Chapter 6

Many cultivators rushed to the mountain early in the morning. Even the sun hadn't awoken from its deep slumber. There was a lot of commotion, many waited for the weather to die down so they could retrieve the fruit.

The wind howled and the torrential rain attacked the small village. Lightinging lit the dark sky in brilliant streaks. The trees bent and moaned in the wrath, branches tore like paper. Claps of thunder sounded attacking ones eardrums.

The violent powerful wind whipped Nian's platinum hair around. The little one in the gers embrace shivered and whimpered as each lightning stuck. He gently rocked the baby bun humming a soft lullaby.

The others who heard the sweet melodic voice felt their hearts calming. People couldn't help but give a glance at the mysterious male. Or they could see was his piercing silver orbs, entrancing them.

The harsh weather soon let up. It was a storm before the calming. They only had a certain amount of time until it would go back to how it was originally.

Many people began shoving each other. The smarter and stronger cultivators flew on their sword. Ying wasn't sure what to do. He could fly but it would look conspicuous but going by foot was slower.

Wang seemed to have noticed the gers distressed face so picked him up. The three of them flew on one sword, it was quite crowded but neither minded to much.

Ying felt Wang's breath on his neck. He couldn't help but squirm a little as he was ticklish. He seemed to have noticed and shifted his position. The rest of the ride was peaceful until they met their first obstacle.

Even though cultivators decided to fly there would still be obstacles. It wouldn't be that easy to get the fruit. There stood multiple large birds. They must at least be rank 1 or 2, maybe even 3.

Some tried to run away but it only got them killed. Their bodies fell into the abyss below, their bodies probably never to be recovered. Ying started paying attention to what was his infront of him.

His wet hair sticking to his neck and his soaked robes clinging onto his slim body. It didn't reduce his charm but made him look like a enchantress. Sucking you in. His eyes held determination.

Without any hesitation Ying summoned his bow aiming at the flying beast. The arrow zoomed through the air imbeding itself into the beast. The shot was flawless as it killed the flying bird which started falling towards the ground.

Wang quickly retrieved the body putting it into his spatial ring. Ying gave him a confused look, raising a brow. "It can be sold." Understanding what he meant Ying nodded.

But he had his suspicions, only rich peopl le could afford spatial ring. Plus even if you had cash it doesn't necessarily mean you can get your hand on one. You would also need a high status as only a handful of peoplr can get one. But now wasmt the time to ask such question. The trio continued the journey.

The weather was still terrible but was bearable. The ger shivered as a gust of wind brushed his wet cold body. The baby bun touched his mother face with his small petite hand. A concerned face was plastered on the little. Ying's heart couldn't help but soften, his heart was filled with so much love

"I'm alright dear, sorry you have to go through this because if mommy. I'll make it up to you dear."

The little one shook his head. "I don't mind, mama is so cool. But you have to buy me candy later." He showed a tooth grin to his mother. The ger couldn't help but chuckle at his cute caring child behaviour.

Ying squeezed his cheek, Bai squirmed and pouted. Ying detected something from behind him. He quickly cocked his head. An ice ball was about to hit him. He squeezed his eyes shut waiting for the impact.

Nothing happen so he cracked an eye open. Wang had stop an attack, deflecting it. Ying thanks him, he simply nods acknowledging what the get said.

The further they went the less cultivators there were. Some gave up or died. Well that's to be expected, this task was never suppose to be easy.

The three of them had to descend and go by land. It was too difficult to go by air anymore. Wang and Ying gracefully decend from the sword. Ying shook his head as a smile forms on his face. He looked at the sleeping child how could he sleep in these conditions.

Wang also smile fondly at the child, love in his eyes. Even though he didn't know the duo for a long time. But he felt like he had known them for ages. They treated him like an equal not someone above them.

But his affection towards the two were different. He didn't know what he was feeling, was he sick or something.

All he knows is he has to repay the kindness he was given. Not only did they save his life but they treated him well. Should he tell them his identity, but then they may see him in a different light.

Wang decided to postpone that idea, maybe after getting the spiritual fruit. Also gaining more of the gers trust. He should just focus on the task at hand doing his best to assist Ying.

