[Rose House , Saturday, 2:30 pm ]

Rose, Kate and Hazel all were sitting in the bedroom they had finished lunch and doing dishes. Kate and Rose were focused looking at laptop meanwhile Hazel was busy staring at the window of course curling her hair with fingers.

"Got it ! See there's an announcement for the competition"-Rose. Hazel rushed and then settled beside Kate and Rose.


Round 1(This Monday)

Written Personality test

(this is the test based on your personality so do not try to be a nerd and learn everything from knowledge book. I repeat this is personality test and not your normal school test. The result will be given according to your personality evaluation and your point of view to see the world)

event:-At library

time:-After Recess assemble with your pad and pouch.

Next round announcement will be done after the results of Round 1 only 15 candidates will be selected out of 25. Selected candidates will be informed about the next round then.

"woah this means on Monday you have to go to library after recess and you will not be with us in the class. Ahh I'll miss you and so lucky you don't have to attend Math's lectures Hmm."-Kate.

"Hazel !Round 1 is too simple and as they said we don't need extra preparations. You have good persona and view. Just express it well."-Rose.

"Means I alone have to go down in library. You both won't be there. Suzy and her friend also will be there if they....."-Hazel.

"Look Hazel ! we always here for you and we will always provide morel support. But you need to understand that its your competition your fight!"-Rose.

"Are you both trying to run away from me!."-Hazel.

"No! I am with you!."-Kate.

"Hazel, we are with you but there will be time when we will not be able to reach you. That time remember the only person that can save you is you yourself and no one. others will provide you morel support and you have to turn that morel support into internal power and fight!"-Rose.

"Oooo"-Kate started clapping.

"Thanks Rose! you will forever be my sunshine ."-Hazel.

"And me!"-Kate.

"You too!-Hazel.

There of the friends were now smiling with a light of power in eyes. Ready to fight every thing even their destiny.