5. Friendship

Rose was one of the bestfriend of Hazel park since childhood along with Kate Tuan. Their friendship started when they were just three years old. All three girls were of three different personalities. Hazel park was introvert girl but she had something left in her that made her different .But Kate was really introvert girl at completely different state. This was because of depression she faced during her childhood. Kate's parents Mr. and Mrs Tuan were happy with their relationship . They would fight everyday leaving a great impact on mind of Kate. She was totally mentally disturbed due to it. she only dream in life is to her parents happy together. if somebody would ask her a wish, she wouldn't wish riches, mansion or. gemstones but to reunite her parents.

Kate's behaviour was little unusual. Kate was the quietest girl in n class but along with Hazel and Rose she was the most talkitive girl. In Kate's life , Hazel and Rose had great importance. They were close to her more than anyone on earth .

Kate had lots of interests in psychology and music . As those subjects help her to fight depression. She lived in next lane to Hazel with her Aunt. she couldn't see her parents fighting therefore she left her house and started staying with her Aunt.

When Kate was 12 years old .

Rose Evans was a charming six feet tall girl with blonde hairs and marble blue eyes. She was considered as most prettiest girl of S. M High school. She was a very social person with many friends but her friendship with other two girls was very different. Rose was not only beautiful but also an skilled girl . She had many talents in many different field. she had loving, caring and kind behaviour towards everyone . This was one of the reason many people's liked her. Rose was very sensitive and therefore sometimes peoples would emotional fool her . Rose lived near to school with her parents. she had a little sister solar who was 3 years younger than her . Rose was loved by everyone for her loving behaviour.

These three girls grewed up together as pillars of each other. They know that their friendship was most precious thing they have. They enjoyed their life together ,faces problems together and cried together.

Author's note

Thankyou so much readers for all your love and support . I will do my best .