The rain had stop on where they had landed but it was replaced with a sand storm. Ying's black cloak and silky hair fluttered violently in the wind. The strong current pushed them back making their journey slower.

Plus the amount of obstacles in front of them didn't help. A large brown bear stood before them. Towering over the three. Crimson red blood dripped from its claw. Dead lifeless bodies lay behind it. Limbs torn apart, body parts bent in an unnatural way. Their bodies soaked in their own blood.

The scene made Ying gag a little. But he would have to get use to seeing things like this. The beast charged towards them ready to kill them in one swoop.

The platinum haired male pulled three arrows back. Aiming for the beast vital spots. With each shot the bear roared with anger. It hit it's chest like an ape. Ying seemed to have made the situation worse.

A sigh escapes his rosy lips. What a troublesome matter the ger thought to himself. But before anything else could happend all that Ying saw was blood splattering everywhere.

In a blink of an eye Wang had slashed the bear in half. No trace of blood was on his body. The crimson liquid slowly dripped from the sharp metal blade.

The sight of the one man on top of the larger body caused Ying to be shocked. A sharp murderous glint in his eyes. Even Ting couldn't help but be shaken up a bit but he quickly gained his composure.

Then a cheerful smile appeared on the handsome mans face. "We should continue on." Ying nodded, his mood changed in an instant. There is definitely something he's hiding. But it's none of my buisness. One can't help but to be curious though.

The journey didn't get any easier. Going through different biomes from snow to forest. Which each had their own obstacles. Like the snow wolf or the leafy monkey.

By the time they were nearing the tree they were covered in mud and gasping for air. The reached the pinnacle of the mountain they were climbing. So close to the top.

But then the rock that Wang's foot was on broke. Only one arm was stopping from falling to the abyss below. His grip slowly loosened, the heavy rain not helping the current situation.

Ying quickly grabbed one of his arms making sure he didn't fall. The injury that he had gotten rubbed against the rough rock. Causing the ger to wince in pain as he grinded his teeth.

Bai was on the back of Ying, safely tucked in a pouch they made. The little one started wailing. Ying would usually try to calm his young one but he was to occupied at the moment.

His grip was slowly loosening. A flash of panic passed through Wang's eyes. "Let me go. I'm weighing you down. I won't be angry with you if you let go."

"But I will! I'll regret it forever! Cherish your life more!" Ying yells at the man below him. Sweat trickled down his forehead. Ying instructed for Wang to take the wailing Bai off his back. He reluctantly complied. Ying look up, raining pouring on him. His whole body ached and was shivering but the ger paid it no mind.

Ying used all his remaining strength to throw the duo onto the top of the mountain. But this caused him to lose his grip and start falling at a rapid rate. He had caught a glimpse of the top. It was as if tume had stopped for ying, yes it was at the worst time possible. Maybe because he thought this could be his last moment of life. It seems as if in what you believe are your last moment go extremely slow.

But the view was breath taking. The fluffy white clouds surrounded the great mountain that loomed over them. The grass was lush and you could sense spiritual energy within it. Birds soared across the clear blue sky.

Colours arc into a bold sky, stretching as open hands reaching for the sun-kissed rain. It was a grand sight to behold.

But what had caught Ying's eyes in an instant was the golden tree that stood gloriously in the centre. Juicy shimmering fruits that seemed to be made of gold hung there, five of them.

He looked at his dear child with tears threating to fall from his mesmerizing silver eyes. He mouthed 'I love you.' To his son as he began to plummet towards his death.

If he could fly why couldn't he at this moment. The answer was simple one couldn't simply just fly. For some reason one couldn't use their qi which Ying needed. Plus it would be extremely dangerous from debris that could randomly rocket towards you.

The ger closed his eyes, ignoring what was around him. He really wanted to be the perfect mother figure for his son and stay by his side till he gets home. At least Wang was his father figure. Yes Ying was thinking negatively but he can't help but reflect on these thoughts of it. When your on the brink of death your life flashes before your eyes.

You remember the memories you cherish. Weither they be bad or good. Thinking about what you regret and your last prayers. It all felt so surreal for the poor ger.

Was this the end for Ying?

The End?