Chapter Ten


  Dad filled for a divorce, it should be finalized before you get back so you don't have to worry about seeing her.

  His words echoed in  my head once more.

  I just couldn't stop thinking about the conversation I had with Ikenna.

   A few short seconds after the heated argument I was hell bent on telling her about the affair but he pulled me away from everyone and dumped this load of information on me

   And now this

1 No. Of  entry.          40509

2  Date          29th May 2000

   and place


   country of.        - - -

   birthOf child

3 Name and.      Ikenna Agu

   Surname of

   The child

4 sex of child.      Male

5 Name and.       Myra

   Surname.         Aluka

and occupation.    Artist

  Of the parent(s)    

  Of the adopted


6 Date of adoption order or or order of date on which the adoption was effected

        Third June 2000

and description of court or by whom effected


    London High court of justice family division

7         Date of entry


          Third July 2000

What exactly was I to make of this?

  He was already on a plane to Scotland, he probably didn't even want me to know about it. I just don't understand.


  He was Adopted by Aunt Myra,  she wasn't even his real mother. Was this the reason for that awkward night?

Who is his real mother, is his father, well... his father?

  I placed the neatly folded paper back in my top drawer. This was all just too much, it was all happening so fast.

"You bastard!" She yelled from downstairs.

   I rushed down the flight of stairs taking them two at a time. Miss Susan and my mum weren't home so it was just us kids.

   "You-You monster" she yelled banging her fist on a boy whom I presume is Jeremy's torso.

He was kosi's longtime boyfriend/bestfriend he was well built and very attractive.

They're story's as cliche as it gets, the player who got tamed by the introvert or so we thought? This feels like a soap opera.

   "Points?, You see breaking hearts as a sport?, And you wear the pieces as a medal" she scoffed at him, his head bowed, he couldn't even meet her gaze.

  "Mark my words cause karma does exist, Your heart? That is if you have one,will not be broken but shattered into a million different pieces and no one, and I do mean no one would be there to pick up the pieces,

   no they're only going to pick up the pieces of the hearts you broke and left in your wake and stab you in the back repeatedly until you bleed out every single ounce of emotion you have in you" By the time she ended her rant she was a sobbing mess marching straight into my arms.

  "I think it's best you leave" I stated turning to face him with a cold expression.

   Three hours later she finally calmed down her red puffy eyes the only proof of her previous encounter.

   "Do you believe in true love?" She stated out of the blue her gaze fixed on the wall behind me.

   "There is so much hate in the world, it makes me wonder how love even exists, maybe that's why love that is true is special and quite rare" I replied She let out a humorless chuckle gazing at me.

  "You've always been so deep, I guess that's why underneath this tough exterior is a sensitive teenager who was forced to grow up" A few droplets of tears dampened her cheeks but she didn't seem to care.

  "How could I be so stupid?" Her gaze met mine in a questioning manner.

"You're not stupid, just human" I cooed pulling her into my arms.


   "Was I really not good enough? Was it my hair, my body, my voice?, what was it?  why wasn't I good enough?" Her plaintive sobs forced tears to my eyes.

  "I love him, I love him so much"

    "And it hurts, it hurts so bad please, please just make it stop" she pleaded clutching on tightly to my dampened shirt.

    I cradled her sobbing figure in my arms till she fell asleep.Staring down at her I pondered what I would've done if I were in her shoes.

   If I were to experience heartbreak would I shut down completely or cry myself to oblivion.Would I even be able to handle it?

I knew one thing was for sure I never  wanted to fall in love

  Love? Hate? Both polar opposites but in truth with neglect to individuals neither was stronger than the other.