Walk at Mysterious jungle -1


Ken and Veron , Lucian were still having face time . They were planning something . " So are you free tommorow morning , So that we can go for a walk in the early morning and have fun. " asked Veron . " Yes I am free !" answered Lucian . " Early Morning at what time? and where ? " asked Ken. " At 5:30 , uumm place that I will tell you tommorow . Just come near the 'Gothic Park' and rest leave it on me." said Veron with a evil smirk on his face . " Fine ! now we will directly next morning near the Park , Bye guys ! See you'll in the morning" - Veron .

[ Saturday , 5:30 am outside Gothic Park]

Ken was waiting for Veron and Lucian , he glanced at his watch it was exact 5: 30. He was now getting impulsive because he hates people who are not punctual . Ken thought that he should not waste time standing there and instead take a walk inside the Park . He turned towards the gate and someone called him from behind , it was Veron and Lucian . They both were wearing black track suits meanwhile Ken was wearing a navy blue one . " Isn't you both sorry for making me wait ? " - Ken . " No ! not at all ." - Lucian. " Actually I got up late ! and then we ended being late , However we are here for walk and fun , not for discussing the time ." - Veron. " Yeah ! you are right . Like this we will waste our more time . So let's head to the park ." - Ken . " We are not going in the Park , I have a nice place for walk . It is beautiful and natural. Let's go , Follow me!" - Veron. " Youu " - Lucian . " Veron ! You first told to gather us near the Park and now you want to say that we are going some where else ." - Ken. " Yes, now stop complaining and follow me . " - Veron.

[ Rose House, 5 : 40 am]

"Katie! I told you to tie your shoe lace but you are here busy taking nap. Is shoe rack kind of place where you get ideal sleep because every morning you sleep here while tieing your shoe lace." - Hazel. " It's okay , She doesn't knows to tie her shoe lace . I tie her lace everyday ." - Rose . " Thankyou Rose . " - Kate . " Where are we going ? " - Hazel . " We are being to lazy sitting at home hence we are going for the walk . " - Rose . " Aaah are we going to Gothic Park ! " - Kate. " No! we are going some where else . A clam place . " - Rose . " but where ? " - Hazel . " Do you know that , there's a small road beside the Park that goes to jungle ? " - Rose . " Yeah! But are we going into jungle , I'm not coming because I had heard many rumors about that place , They say ghosts lives there and also the one who goes there never returns back!" - Kate . " Katie ! There's nothing like it there, In fact it's not even proper jungle and there is a beautiful pond between there . Government Peoples had spread rumor's about that place so that no one goes there and destroy's it's beauty . Any way we are not going to harm anything , we are just going there for a walk." - Rose . " Wow ! Let's go ! I can't wait anymore ." - Hazel . " Yes ! " - Rose.

[ 6 : 30 am , in mysterious jungle near the lake ]

" You! What are you doing here ? " - Rose asked facing Veron having the same expression which Rose was having on her face . " I'm I not allowed to ask the same question to you ? " asked Veron . " YES ! you are allowed but I asked you this first . " - Rose . " Aaa I came for walk with my friends . " - Veron . " Same " - Rose . " doesn't seems like that, Where are your friends ? Now I asked the question first ." - Veron. " They are resting near that big tree ." - Rose . " Same ." - Veron . " Wait ! then why there are no talking noises coming from that side . " - Rose. Rose and Veron ran back to tree .