Questions - (2)

Rumah Sakit Kun Qian Center

Daxinganling, China

29 April 2016

18.30 P.M CST

Mark dan Wendy telah duduk di kursi berseberangan yang dipisahkan brangkar milik Luika. Ya, setelah wanita itu sadar, Wendy segera mengabari Mark dan membawanya ke UGD, karena hanya pria itu yang dapat membantunya menerjemahkan kalimat-kalimat yang mungkin akan dikatakan oleh Luika dalam bahasa Rusia.

Wendy memberikan kode pada Mark agar merekam suara, lalu diangguki oleh Mark.

"Apakah Kau berbicara bahasa Inggris?" tanya Wendy memulai percakapan.

Luika tampak membenarkan posisi duduknya yang kurang nyaman agar lebih menyandar pada kepala kasur, mungkin karena kondisi kepalanya yang masih diperban dan lehernya di gips. Dejun mengatakan wanita berambut pirang itu mengalami pergeseran tulang leher.

"Yes," jawabnya lemah. Wendy dan Mark tampak menghela nafas lega.

"Can you please tell me who are you, where you from?"

"I'm Luika, I used to live in Rusia for last 12 years," jawabnya masih dengan suara lemah.

"What are you doing there? I mean, what is your ocupation?"

"I'm a lecturer in Moscow Private College, but I was resign two years ago,"

"What is your academic background?"

"Nuclear physics,"

"Ok then, so I wanna ask you some question about your family, are you OK with that? Or you need an extra time?"

"No problem, I can tell you now,"

Mark menegakkan duduknya, "Ok, you already know what happened, so I will record this conversation," ujar Mark yang diangguki oleh Luika.

"Jaehyun, bring the camera," titah Mark pada Jaehyun yang sedari tadi sebenarnya sudah stand by di bilik sebelah Luika berada.

Tak lama dari itu, Jaehyun selesai mengatur posisi kamera, tepatnya handycam. Ia memberi kode dengan mengangkat jempolnya pada Mark.

Mark kemudian melirik ke arah Wendy, meminta izin untuk mengambil alih percakapan. Wendy hanya mengangguk mengiyakan, sekarang tugasnya adalah mengamati ekspresi wanita dihadapannya itu, memastikannya tidak tertekan, dan semua pernyataannya valid. Ia juga harus berkonsentrasi, karena saat ini tidak mungkin menggunakan lie detector.

"I will start now," ujar Mark memulai percakapan

"Who is Eric Sohn?"

"My husband,"

Mark membuka ponselnya, menunjukan sebuah pesan yang dikirim oleh Luika padanya sebelum Ia dan tim berangkat ke Rusia beberapa waktu lalu, "You are the one who sent me, Mark Tuan, Head of Detective Division of Seoul Police, a message that ask for help, to return and protect Eric, is it right?"


"Why you sent that message?"

Luika menghela nafas dalam, "I was kidnapped by someone and her team for no reason since five months ago. I don't know what's their reason, but back then they ask me to bring Eric if I want me, my children, even the rest of my family including Eric safe."

Luika mengambil jeda sejenak, tampak nafasnya tidak beraturan, pelipisnya pun berkeringat, "It's because Eric have something to do with them … " lanjutnya namun terpotong. Wendy menginstruksikan Mark untuk diam sejenak.

"Tell me if you don't want to continue this interogation, we will give you a time," ujar Wendy menenangkan.

Luika menarik nafas dalam-dalam, lalu melanjutkan kalimatnya, "No. Eric was sell his data from his research six years ago to Feodora Labouv, the vice of ministry of defence,"

Mark, Wendy, dan Jaehyun melebarkan matanya, terkejut mendengar nama wanita yang muncul tempo hari di dalam rapat sepulang mereka dari TKP kematian Eric.

"What kind of data?" ujar Mark. Matanya menatap serius Luika.

"Biological weapon development, modified botulinum toxin,"

Mark, Wendy, dan Jaehyun sontak membelalakan matanya kembali. Namun semenit kemudian, Mark sudah kembali menetralkan ekspresinya.

"When was he start this project?"

"Since July, 2002, in Slovakia," jawab Luika.

"Is it about heat resistant colloid and botulinum toxin?"

"Yes, and it continued untill 2010,"

"Who is the sponsor of that research? And who were involved?"

"It was US Embassy to South Korea,"

"You said Eric work in Puerto Rico after leaving Slovakia, who's accompany him there?"

Luika tampak berpikir, Ia memutar bola matanya keatas, "I don't know, after he graduated from MIT, I was lost contact with him for around three years?"

"Three years? And how you two meet again?"

"He was coming to Rusia, in threatened confition,"

"Do you know what kind of research he do there? Is it still the same?"

"I don't know, he doesn't tell me anything untill I know that Feodora Laubouv is searching for him,"

"What is Feodora Laubouv wanted from him?"

"She wanted 100% data from Eric,"

"From which research?"

"Both of them, from the Slovakia, and Puerto Rico,"

"What if he don't give her?"

"She will put his family including himself in danger,"

"So that's why you're kidnapped?"


"Why did they give you a cellphone? To contact Eric?"


"How did you know my number?"

"Eric told me that if he lost contact from me and I'm in danger, to just call you. I even remembering your number,"

Mark terkejut, padahal selama ini, Ia hanya mengenal Eric kurang dari satu bulan dari kasus di Busan lima tahun lalu, dan sekitar satu minggu dalam kasus DIS.

"Do you know where is Eric save his data?"

"Probably in his apartment,"

"Why Eric don't give them to Feodora?"

"Because he knows that she will use that data worse than what probably South Korea does,"

"Who do you mean by South Korea?"

"Ministry of defense at this period,"

Lagi-lagi pernyataannya membuat terkejut ketiga orang disana.

"What they possibly do?"

"Sabotage, they just fighting over who's faster to continue to develop that weapon,"

"Continue? So that project is postponed because of Eric?"
