Hazel , Rose and Kate reached home very late , it was almost 1:45. They were too tired especially Hazel and Kate . Rose advised them to rest while she got fresh and went to kitchen to make simple noodles. Though Rose was also tired but then Kate and Hazel were even more exhausted. Looking at their energy faded faces , Rose had to make something tasty and delicious for their lunch. So she thought of making noodles as those were only thing she found in cupboard. Making noodles were too easy for her, first she bolied the noodles . Second added , ready made pury into it. and then some 'CHEESE' granishing on it. For them 'CHEESE' was their key after all . Rose was quite happy as it tasted good . Now her only task was to bring Hazel and Kate down for for the Lunch they were too dizy hence , as soon as they reached home they changed , got fresh and slept .

Rose prepared three dishes of noodles nicely decorated . They had strong smell. Rose took one plate with her upstairs and kept beside the table near the bed. Hazel and Kate quickly got up as they were hungry too . They were about to grab the plate at that very moment, Rose grabbed the plate and said that it was her plate and their plate's are downstairs. They all went down and had tasty lunch . After finishing the lunch Kate and Hazel asked Rose that from where had she ordered it. They were shocked to know that Rose made it herself but then they agreed and appriciated her for the tasty lunch. Rose was known as worst cook but this sudden change in her cooking was really surprising to them. First , they thought she might have ordered it from restrauant but then they were there . After the delicious lunch , they decide to complete their homework . YES! again three goddess were doing the maths homework together. And as excepted , it also turned to be the epic maths self- study session. This time the topic was probability. And this time it was more funnier then last one. So, same as last time one none wanted to check the answers because they were scared that their answers would be wrong. All three didn't even had an inch of similarity in answers.

At last , the conculsion was same as last one . No one's answers matched the textbook one. Kate - " Guys , I think so my answers are right . Something is wrong with the textbook ." Hazel and Rose brusted into the laughter . Hazel- " HAAAAA! see whose saying it . The one who got passing marks in maths last time." Rose - " Shut up! Hazel . We have to complete our homework so we can have time for fun . " Kate - " Yes! We all need to stop talking and concentrate on homework." Hazel - " OK! Let's make a rule the one who will speak now will get one smack from other two."