"Uhmm Della, you need to see this."

When Maples broke her out of her reverie, she did not object and followed after her.

A small crowd had formed within the big crowd and Maples pushed her way through it, the screams of people intermingled with the music in the background.

As they made it to the point of seeing the reason behind the formation of the crowd, Della's eyes reached her forehead.

Before even anyone could react, she had already sprinted to the front, shoving others out of her way and to the middle...he was not even aware of her.

She had pushed the girl he had in his arms away, earning quite a reaction from the crowd and that made him finally look at her, and realize her presence.

The girl who was thrown to the side, from being in his arms, Emily, glared at Della, about to bite her back for her audacity.

Even before Shawn could tell anything else, she had already launched herself on him, taking him in shock and so did the crowd...

And so did his little sister, who watched all of it with wide eyes as her best friend kissed her brother in front of everyone, without any hesitation.

She had wrapped her arms around his neck, locking him in herself as she pasted her lips against his.

The familiar feeling, the one that she had experienced back inside his Maseratti hit her senses, taking her back to a state where all the voices and noises were dimmed down, just the sound of their breathing could be heard and their two heartbeats.

Everything else had disappeared, vanished into the thin air...just the two of them.

He had not thought that she would be doing what she did. He was taken aback by her bold move.

But also that was what made him drawn to Adella Gomez...her unpredictable behavior that always kept him on his toes, anticipating what was going to happen next to the point of getting impatient.

And once her lips touched him, he forgot about other things. In the car, it was an involuntary reaction...as if he had no control over himself when it came to her.

She sucked onto his lower lip, making him smile at her, not everyone could see it, and even with eyes closed, she could feel him, making her smile back.

It was only Emily, who could see it all in the green-blue lights...hardly the details were visible to the crowd.

But the humiliation was all over it. She had been pushed off from the arms of the guy, by this random girl, invisible at school. And he was responding to her willingly.

She had to do something. As if she had been pushed to the side when she was the head cheerleader and they were cheering for this unknown girl.

"You goo Della!"

Emily heard it. She recognized it was Shawn's sister, Maples. The little girl seemed too happy watching her brother being kissed by that girl.

And then it hit her...the name, Della. If by looks, she could not recognize, she was aware of the name, Della.

She was the girl who resided with the Randalls, as if their part of the family. When it was Shawn's first time making friends with them, he kept bringing that name back and forth.

But her group was never interested in making acquaintances with an unknown girl, Randall's charity case.

Their first meetup did not work either. She could analyze how self-conscious Della always was.

"What the hell!?"

Emily yelled out, only after a brief shock that lasted only about not more than a minute time.

It made Shawn come back to his senses, looking away, pulling apart making Della regain her consciousness that they were not alone and in a freakinb party, surrounded by a damn crowd.

The sight of Emily glaring at her made her realize what she had just done. She turned to look back at Shawn who was also staring at her.

She had pushed a girl apart from being kissed by him without even thinking through what her action would look like to the school people.

"Who are you? "

Before she could process more, Emily came up to her and slightly pushed her with her forefinger hitting her chest.

"Who the hell you think you are to push Emily Charlotte?"

The crowd went static, just like Della, not knowing what to do, and what not to.

She had reacted in the heat of the moment and did not think through her actions. Also coming out of the second kiss that she had shared with the boy she liked all her life was not that easy.

She was in her daze state and looked at Shawn as if calling for help just like any other time. But he remained unmoving too.

And she had no idea how short-tempered Emily was. He was quite well aware of that though.

"Answer me you dumb slut!"

Emily pushed and it flipped Della back to action listening to being addressed as a 'slut'.

Her hand reacted on her own and when the clapping sound resonated, it was only then she realized what she did.

Emily lost her balance but was quickly held in position by Shawn. She was fuming and about to launch herself at the one who slapped her.

And Della could not feel any more betrayed as she saw him comforting another girl...the one who just called her names in front of everyone.

He was trying to hold Emily back from dragging the fight more. Already too much drama had unfolded and it was not in any way good.

"What a bitch kissing someone's boyfriend out in the open!"

The moment she heard it, she tilted her neck around to see who said it. Her eyes roamed around to meet his again to confirm if it was true...if the crowd was telling her something she did not know.

They were gossiping about her and what just happened, glaring in her way. And when she looked at him, he just wrapped his arms around Emily trying to cool her down.

"Emily... let's just get out of here."

Just like that, they were gone, as she watched him walk away with another girl...that was not her.