Chapter 12- The World Knows

3 days after the Conference of Europe, international TV channel

"The meteorite is dangerously close to Earth and governments around the world no longer know what to do. If this object manages to come into contact with the Earth, I am afraid that the human race will survive this catastrophe."

"All over the world, despite the total containment of almost every country, riots are popping up all over the place to get answers on this meteorite. According to some sources, the U.S. government would know more"

U.S. President's Speech- T-5

"Dear fellow citizens, don't give in to panic. The 'meteorite' will not destroy our civilization, I can assure you. Our army is ready for any eventuality that will occur after contact with this meteorite. Thank you"

The press asked a lot of questions for the president, but he quickly left the escrade and left the scene.

"Acts of vandalism were carried out in some parts of the world. Several groups of individuals formed and began to rob and vandalize the stores. As the police were overcrowded, the army was deployed in the cities where the groups were located. New directive was given. Any suspicious individuals on the streets will be shot without warning. Please stay home until further notice"

"Sir, the continent stopped accelerating and begins to bow to be in the exact axis of our estimate."

"In political language?"

"He moves on his own, as if this continent had a spirit"

Having understood this meaning, the President of the United States grimaced before thinking of something and smiled very loudly. New Earth means new exploitable resource and possibly new species.

"This continent must be ours! Contacted the army, tell them to send men once the impact is confirmed and tried to delay as much as possible the information of this new continent of other countries"

"Yes Mr. President"

'Imminent impact'

A dazzling light appeared in the sky of each country. Even the deepest point of the ocean received some light. Creatures all over the world looked at the lights that made the eyes wonderful, just the opposite of the sun. Looking at this light, you would be soothed and some diseases were cured. Some children were exity in front of this light but most adults looked at this light with a glimmer of horror in their eyes.

After a few minutes, the light is off and the enormous shape that was in the sky disappeared. All of a sudden, a Earthquake appears and several people fell to the ground. The Earthquake lasted a few seconds before stopping. All the citizens of the world have not understood anything, staying there, without moving.

Satellites from all countries were scrambling a few seconds before the images reappeared. In the southern corner of the Pacific Ocean, a huge piece of land appeared out of nowhere, entangleable in the United States. Everyone who saw the images had their eyes wide open and didn't understand what was going on. All the leaders understood at the same time. Unexplored land has enormous benefits despite the dangers. Colonies can be built on this new land and selling exotic animals can be extremely profitable.

Author's note:

Small chapter just to announce the arrival of the 8th continent on our planet. A new chapter will be published in a few hours as this chapter is too small. Last thing, if you like sadness, you're going to be served! (hint: death)