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"Today was just the first day of your senior year."

Beth could not believe that on the very first day of school, after summer, her daughter came in with the request of allowing her to attend some high school teenage party.

"And also my final year will start so I must be allowed to go out and party now or else when Mom?"

Della pressed. The incident four years ago was an utter mistake and was careless on their part.

She was sure to not make such an error again. She had grown up for god sake. But her mother had not grown out of that night.

"Maples will be there too..."

"No way Tinsley is allowing her fourteen-year-old to mingle with some hormonal teens!"

Beth shook her head, disbelieving it. Della rolled her eyes to that.

"She is a teenager too."

"And that is why, it should not be allowed.

Guess they do not learn quickly!"

She pointed out the incident that happened four years ago, referring to their son, Shawn.

Tinsley had always been soft with her kids and the one to take charge always had been their father, but he also melted away coming in contact with his wife.

"Maa, I will be careful...I promise I will."

Della uttered, staring into her mother's eyes.

All the restrictions, not to this or that, the strict parenting shenanigans, all were to only protect her from superficial things, that she could not even tell existed in reality.

They say that it was because she was the only daughter of her mother.

Beth's eyes softened as she looked more at her daughter and then parted her eyes.

She knew that the time would come when she would have to let loose of her daughter's life, but did not realize that it would be so soon.

Two more years of school, and then going off to college. Tinsley and she had been dreading that part of the near future so often that these days.

But knowing full well that she would not be there to see through or guide her daughter's actions in the future, it could be time to at least let her have it. Try it out?


The very moment those words were out, she sprinted off to her mother, catching her in a bone-crushing embrace, making her Beth squeal out, not expecting the move at all.

"I love you so much!"

"But curfew is before ten."

Beth managed to let the words out as her daughter hugged her, maintaining a strict face.

"Roger that."

She voiced out like a trained army getting his command from the Sergent and her mother's face faltered with a smile, that she had been controlling for a while then.

Right away, she fled upstairs to get dressed. As she had a tug of war deciding if to keep her hair down or tie it up, a message pinged in her cell phone on the dressing table.

"Fuck! Fuck!"

She cursed out, rushing her movements, storming around her room which was already a mess by then, with dresses all over the place.

Collecting her purse and putting her phone inside it, she climbed down the stairs in a hurry, gaining her mother's attention in the living room.

"What are you wearing? You got to change!"

No way, she was letting her daughter go out dressed like that in a tight body tight, knee-length black dress and be amongst the teenagers.

"Too late Mom! My ride is here."

She said and rushed out of the door, closing it behind her with a thud, without care, and ran up to the red Maserati, on standby.

She could not believe her eyes as she saw who was sitting in the driver's seat.

Where was Drake? He was the one who always drove them around.

The glass window slid down and then came out, the boy she grew up with, but no longer just a boy...he looked so grown up. He had been ever since that summer, four years back.

"Took you long enough."

"Where is Drake?"

She could not stop herself from asking it, at the same time as he opened his mouth.

"I would be your chauffeur for the evening, ma'am!"

He opened the door of the passenger seat for her to get in, making her feel so warm.

She had not seen him, even once during school time after last night when he had bid her goodnight, by returning her hair clips.

She barely and rarely caught a glimpse of him by then in school as all his time would be taken by in training.

So many things had changed in the past four years. From being with him all the time to barely seeing him, things had indeed changed. And so did he.

She got inside the vehicle as he closed the door and walked to the other side to get into the driver's seat.

'What the hell your boy is doing with a Maserati?'

Beth dropped the message as she watched through the window, waiting for a reply or else she would not hesitate and go out, pulling her daughter back inside the house.

'Do not worry! Kian gifted him on his sixteenth birthday.'

The text popped into her cell. And another one followed right after.

'He has the license!'

Beth could not help but shake her head, feeling dejected.

"Dad gifted me for the sixteenth birthday."

He said, smiling at her. And also for winning the district quarters for his school. She wanted to add but did not.

She did not know about the gift only because he had been away competing for the state levels on his sixteenth birthday...the very first birthday celebrated out of home and without her.

He was the golden boy of Randals.

"And I have the license."

He showed her as she took it from his hand, reading through the laminated card.

"Where is Maples?"

She asked, after congratulating him, giving it back to him.

"Riding with Drake."

He stated, igniting the engine.

"Why not with us?"

"Because I wanted my first passenger to be you and not anyone else."

Words like these...so simple and without any twist put out, made her be firm about him sharing the same feelings as her, even though she did not know about it.

"Shall we?"

He asked and she nodded her head positively, making him boost the engine before driving out.