Chapter four


Come to think of it that was the first conversation I've ever had with him other than my constant Hey and him nodding his head in acknowledgment.

He wasn't always around, after graduating early from high school he was shipped abroad by his father to study medicine so he could take over his father's clinic when he retired.

Things seemed to be getting a lot worse than before. I got down on my knees at the foot of my bed, shutting my eyes tightly I prayed for myself, my mother, my siblings including David and even my father.

I prayed for my family.


Sighing for what felt like the tenth time today I gave on trying to fall asleep.

The hallway was dark and silent, All that was missing was the creepy music and dead bodies.

This was just fresh out of a horror series seemed like the part where I die or ... die.

I glared at my reflection,the being trapped in there mirrored my every move even the slightest twitch of my limbs.

My brown eyes the bags underneath them, The untamed ruffles of my hair, my full lips and flat nose.

Lifting my night shirt up she mimicked my action lifting hers as well, squeezing the squishy balloon of fat.

I couldn't do anything about a lot of things, but this one thing that I could do something about I was going to change.

Sighing I made my way back to my room in search of my phone.

I needed an upgrade in my appearance, maybe it was time to actually start looking pretty for once not for anyone but for myself at least just to feel truly pretty.

Pulling my drawer open in search of the sleek black rectangular object that I never really had any need for until now.

The only people I know and talk to that also own phones are my Mum and Aunt Myra and I don't need a phone to talk to either of them.

I wasn't one for social media seeing as the social in the word was a no go for me,I put the anti in antisocial.

The glossy surface kissed my finger tips, Powering it on I waited in anticipation till it was done loading.

How much would a nose job cost?

It wasn't something that my mum would ever let me do but just out of curiosity I would love to know.

My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets,that was the cheapest? Why so many zeroes?

An Ad said free but we all now where that would lead me to, the next season of botched there was no way I was going to risk it.

I never did understand the concept of plastic surgery, why change what you were born with if you get to look like road kill thirty years later.

Sneaking out of my room I tip toed towards my mother's room in search of her make up kit. She was never deep into the whole make up concept so there wasn't really much to work with.

I may not be able to get a nose job but there are other things I could fix.

Light snores escaped her sleeping figure syncing with the rising and falling of her chest.

I rummaged through her drawer in search of her kit.

The matte red pouch was extremely easy to spot grabbing it I placed a butterfly kiss on her cheek,making my way out the door.

I shut the bathroom door behind me locking it. Worst case scenario I get caught in the bathroom by my father. I could just play dead till he leaves.

I skimmed through some make up tutorials only viewing the important parts but of course I was set off track by runway pictures of models.

Their perfectly carved brows, pillowy lips, neatly shaved legs that seem to go on for miles, slender figures.

How long did it take to get them to like that? I could never live the life of a model. In the modeling business looks were everything.

After more than an hour of continuous trials I was contented with my result. No pain no gain because beauty really is pain.

I traced the circular scar on the top right half of my face, that was the only thing I refused to cover up for reasons best known to me. It's been a really long morning.