My Only Love

Maya's POV

"Maya! I didn't expect you will come home to San Antonio on a Tuesday, and you didn't bring your car; who drives you?" Rich asked the moment he returned to the Hernandez mansion. I didn't catch any of my family members at home because they were all on the plantation. Only Richard returned earlier. And I can tell the shock that registered on his handsome face.

"Adonis drove me here." I replied, and he raised his eyebrows.

"So, are you back being together?" He asked, and I nodded with a beautiful smile on my face.

"Wow! It is about time, my dear sister, congratulations. I am so happy for both of you." He said, and I can see the sadness on his face, and I know he was sad because of his breakup with Inez.

"Why do you look sad? I thought you were happy for us?" I asked, and he shook his head.