we can get through this as long as we are together. I wish to be with you." I said, and he kissed me on the lips again, which makes my knees go weak.

"Maya, you don't need to apologize for being poor, you have everything, don't say you have nothing. You are beautiful, smart, and kind-hearted. I am so proud of having you as my girlfriend." He said and give me his perfect smile.

"I felt my mom will give you a hard time, but I hope you will never give up on me, I perceive we are still young, but I am so certain about what I feel for you, Aya." He added.

I can still hear the laughter of our friends in the swimming pool. I know giving up my scholarship just to be with him is a tough choice for me, but I can't stop myself from choosing Adonis. I am not confident if I made the wise decision, but as of the moment, it feels so right to be with him. My young heart is so happy and content.

"I am sorry if I hit Chris, I realize I should have not done that, don't worry, I will apologize to him, I could not control myself the minute I saw him kissing you, and I was outraged when I realized you were kissing him back." He declared.

"Yeah, you hurt Chris, Adonis and I think this is the best time that you should go to him, and say sorry." I said as I try to get away from his embrace, but he holds my hand and pulled me closer to him, and he draws me by his muscular arms, and he is now hugging me while my back is on him. I can feel Adonis's steady heartbeat.

"Don't worry, I will go to him right now." He spoke, and he stands straight while he let me face him, and I am looking at his mesmerizing eyes.

"Maya, thank you for accepting me as your boyfriend, I promise you I will not forsake you." He said, and he holds my hand as we descended the stairs.

We are still holding hands the moment we arrived at the swimming pool, and I felt glad Chris is still at the party. I can look at the worries in his eyes when he saw us approaching his direction. His body stiffened, and everybody stopped what they are doing, and they all watched us, I can look at my friends are smiling, and I can tell they are happy for me especially Lisa. And I got relieved when I searched around, I could no longer see Cassandra.

"Chris, I am sorry, I hurt you, and you know me, I don't easily get angry. I lost control a while ago, and I don't really mean to harm you, but you kissed Maya, as my friend I think you knew I like her." Adonis declared and Christopher smiled widely at us.

"It is okay Adonis, I did it on purpose because you are making Maya miserable, truth be told, I really like Maya a lot, but she only has eyes for you, and I know you want her, and you needed a little push, and I am glad that I helped you to open up your heart and mind, see Maya? Adonis Monleon is crazy about you." Chris said, and I can't stop myself from blushing, and I felt so happy that Christopher is fine.

"Man, it hurts, but it was all worth it, I am content to admire Maya from afar since I know I can never have her, but I don't want her to get so lonely because of you. I hope you will take care of her, Adonis because if you are going to hurt her again, that is the time I will do anything to win Maya's heart." Chris added as he extends his right hand to Adonis, and they shake hands and fist bump. I can't stop myself from beaming and Beatrice came closer to us, and we talked.

I noticed Rich and Ariana were getting cozy with each other and were talking sweetly, and I can tell something is going on between them, and I felt so happy for the two people who are so close to my heart. Our friends continue to recount stories and laugh, then everybody stopped swimming, and we all join with Rich and Ariana at the long table. I am seated next to Adonis, and he never let go of my hand. We eat another round, and this time around I can say I am full because when I ate dinner earlier, I can't eat properly because of Adonis. But right now, he keeps refilling food on my plate, and he shared the plate with me.

"So, are you now dating?" Ariana asked us while Rich put his arms around her shoulders.

"Yes, Maya is now my girlfriend, so I want to remind all the boys around here that Maya is taken." Adonis said proudly, and I felt my entire face blushed.

"Don't worry, Adonis, no one will go near Maya ever again, we don't want to experience what happened to Chris." Jake responded and all the guys laugh including Chris. I saw Beatrice's face saddened, and I know, and I feel she likes Adonis too. I read some of her entries on Lisa's scrapbook she always answers the initial AGBM on the question of who is your crush, and I can't find anyone in our place who has the same initial with Adonis Gabriel Buanavista Monleon.

"How about you two, are you dating now?" Adonis asked Ariana and Rich, and they both smiled at us, and my best friend's face reddened, and she looks so beautiful, and I realized they look perfect together.

"Wow! I thought Rich likes Maya, I admire you, Rich, since you are so good at hiding your true emotions, I couldn't believe you like my cousin." Jake declared, and I perceive among the group he is the most vocal. I realize many ladies like him too since he is also handsome and has a wonderful physique, but the number one bet of all the young women in our place is Adonis, but he always looks serious and strict which is why most the young woman will always approach Rich.

"Many people have a wrong impression about my closeness with Maya, we are close like siblings, nothing more." Rich replied, then most of them returned to the pool and continued swimming while I am left together with Lisa, Adonis, Ariana, and Rich.

"I am sorry, Adonis, I am courting Ariana now, and I wish she will accept me as her boyfriend soon, I want to ask permission from you, but I didn't have enough time since I can't take it anymore, I don't want to waste another day without telling her what I felt." Rich declared, and I am so happy for them, and this is the first time I notice the way my best friend looked at Rich, and I realized I am too busy with my feelings for Adonis that I didn't realize Ariana loves Rich and I can tell it by the manner she is gaping at him. I can't wait to talk with Ariana.

"It is okay, Rich, among all the young men in San Antonio you are the only one I choose for my twin, and I know it since we were young we could be brothers in the future." Adonis said, and Ariana blushed.

"Thank you, Adonis, but remember I require you to remember always that Maya is like a sister to me, and I love her, so if you are going to hurt her again Adonis you will lose your best friend." Rich said, and I smiled at him.

"I know Rich, and there is no way I am going to hurt her, I promise I will protect Maya." Adonis replied while he kissed my forehead, and I find his gesture so sweet. And I feel so happy right now, and I don't want the night to end, even though there is a part of me that worries about what fate would bring, but as long as Adonis is with me, I can face tomorrow with courage and hope.