Chapter 29 - The leak

Ash arrived in the battle zone, ready to fight with the zerg. Behind him, the Alpha team and countless soldiers flocked to kill the zerg.

The zerg had already invaded the city gates. The army of the empire should face an urban battle. Me and my soldiers right behind them have to turn into an street.

We stopped and took our positions in line of fire. One soldier line at the front was crouched and another was behind, standing. The other soldiers entered the buildings and positioned themselves towards the windows or on the roofs.

A little more than 3 minutes later, most of the soldiers with anxiety, a stone on the ground trembled. Then all the stones shook. At the end of the avenue, a massive wave of zerg charged the soldiers.

Small zerg simmiliare to dogs and even zerg in ball with green liquid in their stomach.

"Fire!" I ordered and then a barrage of bullets towards the zerg destroyed most of their first lines. But its did not prevent the wave from moving forward, not at the same speed as at the beginning but always quickly.


"Central here Phoenix, need air and armoured reinforcements on the delta Echo 35 point"

'Well-received Phoenix'


'Black Bird, Phoenix needs your squad to support it.'

"Well received Central" Josh cut the radio and looked at the 12 pilots in front of him.

"OK guys! Today, no training, real fight, I don't want any errors, especially you Carno" team leader Josh pointed a pretty tall and muscular driver compared to others.

"Yes yes"

"Okay, to your helicopters in regular pairs. We're going on a protection-type mission to Phoenix. If necessary, crush your vehicle on enemies to protect Phoenix"

"Sir yes sir !"


The war near the capital continued, scaring most of the inhabitants. The imperial army managed to eliminate the enemy completely. But countless soldiers fell in battle, more than 60% of the soldiers hired to be exact.

The emperor was seriously wounded during the week-long battle, staying in the palace hospital for several weeks. Meanwhile, the country's officials did not turn the shoots, they actively repaired the damage caused by the war and sent a division to explore the meteorite.

The empire held its breath during the time when the emperor was in a coma, the palace was cordoned off, no one could enter without exceptional permission. The generals tripled the expention of the territory of the empire.

The army was more than mobilized, turning the wheels of this great empire that is ours.


Ash gently opened her eyes, dazzled by the lights of the room. A pain in his abdomen instantly appears, causing him to grimace in pain. Immediately, he was harassed by notification system.


Author's note:

Hello dear readers! I apologize for my 2 months of absence but I had some family problems, so I did not have access to my account and you post the chapters and I sincerely apologize. I would post the chapters I had planned in the coming week, 3 by 3, as originally agreed.

I apologize again because I know I have disappointed many readers for the broken promises, some my same insulted but I understand them. I never had the idea of dropping this story because I know how frustrating it is not to have the end of a story or a continuity.

I thank those who supported me and those who insulted me. Good morning or good day for some, and glory to the Empire !